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I'm kind of torn and confused on what system to get =(

Ceka Cianci

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Skip the ati cards, sl doesn`t play nice with ati when enabling deferred rendering, nvidia cards love it.
Don`t bother with sli/crossfire for sl, it isn`t supported and will run on only 1 card. 

950watt is overkill for that pc
No need for the soundcard
H60 is nice, but a decent fan cooler will do as good, same amount of noise and cheaper

Now i can clearly see that this shop is not exactly a bunch of specialists, for 1 good reason:
The new socket 2011 gets an advantage from the quad channel configuration, but for that 4 of the ram slots need to be used (4x 1gig - 4x 2gig - 4x 4gig etc)
Compare it to running with only 2 memory modules on an 1366 instead of 3 (dual or tripple), normal use you won`t notice it, but anything that does memory intensive things, you will seriously notice some serious system performance compared to a full rack in quad channel configuration.

Would go to the shop and have a lil chat with the guys, see if they can swap things around for the same price.


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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Don't  forget we're probably a few months behind in the UK, when it comes to latest technology when compared ot U.S. If you you look down the drop down menus you can opt for Nvidia Graphic cards

it's January so new stuff is already coming out..i'm gonna hold off for just a little bit to see what all comes out in this month and the next..

jan and Feb are big release and test months for this years stuff..it's probably not the best time for me to make one...

but it's a good time to start asking things hehehehe

the one i'm on now is a dell as well..i guess i was just hoping that things on the shelves kind of changed and we might be able to get a nice system now without having to do all the work..

some things never change..i'll jst have to get refreshed on all this stuff..

my system before this one i could run two monitors and was surrounded by all my other stuffs..my tower sat on my desk because it just looked awesome and sounded like a jet getting fired up when the thing turned on..

it felt like you climbed into the pc zone lol

that's what i'm looking to get back..i could get all immersed when i had that thing..

my Dell kind of made it feel like i just had a desktop computer from work lol

i used to blame other things for my sl being boring but i think i know it had to do with my other computer dying..

it died in such a stupid way too..

i was making tea and the water started to whistle..so i got up and went to run to the kitchen to make my tea..

then i had gotten pulled to the ground because the keyboard cord had wrapped around my foot..after i hit the ground..i heard this big thud..

i looked back and it was my tower laying on the ground ..then looked at my monitor..ORANGE LIGHT!! oh god noooooooo!!!

i sat there for i think it was 5 maybe even 10 minutes  just looking in this big pause..

the water whistling away and i didn't give a care if it did or not..i just sat there thinking about all the stuff i could not access anymore..like my online banking and all my sites i would go to and the sites i was working on and servers that only i could access for peoples sites that were waiting to come up and sl and god it never ends,,,soo much stuff that still  needed to be done on things lol

then the next day i got this Dell and have been bored pretty much ever since..LOL

now i have the ability to get what i want and i want to get my groove back and climb back into a high end sports car like i had before..the call of the wild is calling pretty hard..i want to do it better this time..

either one big monitor that curves if i can find one or maybe three if i can't..a good surround sound system and my tower getting shown off on my desktop  plus pulling me into this immersion that i used to have when climbing in..

a lot of people think the eye candy is bull crap..but for me..it's like climbing into the captains chair of a ship and blasting off lol..it's all about getting lost for me hehehehehehe


Wow did i drift or what?? lol and this is on dell mode..imagine how long this post would have been in my captains chair LOL


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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

We are talking about a pc that needs to outlast
2 years
, do it right from the start if you have the budget and not endup replacing part by part.


1500 watt, because it did 4
befor the upgrade [to]


lolwut? Don't believe in following your own advice I guess.

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Lol Ceka I know exactly what you mean. (whuups sorry Leliel, the reply went wonky, beg pardon)

I would have to say though if you adore bling AND performance you might try and budget for a six to twelve month constant upgrade plan with the focus being on the second latest generation of stuffs. (date wise not version wise).

That way you can have it all at a reduced overall price.

I think if you tolerated one of those horrid out of the box retail thingies for sooo long, you would be in a constant state of ecstacy with even the second latest stuffs. Eg: i7 quad, G19 keyboard etc etc..

Uprade every six months is our method and in this case, you can either hand them down the family line, or sell them to family members who can afford them at a much reduced, (appropriate), price. This has kept me blinged out for nearly ten years now with custom thermonuclear PC's lol

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Yes I remember my first PC a Pentium 166 fondly, cost a fortune too. lol

I had external/stand alone 2gigabyte 10,000rpm audio hard drives at the time, (stand alone akai multitrack system), which each drive, cost more than the PC lmaoo.

They still work. :smileysurprised:

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

lol Ceka...you do make me laugh, reading your posts......you have a good sense of humour! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:


Yeah, I know what you mean about Dell.....not exactly sexy!

i updated my video drivers and went with the MSI drivers for my card and now i can do this lol

*Stands on her head while crossing her eyes*

oh and also this..


lol i has DOV now and shadows!!!!! see the blurries in the background? the day before yesterday..i couldn't do this..and it's in v3 too hehehehe

new shape 1.png

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i always have an extra hard drive on my systems just for storage..i usually just plug them in load what i want on them then unplug them..i have like 8 other hard drives on shelves that are filled with data  from over the years..

it's fun to hook them up every once in awhile  to see what is on them..it's like time capsules lol..

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Why is everybody running Windoze on all this awesome hardware?

Linux is so much faster,  and SL clients run fine under LInux.

I  increase my frame rate by about 70% by running Linux instead of Windoze.   Cost $0.

Of course you probably need Windoze some of the time,  but you can dual-boot.


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Rufus Darkfold wrote:

Why is everybody running Windoze on all this awesome hardware?

Linux is so much faster,  and SL clients run fine under LInux.

I  increase my frame rate by about 70% by running Linux instead of Windoze.   Cost $0.

Of course you probably need Windoze some of the time,  but you can dual-boot.


But they scream anyway Rufus lol. Whats the latest build? It may well be time..

Have only ever dual booted 32 & 64 bit MS.

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A lot of people (like me) have absolutely no idea how to do things like that. I'm a typical end user, I need a pc to work without too much hassle. Much like my car, when I hear something funny or something doesn't work I go to a garage, I have no idea how to fix it myself.

I've looked into Linux but there's too much I don't understand about how an OS works. So I have to either use windows or Mc OS, depending on the computer I get or pay someone to change my computer to Linux.

I'm NOT saying that Windows is a wonderfull OS, just trying to make clear that not all SL users are computer wizz"

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Rufus Darkfold wrote:

Why is everybody running Windoze on all this awesome hardware?

Linux is so much faster,  and SL clients run fine under LInux.

I  increase my frame rate by about 70% by running Linux instead of Windoze.   Cost $0.

Of course you probably need Windoze some of the time,  but you can dual-boot.


i may try it..i was going to try red hat  back around 2000 i think it was..but  i didn't know enough to really ever get it installed..

i may try linux this time or have a drive with it on it..

i'm sure it's much more advanced now than back then hehehehe

also i think i'll be putting my system stats together of the system i want this week and go check out the local shop and then also do some price matching  on the net ..

it's getting about that time.. hehehehe

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Wonderful Ceka!

We feel some new builds coming on too.

Brother needs a new racing rig and that means the wheel turns once more \o/

To old i7 or new i7.. that is the question.. *_*

LGA/Socket 2011 possibilities have expanded somewhat since you started this thread.

Well... with motherboards anyway lol

$1291 for I7 3960X ;o as opposed to paying peanuts> $400 or so for best Socket 1155

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