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The future of SecondLife

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Sheesh! Just drop it already, why don'tcha??

What are you, obsessed or something...??


That is precisely what everyone is saying about
. In a previous thread, I offered you a clear and helpful explanation of Marxism, which you promptly ignored. Instead of showing any interest in learning about the very philosophy you preach, you continue to spout nonsense, much to the annoyance of everyone on the forum.

Del, you cannot debate, with one who is steeped in ignorance, and has a HUGE chip on their shoulder.  The ignorance prevents clearing understanding, and the shoulder-chip stymies what *could* be an opportunity to learn.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Deltango Vale wrote:

Sheesh! Just drop it already, why don'tcha??

What are you, obsessed or something...??


That is precisely what everyone is saying about
. In a previous thread, I offered you a clear and helpful explanation of Marxism, which you promptly ignored. Instead of showing any interest in learning about the very philosophy you preach, you continue to spout nonsense, much to the annoyance of everyone on the forum.

Del, you cannot debate, with one who is steeped in ignorance, and has a HUGE chip on their shoulder.  The ignorance prevents clearing understanding, and the shoulder-chip stymies what *could* be an opportunity to learn.

Does the hypocrisy even register?

Are you looking into a mirror when you warn others of  "... your views-small, weak, & unexamined." How much did the patriarchy pay for your soul?


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Del, you cannot debate, with one who is steeped in ignorance, and
has a HUGE chip on their shoulder
.  The ignorance prevents clearing understanding, and the shoulder-chip stymies what *could* be an opportunity to learn.

That's the exact impression that I've got during the latter part of this thread. I was away from the SL forums for a long time so I wasn't aware of it.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

In a previous thread, I offered you a clear and helpful explanation of Marxism,
which you promptly ignored

That's precisely the tactic of people who don't have any sensible answers to sensible/valid points in a 'debate'. They just ignore the points they don't have answers for and press on regardless - very much like politicains being interviewed. And they often get away with it because the other side gets caught up in what the person does say in response, and forgets about the unanswerable points.

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Getting back to the first post (the topic) of this thread...

I don't see any future for Second Life other than the continuation of what it is now, which is almost totally what it was when I arrived very late in 2006. I don't think it's changed significantly since then, apart from the addition of land, which is just the same land as it always was, and the addition of a few features, such as sculpties. I don't envisage SL growing significantly and, if I left today and came back in a year or three, I'd expect it to be almost exactly the same as it is now - perhaps with a few new features, and maybe even higher concurrency, but not much higher.

The reason for such a pessimistic outlook is that LL simply isn't a company that is likely to make SL grow, or change it enough to make it grow. They don't have the personel with the ability to do it. They never have had such personel. There are many examples I could cite but I'll use just one - the marketplace. How long has that been going now? and they still can't make it deliver items consistently. How long is it since LL announced Direct Delivery? A year? It still hasn't been launched after all that time. The way that LL works is so sluggish that a smail would appear to move like Jesse owens. So I don't see a rosey future for Second Life, simply because of who it is that runs it.

On the other hand, I can still envisage a good future for the SL type of system. Years ago I posted that I can see tiny SL-like systems where companies/businesses use the system for display purposes. Take a campsite or holiday park, for instance, and imagine being able to visit it in an SL-like system before deciding whether or not to book, and maybe even choosing the chalet or caravan that you want. Or imagine a proposed building development, where the decision-makers can walk around it in an SL-like system, perhaps suggesting changes or seeing things that wouldn't work.

That's the sort of future I can envisage for SL, or SL-like systems, to be precise, but it won't have anything to do with Linden Lab. In fact, I think it's already being done. The OpenSim project, which reverse-engineered the SL sim server, is free, and nothing stands in the way. If I had a caravan park or a campsite, I'd definitely promote it to potential customers that way. It took what seemed like a very long time for companies and businesses to embrace the web for doing business, and it will take an even longer time for the sort of SL-like future I described to be embraced. I may be completely wrong, but I can see it happening in the years to come.

That's the future I see for SL - SL stagnant and SL-based business systems growing.

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I pretty much have similar thoughts to Phil.

IMO Linden Lab blew it big time....Second Life could have been so much more popular and bigger than what it ended up as. This is a far superior product than IMVU, yet the latter has near 3 times higher peak login figures (60k vs 150k). LL lacking the desire in spending real marketing & advertising dollars has come back to haunt them! Scaleability of Second Life is the other big issue.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Del, you cannot debate, with one who is steeped in ignorance, and
has a HUGE chip on their shoulder
.  The ignorance prevents clear understanding, and the shoulder-chip stymies what *could* be an opportunity to learn.

That's the 
impression that I've got during the latter part of this thread. I was away from the SL forums for a long time so I wasn't aware of it.

Yup.  Said individual, is not self-aware enough, to realize it.

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JeanneAnne wrote:


I don't think that SL and other online venues have much of a future. The SL economy depends on & reflects the RL economy. The Eurozone is on the brink of collapse, economic growth in the US has been stagnant since 2008, and growth in China is slowing. ..


What on earth do you mean? Why the miracle of Obama has resulted in a total turn-around and unemployment suddenly dropped by a massive amount overnight! Surely you must believe that the numbers can inexplicably change by vast amounts even though nobody got a job?

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SL is slowly going down the tubes..... try selling land ,....look at the amount of yellow on the map...and SL are after years of exploiting' a single product now talking about new developments....

People keep suggesting ways to improve sl- its not rocket science... The Inworld building menu is stagnant, thanks to a group of techs who pushed for mesh software which does nothing to enhance in world building at all and hands new building features to those who dont want to build in sl and dont care if the advent of mesh tech totally removes the onus from Lindens to do anything new or add any new features at all to inworld building.

Tiers remain hopelessly high. Its obvious lower tiers would be the best way of renewing existing customer faith and encouraging new comers. It would make peoples land something 'worth' having again because if its cheaper to own land logically people are going to want to buy more and are likely to pay more.

Lags worse than ever... so are TP crashes... No single viewer shows sl the same way as their friends and neighbours...

I get the feeling a group of people are screwng the inhabitants of sl for as much as they can get and when it stops working...


WHAP !!!!!

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The future of Second Life is bleak. They continue to move on in other areas away from Second Life while letting everything in World stagnate. LL also make the classic business mistake of listening to the  minority, not the majority. Just look at the figures for take up of mesh. Wow!!!! 16 % took it up. so what about the 84% who didn't? Simply put - the majority either just weren't interested or were happy with what they've got.

There are so many comments on the forum overall from so many different people, but all wanting the same thing. Please LL - fox SL. And they have for the most part been ignored. LL are intent on developing SL in Facebook and Twitter (I have no idea how that one works) when most of their customers aren't sitting in FB or Twitter - they're in SL.

I'm now in my 4th SL year, and for me I've not seen any improvements. It's still laggy, even more so in fact, crashes are more common, tp's are a risk we have to take, and as for people making money in SL - well so many people just simply aren't doing that any more.

My reason for being in SL is a simple one - people, and one person in particular. Events I used to enjoy are getting scarcer as people can't afford to pay tiers and rents anymore, and if you find a good mall to look round then make the most of it.

Like so many other big businesses it's become about 'getting new people in'. Yes we all want new people, but if you do that at the expense of alienating all your long term. loyal customers, then it's a road for business disaster.

I hope every day that LL will actually announce some reduction in tiers, or even a better way of letting us pay for land (Like paying per sq m or something) but it never comes. I keep hoping they'll announce some major inworld developement to ease lag and tp's. All we seem to get is improved external to SL profiles, FB links and stuff which is useless to those 'in' sl.

If SL is to continue then Lindens need to be just that - 'in' SL. not fb, twitter or anywhere else, but in the very world they helped to create.

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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

SL is slowly going down the tubes..... try selling land

I abandoned roughly 3/4 of a sim a while back. Almost all of it remains abandoned. One guy bought a piece from the auction (roughly 1536sqm) and has been trying to sell it ever since. The price it's down to now is 0.2L per sqm - that's 0.2L per square meter! - and it's just not selling. I wonder what the landbots are paying these days because they haven't swooped at that price.

The land is rock, so it's not attractive for most people. That didn't bother me because my uses for land have always been in the sky. Even so, the tier is the same whether it's rock or beach, and that's plain silly in these days of so much unused land.

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Cully Andel wrote:

The future of Second Life is bleak. They continue to move on in other areas away from Second Life while letting everything in World stagnate.

I can't blame LL for that. Every company has to do things that are likely to increase profits. That's the only reason companies exist. If LL has seen that SL will never be anything much more than what it is now, or what it has been in the past, then they have to look to other ways of substantially increasing profits. Companies don't exist for their users' pleasure - unfortunately for their users.

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Yes I agree that these days companies mean to branch out in to other areas to exist. What i meant by my comment was while they're branching out (and I will admit to being keen to see what they come up with that's new), they're also trying to move SL away from SL. The constant links and even putting all SL news on Facebook, instead of keeping some elements of SL IN SL. I don't want to have to keep checking FB to see if I can rez stuff in world. I'd like to know in world if there's a problem. Branching out is good, it keeps companies going. But branching out and ignoring your bread and butter isn't good. I've seen it happen too many times with businesses.


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16 wrote:

on the offical linden viewer and some tpvs u can upload profile pics for free now. the 10l$ charge was always a problem when was v1 like u say

I hadn't noticed it in the V3 but temporary (free) uploads have been a feature of some TPVs for years. Do you mean that it can now be done as a permanent upload in the V3?

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Cully Andel wrote:

Yes I agree that these days companies mean to branch out in to other areas to exist. What i meant by my comment was while they're branching out (and I will admit to being keen to see what they come up with that's new), they're also trying to move SL away from SL. The constant links and even putting all SL news on Facebook, instead of keeping some elements of SL IN SL. I don't want to have to keep checking FB to see if I can rez stuff in world. I'd like to know in world if there's a problem. Branching out is good, it keeps companies going. But branching out and ignoring your bread and butter isn't good. I've seen it happen too many times with businesses. 

I completely agree with you. Not only do I not want to check on facebook, etc. to find out what I need to know for SL, but I simply won't do it. LL making announcements to SL users that way is sheer stupidity, but they've been doing for quite some time. It's just one of the myriad of reasons why I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for Linden Lab. Some of the people who work there are very good, maybe most of them are, but the decision-makers, and the company as a whole, generate zero respect from me.

It actually generates a good deal of the opposite from me, and has done for years. It's the reason why I intentionally abandoned about 3/4 of a mainland sim rather than sell it for whatever I could get - so they'd literally lose tier money on it for quite some time. I didn't think they'd be able to sell it easily because it's just rock, and that's proved to be correct. When I get rid of the other 1/4 sim, it'll go the same way, and for the same reason. It's my little protest that costs them a little bit of real money :)

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onlyt the profile pics for secondlife and reallife are free on v3. it changed to free when linden made profiles a web thing in v2. they not uploaded to ur inventory like normal textures are anymore

u still have to pay 10L for inventory textures unloads in v3. no temp uploads either in v3


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  • 1 year later...

Im truly sad about the fact that LLs has not listened, has created things such as MP which totally destroy people even exploring anything inworld, as avatars just have to sit on their bums in some sex joint and have things delivered. Look, I truly believe LLs EXPECTS SL to dive hard in the next few years. Look at the alternate games they have to offer...pure crap!! They will NEVER make it in a period of such competition in gaming and applications. As far as mesh, it has its uses, however, the learning curve is so steep, as one has to develop 3d modeling experiance. the clothing should fit the person, not the other way around. mesh is great for buildings and structures, but not of much use other than that. Lands sell for WAYYY too much, as far as businesses are concerned. Usually they dont even break even, and being inworld is a financial allegator. SL IS the experience of being INWORLD, not being forced to bow to the MP and LLs taking a cut off the top! Otherwise, LLs has resorted to facebook, and faceless people and no graphical entertainment value. From the past I've seen, they wont learn from this. Server side baking seems good, but they truly need to fix the problems they've always had. Make it fun and profitable again, LLs, not just for you're stinking shareholders with their ties too tight they cant get bloodflow or common sense to their brains!

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Linden Labs did a very intelligent thing, you may want to do the research yoourself.  They made sure that all the schools in SL are accredited.

The biggest evalulation of SecondLife is not that things and people are leaving, but it first had a gigantic boom, and now things are settling down.  It was the same way with the first PCs in the 1980s and the Internet in 1993.  SecondLife does have it ups and downs lately, but that is life, and the economy, which is growing slowly (to slow if you ask me), is not helping in  such advanced technology.  It is true, and I am very much aware, there is still a lot to be done by Linden labs to emprove their 3-D world.

Just the same, I have seen a lot of improvements since I first came into SL and since I created this account  Any country we may live in has a lot to improve, but we all still hold on fast and ride the storm knowing we will win in the end of it.  In all I have seen in education and all walks of life in SL, what has dropped from SL is nothing to count.  Like going west for the fist itme in the Unites States of America, things grew and fell.  That is life.  Some of it may have to do with they could not go the distance, while others it was their time to leave.

With the advancements of the "Cloud," SecondLife has its place, and the new jobs that are not yet with us can be fulfilled by college students today.  I see this due to one big aspect--I have seen technology grow as such and the trends appear to be in the favor of SecondLife due to their are the only 3-D virtual reality strong engough to handle the load.  I have read many times LL has not fixed the bigger issues.  I say, "Patience, they are working at it by the SSB and other things that are replacing the old formats that most are used to experiencing.

Due to their hard work, I would like to have someone from LL to explain where the future is going regarding to these changes.  They might be able to shine a better light on what I have been saying and still believe to this day.

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So long as LL keep scratching away at it and introducing updated methods & formats SL will always rule the virtual world. Of that there can be no dispute.

They need to ensure they maintain its purity and not taint it with kiddies stuff, like excessive social networking.

Hold their position and the world will come to it's door again.

Eg: Steam has free motion capture software trials, video editors etc etc etc.

I'm in it for the long haul. Keep up the good work LL.

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