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Freaking peeved


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is it so hard to ask for a 2x2 sq foot of land, or w.e is enough to fit a person or two for just trying on clothes and dropping boxes?

I mean really its kinda annoying that I can't even find something remotely similar. The only places I have found have tons of crap all over the place so people with horrible graphic cards like me spend 3 hours just trying to drop one box and try it on and finally loading, then realizing you don't even like it anyway. 


And there's no easy Contact Us button? 

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I have a small plot of land im not utilizing i could open it to the public its to small to build on so there wouldnt be any junk if i turn auto return on to a really small amount of time..hhmm youve given me an idea maybe throw a tip jar on the land and if people feel like donating they can no groups to join no pesky LM givers.


                                              Thank you for inspiring me


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My store also allows the same and I have a house on display that you can always use.  I have it set to auto return and anyone can rez there. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Design%20Center/147/140/23

Since the smallest you can fragment land is 4M x 4M you wont find a 2M x 2M regardless.  But one thing that does frustrate a lof of people coming in SL is that in being a user generate systems, it is all do it yourself.  Unfortunately, if you want an easy button, you wont find it here.

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NCI has sandbox space in Hamnida, Fishermen's Cove, and NCI DreamSeeker.  Those sims are usually rather empty unless a class or event is on. (^_^)

Just about every parcel I own is open for anyone to rez.  Personally, I think no-rez and no-scripts is stupid.  =^-^=

Once you find a nice place, make and keep a landmark.  No more searching, you can always have a quick-click solution for going back. (^_^)y



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The reason you can't find such a small plot is because most private estates don't allow them.  They  don't want people putting up ad boards there.  Since ad farms have been banned from the mainland, I'm not even sure you can sell a small plot like that.  But i avoid mainland because its generally laggy and junky.  Perhaps someone else can say for sure.  Also, you can't put a parcel in search unless its at least 512sqm.  Anything less than 512sqm wouldn't have enough prims on it to make it worth much of anything to anyone other than as a billboard spot. So from a landowner point of view they don't sell such small spots because if they did and you didn't continue to pay for it, they'd be stuck with land they couldn't do anything with and would have to pay the tier for it themselves.

As others have said there are plenty of places around that offer changing rooms and rez areas.  No need to pay a monthly tier just to open boxes.  Save your money until you can rent a small home of your own and you'll be much happier.  You may want to search classifieds for an apartment or skybox, as some of these go for less than what you'd pay for a nice outfit.  Some as little as 50L a week.  There are also hotel's and campgrounds that will rent to you for a day.

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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: 

Personally, I think no-rez and no-scripts is stupid.  =^-^=



Actually no its not.  Anytime i've left my land open for anyone to rez on without a short autoreturn, i've found squatters erecting homes in the air.  One time i found a whole neighborhood of skyboxes a bunch of friends had put up together that even had interconnecting bridges and walkways.  When I told them politely to remove them and leave, they were so rude and obnoxious i ended up booting and banning them.

Sorry but i work too hard for my money to be paying for some one else's SL, and don't want to spend my time policing my land.

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Bunny, the smallest lots availabe to buy are 16 m² (sqm), that's 4x4 meters. Not square foot but meters btw.

Anyway, with that out of the way, here's a golden pro tip for you: search for Blake Sea in worldmap. You'll find a lot of sims starting with that name, they all together rmake up the navigable Linden protected ocean of Blake Sea. In every North/East corner of those sims you'll find a rezz zone. So if you don't mind getting a bit wet while unpacking your boxes I would really suggest to make use of places like that.


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Every plot of land in my Picks allows 5 minutes of rezzing.

Assuming no one takes advantage of that to grief something, it'll stay that way.

- When the griefers show up, I usually find its enough to just disable scripts.


If you want a place to open boxes, along with others already mentioned above, try the ones I've got in picks.

- You can also search for sandboxes, and use those.


But if you want a private spot to change, my land is not ideal. My philosophy on that is, what's the point of being able to get naked at all if you're not going to do it where pervs aren't watching you? :)


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??  there's free and open sandboxes absolutely everywhere (try a search for NCI to start with, I <3 them) and some sandboxes have really liberal return times.  The most common I've seen have 3+ hours before your stuff is automatically returned.. that's more than enough time for a long shopping and unpacking trip.  The only reason for the auto return times is to clean up after the slacker avatars who can't be arsed to removed their prims when they are finished.  :P

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