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Anyone else misses old SL?

Uzumaki Yue

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I joined in 2006 and stopped logging in regularly somewhere around the beginning of 2008. Since then all of my SL friends quit and never came back (checked their profiles and all of them haven't been on since then). A few months ago I thought I'd make a comeback, but I couldn't enjoy SL in the same way and didn't find friends to replace the ones I had.

Was just reminded of it when I saw There is in late stages of re-opening. I used to go there a lot before SL became free.

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Hi Uzumaki,

what you describe sounds more like a general wearyness of SL than some diffuse difference between the "old SL" and a "new SL". It's natural that the sense of wonder disappears with the time, as we grow and become wiser. Stuff isn't as exciting as it was when we were noobs. Of course SL has changed a bit since 2008. But it already had changed from 2006 to 2008. But not much; not as much as you believe it has.

What really has changed in those 5 years is you!


So, to answer your question: No, I'm not missing old SL, I'm missing old me.



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I miss the quality of clubs. People used to put a ton of effort and personality into any club idea.  Today, there are a few top clubs where you never meet the owners and rarely chat.  Then there are the clubs with no chat but way too much gesturebating. So many clubs come and go because it is too expensive, leaving all the great great ideas never materialized. And the types of genres offered in clubs today is so commercialized; not many clubs have original music or ideas.  It seems today it is about quantity not quality when it comes to clubs.  I have cut back my SL time drastically due the overwhelming number of clubs that are just plain boring. SL seems asif it is dying in this aspect.

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@ margo, i know exactly what you mean. i had a club that was live music. i made it like a festival stage, as clost to RL as possible. however, live music is expensive, and i didnt charge admission cause i wanted everyone to enjoy the great live music. The musician loves playing there, coz before they arrived i dj'd then while they were playing, i did an honest to goodness light show for their performance. However, relying solely on donations made it very expoensive to run. after the financial crisi, i ran for a few more month, but my RL work was running out so i had to close..............................................so much for hard work..............

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I suppose I do miss the "old SL".  Update Wednesday when the entire grid was taken off line for the weekly update and going to the old Resident Answers forum and bitching about the grid being closed for up to 2 days (that's how I got started on the SL forums).  Then when the grid was re-opened it was Saturday before thing got back to "normal".....as I think about those days, we really did have fun.  :)


On that same line, I guess I kind of miss the grid being crashed by self replicating prims and, again, coming to the forums to whine about how long it takes for the grid monkeys to wake up and come back to work to get the grid back up.  Seeing the floating penises falling from the sky and seriously searching for the little SOB conducting the attack.  Those were fun too in a perverse way.  :)


Feeding $L5 into the ever present Sploders at my favorite club and then waiting in anticipation for the explosion to see how many $L you got in return........breaking even was concidered a win.  :)


Shouting to a friend or stranger when they arrive at your favorite hang out all decked out in the "Missing Image" skin......."Smash!!!  Missing Image!!".  Who then shouts back "On s**t!!   Be right back"".  I miss those times too.  :)


Typing in chat and waiting 30 seconds or more for your chat to appear in the chat box.....totally out of sync with everyone else.  We used to laugh about that too. :)


Taking 5 minutes to walk across the dance floor due to lag......just to get somewhere to dance so that the lag didn't distract me from the fun I was having.  It was even more fun when once you get where you wanted you find out you were a "bulldozer" pushing a half dozen people out to way..........next 10 minutes you spent apologizing to everyone you crashed into and didn't even know it.  :)


Seeing the blue Linden Announcement box pop up telling the sim will be restarted in 5 minutes and to clear the sim to get logged off..........and 30 seconds later you get booted when the sim is restarted.  Hello desktop!!  :)


Yeah, I guess I do miss those days.  We spent most of our time enjoying SL no matter how "difficult" it was.  We spent a lot less time whinning about what was wrong and enjoying what was right.  We joked about getting logged off, having to wait for hours for the grid to come back up or our ghosted avatar to finally log off.  We had fun.  SL wasn't so serious.  We knew the kids were on the grid but they were here illegally so they tried to act mature..........now that they are here with LL's blessing some of those kids are so obnoxious it's maddening.


It's all "progress".  I've adapted and still find fun things to do in SL.  It's just different things now.......just as fun though.:matte-motes-big-grin:

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I miss it to, i started in mid 2007. It seems more dynamic then, more energy, things were more free.  For me it started when they annouced age verification, from that day on things started to change.

Now i find SL to be repititous and generally boring, but it could be that after 4 and half years, i just need to find something new about it given the current state of what SL is.

Of course, it will never be what it was like in those first 2 months, its was new, fresh and exciting and i knew nothing, nothing.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Typing in chat and waiting 30 seconds or more for your chat to appear in the chat box.....totally out of sync with everyone else.  We used to laugh about that too.

Taking 5 minutes to walk across the dance floor due to lag......just to get somewhere to dance so that the lag didn't distract me from the fun I was having. 

I don't miss these things because I still experience them regularly.

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I'm not sure if you could call it "weariness", since I haven't been a regular user for a very long time. Since 2008 I've been only logging every 6 months. I have changed, but so did SL. My friends are no longer around, and the sims I used to frequent don't longer exist save for one, and its empty every time I check it during my rare SL visits.

I can still relate to missing the old you, though. :matte-motes-smile:

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I have to say i miss really the old SL Viewer, i am member since around 2008, i wasnt online since 2009 and i did my comeback 2 weeks ago, now i am back with my account, now i can enjoy all functions incluing money exhange because now i am 18+, 19 exactly, well i use to buy aircrafts and all things related to building, scripting, etc, i did it too before i was away so long. Well, my surprise? The Viewer, i just think the older viewer was better, simpler, but had the same functions, we had a blue, later a silver shaped viewer, a circle menu around avatars and objects, etc, really easy to manage. Now, i dont know if i am in SL, in Twitter or in Facebook. Now Search menu is a big crap, it works slowly, it works like a internet browse, not than an easy menu, IM chat too, you have hundred windows around, to build, menu works slower too. Well just to say i really hate the new SL viewer, it would be good to have back the older one or a newer one with the old working system... Regards Rafa (Kiefer)

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