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Kiefer Schuttelanz

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Everything posted by Kiefer Schuttelanz

  1. Si? Tiene mejores herramientas para construc tores? Me dedico sobre todo a aviones, barcos, etc, me podrñia venir util o que opinas?
  2. Buenas, me gustaria saber que exactamente es eso de Phoenix y Sandstorm, yo uso el viewer bajado de la pagina de SL, lo otro de Sandstorm y Phoenix que tiene que ver? Saludos!
  3. Hi i have to upload or get inworld a speifici texture, its like a chess board but intstead black and white squares there are red and white, its for a rear wing of a jet, like the Hydra in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Well, the problem, i have to upload it in world bcuz nobody has one inworld, i asked in the group and all that, the problem is that at the momento i have L$0 because i was a year offline and i emptied all before i gone away, now i am back and need that texture but i havent that 10 L Dollars, anybody a suggestion how i can get a texture uploades? is there a script who works with a uploader or a imageshack extension? Regards, Rafa (Kiefer)
  4. I have to say i miss really the old SL Viewer, i am member since around 2008, i wasnt online since 2009 and i did my comeback 2 weeks ago, now i am back with my account, now i can enjoy all functions incluing money exhange because now i am 18+, 19 exactly, well i use to buy aircrafts and all things related to building, scripting, etc, i did it too before i was away so long. Well, my surprise? The Viewer, i just think the older viewer was better, simpler, but had the same functions, we had a blue, later a silver shaped viewer, a circle menu around avatars and objects, etc, really easy to manage. Now, i dont know if i am in SL, in Twitter or in Facebook. Now Search menu is a big crap, it works slowly, it works like a internet browse, not than an easy menu, IM chat too, you have hundred windows around, to build, menu works slower too. Well just to say i really hate the new SL viewer, it would be good to have back the older one or a newer one with the old working system... Regards Rafa (Kiefer)
  5. Hmmm a direct delivery system from inventory or how?? Well, so i guess the "Free" magic box hosting places doesnt exist, true? and there is no free place, so i must buy a piece of land or rent a place.. right? Well i think ill wait till thast "direct delivery" system is developped... Thanks for the answer
  6. Hi, i am an older user in SL, but i was one and half year inactive, in earlier times you had a Magic Box Hosting place and a group for that, given by SLX, i had my place and my group tag, i rezzed my Magix Box with the group tag over my head and all worked. Nowadays SLX page doesnt work, it says to me it will be inactive until december, also a i cant find the SL Exchange Magic Box Hosting group, the free and official group, i only see the group tags on all the magic boxes placed in the hosting building near the SLX Headquarters, after asking Apoteus Silverman and a lot of people and not getting an answer, could PLEASE anybody answer me and help me with all that problems and explain me what i have to do? It would be wonderful, Thanks a lot, regards!
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