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Esteemed Clients, Bans and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

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I know the done thing is to refer to us as residents, but I hope that the immersionists, submersionists and the impressionists (or whatever they’re called) will forgive me for once if I refer to us all as “clients”. For that is what we are.

The money of many of us makes the whole SL machinery go round. I have never had premium membership, I have never bought LL land, yet I have spent a hefty sum of money in SL shops, clubs and have almost always rented land. Albeit indirectly, some of my money makes it way back to LL, the rest ensures that SL creators and landowners can afford to stay, make content and invest in digital territory.

My own contribution, which must run into thousands of pounds by now (yes, it takes a lot of money to look this cheap), is small scale in comparison to those who, wholeheartedly believing in this amazing concept, have dug deep into their pockets and invested heavily. My hats off to them, as without these people, SL would not exist.

Others have spent hours and hours of their time and energy to bring their artistic and technical talents to SL. These are the people without whom SL would be nothing but a blank-screened chat-room, for the vast majority of all that is truly beautiful in SL (and, of course much of what is not beautiful, but which at least fills spaces and makes SL dynamic, 3D and vital) has been made by these talented creators. Without these people, SL would not exist.

Many others have come to SL, stayed a long time and never spent a penny. Although they may dress from head to toe in freebies, they do, however, bring human life, movement, communication, interaction and dynamism to SL. Without them, SL would be a desert.

People come to SL filled with curiosity, poke their heads round the door, see that it’s scary-complicated and leave again. Others are lucky enough to bump into some of your clients who, in-world and in the forums, act as unpaid customer service staff. They answer the questions. They point in the right direction. They hand over free gifts. They explain, nurture and try to pass on their enthusiasm to the next “generation”. Without these souls, SL would be a confusing place and without the slightest doubt, many, many new clients wouldn’t hang around.

My point? My point is that we all bring something to SL. Without us – all of us – LL would be an office filled with some clerks, technicians and some people with a great idea which couldn’t be put into practice.

Now, I’m no business whizz-kid, but even I understand the importance of keeping profits healthy for a business to survive. And we ALL have a vested interest in seeing SL survive for a long, long time. Nobody in their right mind would wish to impede the very creature they care for die for lack of nourishment. If SL needs more money to keep going, well, hell, pull out all the stops! That’s your job, after all.

Our job is making SL “be” something. And, as I already said, that’s what we do. However, some of us might also have insight into the creature that you in your office don’t have. After all, nobody can be all things. Here you have us – an enormous pool of willing, enthusiastic and varied feed-back resources, sitting on your doorstep, ready to be tapped into.

What I don’t get - really, really don’t get - is how you can possibly convince yourselves that any old treatment dished out to these people – your resources, your feedback, your clients, can be deemed acceptable. There’s a history of bizarre PR behaviour in SL, but, recently, it has become utterly surreal.

You’ve tried all sorts of stuff to keep SL alive and kicking, and I see you have a new plan this month (the vamp thingy is worth a shot, but I have some doubts about it. Nevertheless, I genuinely do wish you well) – just let’s not get so caught up in this week’s super-dooper marketing plan to attract new clients that you stampede over the ones who are already here. The “vamp” promo thingy may or may not work. However, in someone’s enthusiasm to get the publicity machine up and working, LL has sanctioned and actually committed breaches of its own ToS, whilst others, belonging to SL “sub-cultures” different from the vampire one, or to none at all, have had posts pulled, warnings issued and bans emitted. For what? For doing no more than members of the flavour-of-the-month are doing as I type, and in many cases, much, much less. Some questions:-

If the forums are for everyone, why have you opened only a vampire sub-section?

If publicity is not permitted why are you encouraging vampires to publicise?

If spamming and flooding is not permitted why are you recruiting vampire posters to spam and flood?

And why, oh, why are you severely disciplining other clients who are more respectful of the ToS but are not of the favoured RP category?

One practical example. My old pal, Pep. Now, he’s a pain in the neck. Can’t stand him at times. However, Pep, in his various guises, is one of the main personalities in here and has been the main attraction for countless forum readers for a long time. Believe me. I know what I’m talking about. When I used to lurk, I’d log into the forums just to read his obnoxious, rude and utterly witty posts.

I know Celestiall was reinstated with a apologies – absolute minimum owed considering she’s been a helpful, intelligent and vital part of this forum for a while, but I know that several contributors/CLIENTS, apart from Pep, who have been enormously active in keeping your forum bubbling with new threads and topics (Storm is one name which immediately springs to mind) are still non grata here. Why? Because they dared question LL’s approach to marketing something which, with all due respect, is partly our creation too.

My suggestion, which will go ignored, as it’s been suggested so many times, is to try to listen to what existing clients have to say (many times they will be totally wrong, but sometimes you might hear some little gems, free of charge!), even when what they have to say is criticism and not praise (hint: that’s when you should be listening most carefully). And please, please treat us all a little better and more fairly. Please start by lifting the bans handed out simply because they were not singing to the Second Week in November 2011 Marketing tune.

A little more respect please, for those who help you make SL what it is. We are not only your esteemed clients, but your product too. Thank you.


Carole F.




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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

That was a little long.  This is directed to Linden Lab?

Are we allowed to discuss?  or this is just a letter drop to Rodvik?

I'm of the opinion that if a post length doesn't fit into your scheme of accepted dimensions for forum posts, you can simply opt to ignore it. I'd hate anybody to feel obliged to plough their way through anything I wrote which they felt boring, irrelevant, less than useful.

However, should you wish to comment, I'd be very happy to read your point of view, even if it were not in line with mine.

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I completely understand what you are saying. I was thinking the same and assumed that someone at LL was into the Vampire thing.  Why not one for Furries (one of, if not the oldest sub culture in SL) or other sub groups?

And while we are at it, why do the Land Listing take up spots in the Newly created "threads' they aren't threads they are advertisement.  Why is the Land group exempt from the ToS and allowed to solicit here?

It seems to become more confusing every day.  We have an Adult Group that cannot use Adult Language or refer to anything Adult Related per say as it is an open and PG group.

I wish I knew but given the light of the way the world is today, little makes sense to me anymore.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

I completely understand what you are saying. I was thinking the same and assumed that someone at LL was into the Vampire thing.  Why not one for Furries (one of, if not the oldest sub culture in SL) or other sub groups?

And while we are at it, why do the Land Listing take up spots in the Newly created "threads' they aren't threads they are advertisement.  Why is the Land group exempt from the ToS and allowed to solicit here?

It seems to become more confusing every day.  We have an Adult Group that cannot use Adult Language or refer to anything Adult Related per say as it is an open and PG group.

I wish I knew but given the light of the way the world is today, little makes sense to me anymore.

Sex sells. I have difficulty believing that vampires are economically more interesting than the adult category. I'm saying that - yet I am not a merchant of any sort - I have no vested interest in anything, apart from the survival of SL. If they helped out all the categories, starting with the adult one, it would make sense. What is happening is bewildering and dreadfully unfair to any creator who doesn't make vampire-related goods. And I repeat - I am not a creator of any sort.

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ok, well did not want to interrupt if it was not for discussion - tend to get into trouble for that now and then.

Not sure if I have background correct, just dropped in the other day, and quite an uproar over a sub-forum.  The Vampire section?

There's a forum for Land Owners, one for Merchants, one for people into Relationship aspects, on and on, this and that ....

....and I'll include here, that I was a little obnoxious to the Ladies who Do Breakfast in their Jammies Club, or whatever club it was.....for getting to take up space and promote their club in the forums, when no one else was doing that....

....but got to thinking, and thought....maybe it's just a matter that no one else took the initiative.  If no one else takes the initiative, and spearheads some kind of a movement or request for it.....then how can you blame another group-type for having that drive?

You seem to be of the opinion that you enjoy watching people respond rudely and maybe get a kick out of it?  did I read that right?  I don't.  Sets me off....as you well know.  Would prefer that sub-set is not here.  But looks like some have been given seal of approval.

I very vividly recall some exchanges toward new posters or posters who do not participate frequently or daily, that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up....Maybe that's similar to you reading about vampires?

In spite of all the poking by the forum regulars....looks like the vampire enthusiasts are being pretty darn nice!  I could learn from that....short fuse here.

Also - kinda sets a precedent....on who is allowed to participate here and who is not.  Do you not think so?

I mean, good lord, I get so frustrated with LL for not doing much promotion, and here they are attempting something, and they've got to deal with a dozen forum regulars who got a wee bit pissy? 

I watched the promotion - and I watched the numbers - and I like what I see.  (well, except for all the poking they received)  Looking forward to watching that type of promotional activity again.

What kind of sub-forum is it that you want Carole?  what type of population or community or event are you interested in contacting LL about to work up another promotion?  looks like it's going well, so seems like they would open to that.  Have you contacted them yet?

Is this your contact to suggest an additional sub-forum?  sorry, but I think I might have missed the topic of that sub-forum in your post - lemme go back and read again.


well Holy Cow!  Looks like you have the chance!




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Well, I think we have to be brutally honest - sex is the big seller - so a proper adult one where adults can speak openly and use words they're probably used to using among other adult friends in almost every normal social context. SL was created as an adult environment and I think at least part of it should be maintained as such,

Then there's a huge range of sub-categories - from Gor to BDSM, from furries to nekos - from fairies and elves to....

You see, the problem is that the RP categories are pretty numerous. Just when you think you;ve covered them all, a new one pops up. However, that is a strong point. A selling point. My suggestion would be to declare "Fairy Week" , for example, and open a special category for them - allowing them to suspend the ToS and promote and publicise to their heart's content. Then close it and pass on to a new one. If you open 55 sub-categories simultaneously, the dilution effect wil render the whole exercise pointless. More importantly, it would show you which RP category was most popular, hence more marketable.

However, such a thing has to be done more openly than you have done, with more direct information given to your clients. Making it clear that publicity and promotion of the chosen category of that week/fortnight/month is permitted and that ToS rules still apply in the rest of the forums. If its' clear, nobody can erroneously assume that the ToS has been suspended. And if it's clear, nobody can complain about favouring one commercial (because it all comes down to money)  sector over another, which is what is happening.

Now can I have Pep, Storm and the others back? It's people like them which help make SL what it is.

PS No, I'm not asking for an old dame sub-category. It would be a lonely, lonely place......and I'm perfectly happy tormenting the "youngsters" in their categories,....



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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Linden Lab wrote:

What kind of sub-categories would you like to see under People?

I believe you've entirely missed the point.


Yes, the main points are in the title - generalised respect for SL clients and the suspension of bans to "dissenters" who just might have been offering precious points of view. However, if the decision is to use the forums as a promotional tool, at least let them be of use to all RP categories (and consequently to the creators specialised in providing accessories for the categories), without forgetting to inform us, the forumites-clients-residents of how such in-forum promotion should work, so nobody gets caught out in the cross-fire of unfair treatment.



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You mean the same person who posts his own blog, in which he constantly degrades forum regulars and the Lindens themselves?

He has even declared a personal war with the Community Manager and goes on and on about the alts he creates to undermine and ridicule the forums.

That Pep?

Pep (But the battle against the dickhead Community Manager continues)

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Very well said.

 I mourn the loss of my old home on the forums of the game I used to haunt. The whole forum fell when the voices of critisism were silenced. After seeing too many old familiar faces leave (some from bannings, some from disqust) I had to take my leave as well. I couldnt stay to watch the final death scene. I sincerely hope the problems here are dealt with instead of trying to sweep them under the rug. I've seen what that can do. It isnt pretty.

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Aristophanese wrote:


You mean the same person who posts his own blog, in which he constantly degrades forum regulars and the Lindens themselves?

He has even declared a personal war with the Community Manager and goes on and on about the alts he creates to undermine and ridicule the forums.

That Pep?

That Pep. Since in under-mining and criticism, one can find (if you read between the lines) the most constructive and useful input, he is precious beyond gold.  It's not from the converted and contentedly satisfied that one will find stimuli to improve or solutions to the problems, but from pains in the neck like him.

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That Pep. Since in under-mining and criticism, one can find (if you read between the lines) the most constructive and useful input, he is precious beyond gold.  It's not from the converted and contentedly satisfied that one will find stimuli to improve or solutions to the problems, but from pains in the neck like him.


That is why I love "trolls" ^^ My favorite people have always fallen in that category.

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Thanks, Uncommon.  The forums are a priceless guide to the waxing and waning of SL itself.  It's a shame that they and the forumites which frequent it are not taken more seriously.

The SL forums are the only contact point for the residents and LL. If you fluff up in here (visible to the outside world), you need to sit down and take stock. If you can manage your PR work in here, then you have a fighting chance....otherwise....the outlook is grim.  No, not all residents post or even read here, but it's an excellent means to gauge how things are going. Not to mention a unique opportunity to get the clientele  on board with new schemes. God knows, we're a daft bunch, but, as varied as we are, we all love SL and would bend over backwards to make it grow.



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Carole Franizzi wrote:

Too kind, Orange-knickers. I've been cheeky and presumptious - speaking not only for myself, but for on behalf of others. My only excuse is that I get the strong impression that quite a lot of people are getting a little weary of being treated in a less than respectful way.


Um, hang on......how do you..? Never mind.


Oh the presumptious part, wel nah....I hereby declare that you spoke for me too, as I totally agree, so that is okay!



orange knickers....pff!!


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Carole Franizzi wrote:

That Pep. Since in under-mining and criticism, one can find (if you read between the lines) the most constructive and useful input, he is precious beyond gold.  It's not from the converted and contentedly satisfied that one will find stimuli to improve or solutions to the problems, but from pains in the neck like him.


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Linden Lab wrote:

What kind of sub-categories would you like to see under People?

That was not the point of the post and your answer only goes to highlight the present communication problem between yourself (Btw who are you? As in "Aname" Linden) and residents who are perplexed at your own contradictions of your own rules.

People are being banned for no other reason than expressing a view or pointing out your own inconsistencies, they are banned for posting a post 3 times to parody the spam being officially sanctioned, authored and promoted by yourselves in the Vamp forum in plain contradiction of your own ToS, which we as residents are daily reminded to abide by.

The establishing and promoting of a Vamp or any other niche forum is entirely your call, but you promised to work with residents on forum matters and issues and be more proactive.  Yet all this was done under cover of darkness (no pun intended) and then you push and promote talking heads on to it, advertising their businesses, spamming the forum with your own posts; 16/28 threads were of your own authoring at one point and a large proportion carried creator's products as features and highlighted in LL authored threads.  This as you know is expressly forbidden in your own posting guidelines barring forum sigs.

Please, take stock of the feedback, be consistent, be transparent, if this was flagged up beforehand and discussed then the reaction would have been less than what it was and we would have been either on board or sitting it out quietly on the sidelines, well maybe not all, but most.

Finally, it would be an act of good grace to wipe the slate clean of any bans and warnings that were issued over this fiasco, due to what was an excessive, discriminatory and arbitrary application of your own guidelines.

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