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Wanna hear something funny?

Libera Romano

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OK, so I was having lag issues ever since I downloaded the new viewer (viewer 2 (3.1), I stayed up all night reading everything I could because the lag was so bad at my home, I couldn't get dressed or etc, etc. OK, so I used the Lag meter, statistics window, read everything I could... I even downloaded Firestorm (pretty cool actually)...problem didn't go away. I even called Comcast ( my internet provider) and upgraded my network with BLAST...Ok...still can't move. I even started thinking about buying a better graphics card,,blah blah blah.  Then it hit me. I wonder what my Avatar Rendering cost is?

9568 !!!!!! Can you believe it? that's almost 10,000 !!!! LOL.....So all those beauty marks, hairbases, expensive hair, expensive clothes, glamour... purses, sparkly eyes, freaking gorgeous shoes, all that fashion in Second Life I'm addicted to, and I can't GO ANYWHERE!!! cause my ARC (Avatar Rendering Cost) is off the chart!  LOL LOL LOL

Anyway...I thought it was funny.


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Here's what Linden Labs has to say:

"The scores are color coded. The center of the yellow band is a score of about 1,000. The numbers turn fully red at around 2,000 (2,048, to be precise). It's generally best to be considerate of others when putting together your avatar, and to do what you can to stay under a score of 2,000, especially in crowded areas."


Hum..2000 is one neckace for me, 1000  or more for the new hair I just bought !!!! LOL

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ARC is not the worst, if that hair, jewelery and shoes is scripted with a script in each prim, then you really have a problem.

Many designers has started to make efficent scripts that don't use so much memory, but you still find old scripts around. Linden lab said they would make limits to how many scripts an avatar, but who knows if they will do it. The fired the guys working on it, didn't they? So designers can continue to sell their overscripted stuff.

If I were you, I would get a freebie that measure how many scripts you wear, and check how heavy scripted you are. One like this? It is more around. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Weight-Scale-Script-Counter/1835786

@Randall - In the "old days" ARC started on 1 for a totally naked avatar. I would guess an average ARC was 500. I tried to test myself, but don't remember what my average was. Now, I think some viewers start at 10 or 100? Only way to find out is to "detach all" and see what you end up with. You have to calculate the start cost in rendering. EDIT: I see it starts on 100 now.

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Ooh that's scarey when you find your ARC creep up like that. I have an outfit thats got an ARC of 76,000, as I was experimenting at home, hiding in the sky so I wouldn't kill anyone with all the awesome. It involved attaching 256 flexible shiny prims to each of my attachment points, and I swear it was very unattractive. I think I had about 5 or so points to still go before I got that nasty taste of metal in my mouth and crashed very horribly.

Some of us love our primmy attachments, and some ways to cut the ARC down on them is to un-flexi flexiprims, replace system shine with better textures when possible, and keep textures with alpha down to a minimum. So ARC-killers can include hair with lots of flexible alpha-textured prims, jewellery with lots of surfaces with shiny enabled ( I should go test glow as well to see what it does), and things with heaps of scripts (the scripts won't show up in your ARC reading, but they still make life laggier. I definately have more tp issues when wearing lots of old resize scripts, and these problems go away the minute I delete those scripts.)


Edited to add that I could be confusing alpha textures with normal textures, just with a transparency setting done in the edit menu. I haven't done a scientific comparison. Maybe somebody knows?

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I see lots of "red ARC" avatars too...many in the 3000's, and they are fine in the general mix. However if I'm at a busy class and things lag, I mute anyone in the red, as that seems to help (anecdotal evidence, I know).

Normally, I'm about 700 to 1200, and usually pale green ARC. Occasionally, this drifts up to red if I'm wafting about at home and don't care. We girls deserve a bit of ARCy luxury sometimes.

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I don't check mine often, but I know it's high. If I'm in a relatively uncrowded area, I don't worry about it too much. If I'm in a crowded area, or at a party, etc., I let it drift up. Personally, I find it infuriating when I'm in a very crowded area surrounded by people with ARC in the high thousands or tens of thousands - like the hair fair. It was so crowded you couldn't even move, I had taken off all my scripted attachments and most of my HUDS and wasn't wearing any prims at all, and I kept being lagged out by people in 100-prim evening gowns, mega bling shoes, with attached pets flying behind them, wearing dance HUD's (possibly playing animations, but it looked more like a dance HUD), etc. For goodness sakes, take that stuff off for five minutes!

In normal situations, though, it doesn't much concern me. I have a few outfits put together with minimal prims, using just system layer bottoms and tops and no shoes, or unscripted shoes, for when I go into crowded areas. Otherwise, the only time I worry about it is if I'm experiencing mega lag and want to know why.

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Well, thanks for the info everyone. I will go through my outfits and remove stuff. But still, I can't even wear this stuff at home because it lags me so much. I'm sad because my whole SL experience is about shopping & dressing. (Old Barbie syndrome I guess! LOL). If I had the motivation, I'd be a blogger, but I don't want the commitment. LOL


BTW, I didn't know about "shiny" prims and bump mapping being an issue. Now I know why creators use textures that are shiney instead, etc. Always learing something here in SL...it never ceases to amaze me...LOL

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Randall Ahren wrote:

What is a typical ARC? I've never measured mine.

(From what I have observed while I have ARC reader on) I would say about 2000 to 3000 is typical if the person has decent hair and uses prims for clothes, shoes and jewelry. As most do. I think AO figures into it somehow, not sure.

I've seen ARC of 10,000 at laggy hair and skin fairs, and those people should be eject/banned on sight until they agree to fix it. I know some argue that ARC doesn't impact lag but most people disagree.  I try to go (ETA: to known lag spots such as skin/hair fairs) with an ARC under 10, which means, bald and with painted clothing. If it doesn't help it doesn't hurt either.

More than you asked to know but just speaking to the topic while I'm at it.

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I rarely see a woman under 6000, myself, but this may be the places I go, and the fact that they're rarely crowded so people feel like they can wear whatever. I do notice a significant increase in lag when I walk past people - the higher the ARC, the higher the lag, and the farther I walk from them, the less lag I have. Seems like it must correlate somehow.

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I created an outfit that had an ARC of 1000 for shopping, etc. But most of my hairs are 4000-6000 alone! So, thank god for good hairbase tattoo from Amacci. Also, Mesh boots and clothing have very little impact on ARC (Thank god cause I love my LeLutka boots!) I also have an outfit for hair fairs, etc. that is a skin from Lemania long long ago! LOL It has such a low ARC that I can afford to put ice skates on and skate through the fairs! :matte-motes-oh-rly: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had never heard of ARC. So I checked mine - 16535. So I took off all my clothes. Naked I was 16353. So it was the hair (Sirena Trinity - I can change the style, but I usually leave it alone). Detaching the hair it drops to 1000. With clothes (all systems clothes that I made, including underwear, skirt, jacket, cami, bra, panties) it was 1200. I guess I should find some hair that is not so "ARCy"!

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