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who is looking at mesh. an ongoing survey at NWN

tomm Pye

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I think the jury is still out for most on Mesh.  Yes it is the standard for all games built but SL is not your normal game as it is based on User Generated Content and for the most part, not professional modelers.

More of wait and see but moreover, a wait and see if LL does anything to help those crazy PE counts.

As for buying anything in mesh, I am excited to see what comes out but other than attachments, I really don't welcome the idea of using a premade mesh shape to accommodate the clothing but like I said, it's still very new and the jury is still out.


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I'm using the Firestorm Mesh Beta or Viewer 3 from LL, but NOT because of Mesh! I'm using them to be able to make up to 64 Meter prims, which is FAR more important to me than Mesh, which many people still can't see properly.

I will not purchase or use or create Mesh content until LL resolves some of the major issues with Mesh (Like the complete lack of avatar morph slider responses in mesh clothes and mesh avatars), and until 85% or more of the users on the Grid can actually see mesh content as anything other than random prim garbage.


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I agree to you. Mesh is a really interesting point for SL, but I see that most of the people still didn't realized that there is a new thing called MESH and they are not really interested in it. Those who always use Phoenix and nothing else then Phoenix don't know anything about it (and of course lots of others too). When I talk to friends, I hear all the time: *Mesh??? what's that?* - LOL.

So I think, it will take long time till mesh is well known and really a part of SL. I use Firestorm and switched the tags to see the viewers of other people and most of the time I still see Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix around me. It's a good point for phoenix of course, they did very good work with this viewer, but now the times of phoenix are gone.

Maybe LL should send out general ingame messages, so all people will know about it^^

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Wow, I can't believe how badly worded the choices are.

Me, I have only used viewers supporting mesh for almost a year now. I've never use Pheonix, nor do I know any1 that will admit to using Pheonix.

How many SL'ers even read NWN? Probably every1 with a phoenix viewer, lol.

If some1 is comfortable using old laggy sculpty technology and creating massive lag for any1 that views you or what you make, fine stick with sculpties. Me, I don't like lag, and if I have an option to wear a mesh over a sculpty, you bet I will wear the mesh. I'd be very happy if a year from now, If there were no more sculpts in SL.

What is extremely funny to me, is this fantasy that mesh needs to be excepted or whatever. ROFL

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The only survey that matters is how many people are actually logging in with a mesh-enabled viewer.  The only people with the correct data for that is Linden Lab.  Hey, Charlar or other Linden Staff, if you read this, can you get them to publish that data?  It matters a lot to us to know how many people can see mesh stuff.

By the way, Phoenix viewer is adding mesh too.  It's only in their private code repository so far, but it's on the way. Combined with the 5 or 6 other viewers which have or are adding mesh, that will be most of what people are using.  Having the feature available in the latest version is not the same as all users have updated to that version, but it's a necessary step in that direction.

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All polls are interesting to examine. It very much does reflect what I would expect. Not at all the numbers that so many anti-mesh people are claiming. As popular as Pheonix is, it has never been more than 30% of the SL population. I'm sure they think there are more, as every1 "they" know uses it.

Like you said Daniel, soon all viewers will see mesh properly.

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Ceera Murakami wrote:

I'm using the Firestorm Mesh Beta or Viewer 3 from LL,
but NOT because of Mesh!
I'm using them to be able to make up to 64 Meter prims, which is FAR more important to me than Mesh, which many people still can't see properly.



I can do that in Phoenix 1.5.2. I was really surprised when I accidentally stretched a cube beyond 10 meters :) It seems that this is server side, not client side.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Ceera Murakami wrote:

I'm using the Firestorm Mesh Beta or Viewer 3 from LL,
but NOT because of Mesh!
I'm using them to be able to make up to 64 Meter prims, which is FAR more important to me than Mesh, which many people still can't see properly.



I can do that in Phoenix 1.5.2. I was really surprised when I accidentally stretched a cube beyond 10 meters
It seems that this is server side, not client side.

You and me both. I was in Sandbox Wanderton when I went to stretch a prim to 10m and it flew past up to 21. I was quite suprised and found it to be hilarious.

Actually the ability to stretch the prims to sizes larger than 10 seems to be a combo of server and viewer code(tho mostly server). I had a friend who was unable to make larger prims for a while while using V2 while at the same time I could go all the way to 64m(using phoenix). After a while she was able to stretch them to 40 something meters and finally now she can make them the full 64m. Perhaps they simply put a block on V2 from doing it at first. Whatever the case, if it indeed had something to do with viewers, it doesnt really matter much now because everyone can do it.

As for mesh use. It will take a couple months before it starts truely becoming widespread because of the lag in the 3rd party viewer development; this isnt that unapparent. Mesh will eventually be in use everywhere and theres likely nothing to stop it. Anyone who has been around a while knows that once LL decides to push something, its a rare thing that they will take it back/admit they were wrong.

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As far as what viewers, it is not only important to know how many people are actually logging on with which viewer, but who they are. As far as I can see in the places I go, very few people who have used sl for more than a few months use the sl viewers, most veterans still use phoenix, with a still fairly small but growing number moving to Firestorm and a handful using other third party viewers.

The sl veiwer users are also far more likely to not have payment information on file.

If most of those doing the buying in sl are not using the SL viewers, that is important information to know.

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