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The Marketplace will be down between 8am and 9am SLT for a planned deploy on Tuesday,

amarock Amat

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Stock prices begin to go down as extended delays keep tens of thousands of merchants from their earnings this morning. Meanwhile, there are rumors surfacing about the return of independent markets. Merchants have expressed concern about the recovery of the economy.

Leading economists suggest that eliminating the 5% tax will help grow the economy once again, as will decreased costs on retail land.

Sorry, just having fun while waiting. The tax comment is just for you, Toy ;)

Part of that was serious economic suggestion though.

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Thanks....  Wouldnt that be nice that in light of the marketplace sales depression that LL would step up and remove all Sales commissions from SLM.  Not that this would be a big benefit for me as I would rather have my 50% of sales back that poofed in August.

But if they are giving me 5% back.... I will take it.


If the system is back up.... time to now go see what the mystery damage was.  Since they didnt tell us... I guess this is LL Commerce's idea of a fun game of  a Treasure Hunt to see if we can notice what they changed.  If we dont find anything then WHEW!! LL got this one right.

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Unless one of us forum-watching merchants are one of these 25 commission discounted merchants and can tell us that they see evidence that their commissions have changed to be the same as the rest of us....

I have to suspect that this BLACK-OPS change today was primarily to engage a component of the DD they needed - likely so they can quietly get their DD Gagged beta Merchants to test DD on the live production SLM system.

Brooke and company didnt want to announce to the general Merchant community that they are engaging a DD component into production knowing that all us general Merchants would be fuming for starting to impact production SLM when she has still not yet provided any detailed updates as to DD's progress. 

If this was the reason for the Black Ops SLM change then she knows full well this is a poor deployment approach but the LL Team just wants to ram this DD into production and not have to listen to all us Merchants Griping.

This is a common LL Commerce Team approach to deploying changes.

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Whatever was done to the MP has resulted in transactions being recorded incorrectly on the dashboard now. The information we are supposed to receive is now missing. All we get is:

09/13/2011     11:58:47   555b2570    Source: Commerce Linden

                                                                    MKT2 Item Purchase

It's a problem (understatement).


I also posted this in Brooke's thread hoping she and the Commerce Team will see it and address asap.

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As i suspected.... DEAD ON CORRECT.... the change was completely related to DD prep work.  And Brooke didnt want to get the general Merchant Community informed of these changes until her team could ram it in.

And now we see the first impacts / bugs from the change.

And to show how little Q A testing the team did... they couldnt even tell that the transaction details have all disappeared from the main SL account transaction history.

So why Brooke could you not have warned us a few days before this change that your team was doing this?

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They can't tell you what they're going to try to do, because, then, if they can't do it, that looks really bad.

Given everything else that has happened so far, I don't think it's disingenuous to assume there were other changes they wanted to make which failed, and about which they will not tell us.

Let's hope that the code residue of the solutions they tried will not turn out to be bigger problems than the problems they had hoped to fix.

At this point, I'm considering the outcome of today's incident to be a point scored for that faction that prefers to see LL as intermittently competent rather than as more likely infected with intentional abuses.

OTOH, when we very soon start to see new, "unrelated" things go wrong which are actually a potential benefit to someone, I may have to revise my opinion.

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amarock Amat wrote:

would you stop hyping up the fear, this isn't fox news, calm down take a deep breath and remain focused on how to make money.  Now could you explain by what you mean by DD?


So now that Brooke's team has implemented a change today with no prior details and has admited that they didnt properly test it and it is screwing up transaction reporting.... you want me to calm down??

Sorry... We knew just by the way Brooke was pushing this change in with no details until AFTER the change is in that it must be a serious change with high risk and likely something her team should have told all of us about well inadvance.  She didnt.  I suspected when the change took longer than the 1 hour schedule this was again a more serious change and likely related to the DD changeover.... which most merchants outside the beta team want more info on before any changes go forward.

And now we all see why we were worried.

So you enjoy trying to make money when Brooke and Team finish deploying the DD (direct delivery) with their proven level of testing and destroy your SLM inventory BY ACCIDENT. 

I would rather try to protect what makes me money now and not see the LL Commerce Team detroy it.

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