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Mesh Usergroup Information

Charlar Linden

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Not gonna make a completely new thread for this so i'l just post it here. But what in the world is linden labs doing? In clear sight people have already ripped off complete avatars from games. Yet they dont do anything about it.


You have this store called Horo which apparently ripped models from Crysis, Assassins Creed, Spider-man, Batman Arkham city/asylum. and even uploaded models ripped straight ouf of poser.

https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/49754 Heres the SL store itself.

I thought Linden Labs was supposed to atleast try and prevent this from happening? Yet here it stands on the marketplace.

Kind of rediculous seeing how these incompetent fools are probably going to be the cause for mesh to dissapear once this whole model ripping runs out of controll and linden labs starts getting sued from left to right.

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I see adoption figures are improving, but I feel like I am fighting an uphill battle to educate my customer base about mesh, even though I have done a major mesh release every week since Phoenix became mesh enabled.  They are still confused about what it is and have heard all kinds of negative rumors -- even though I have sent notecards and links to my blog posts about mesh. I think LL could and must do a major education campaign. I am working on a comprehensive mesh basics blog article now but it is getting a bit long.

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They are rather fuzzy about what it is exactly they have heard -- they have a negative overall impression without being able to voice any clear objection. But I intend to explain for example how, yes, linking mesh to something can make it have more prims/LI, but also give them (yet another) lesson on how to reduce prims.

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There might be a good number of people still who have no idea what mesh is. Yesterday I was kindly IMed by a gentleman saying "Psst... Coby, I think that you are wearing unopened item. I can see a box on your foot."

Well, it was not a box but lovely pair of rigged mesh bare feet. :smileyvery-happy:

I explained it to him and told that he should upgrade his viewer to be able to see mesh. He was happy with this piece of information and replied "I will do that".  I just hope that his computer will be able to run mesh viewer.

Oh, by the way, he was not a newbie, almost two years in SL and yet unaware of mesh.

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Maybe Linden Labs could actually be proactive for a change? Well I guess it's a little late to be proactive seeing as mesh has been rolled out for months now, but just a simple bulk mail shot to every SL user and a few blog posts would go a long way to help educate people.

Why hasn't this been done Charlar? A large percentage of the second life's user base are having to scratch around for information, relying on outdated or  fragmented wiki pages or on their friends or merchants to educate them, and even then some of the facts about mesh that they are learning are wrong or misunderstood.

Seriously, take one afternoon to write a blog post and send a bulk email and help educate your user base. A little bit of effort on Linden Labs part would go a very long way to helping the average user understand mesh and I bet it would help increase the adoption rate too. 

The information doesn't need to be overly technical, you don't need to educate people on how to create and import mesh. You really just need to cover the basics. What is mesh? How can I view it? Explain LI and the effects that linking mesh has, what happens when you add a script, what happens when you resize a mesh? Just a noob guide to mesh is all that is required.

If you don't have time then just say, i'm sure members of this forum would do the leg work for you and create a blog post or email. We just need you to post it, we can't access the SL user-base as a whole like you can. 

What do you say Charlar?

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Here is the problem with LL writing an informative article:  it will be written by techies. Techies who have never spoken to, say, a customer. We do have some very talented people in this forum who translate tech-speak very well. What LL can do is publicize -- put something on the splash screen for crying out loud! A "Tip of the Day" or "Mesh Fact of the Day" -- then ppl would be learning but in small bits.


I am trying to write a very basic-info blog post right now, but even the basic info is a bit long for a blog post. When I am done with it I will tweet it and send the link to my group but they don't read everything I suggest they read. Only LL can get information before their eyes.

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Well I assume Torley still works at LL so just get him to write a basic guide. He has a proven track record of engaging with the community on a level they understand and generally takes a non techie approach to tutorials.

Seriously, if there is no one left at Linden Lab that can engage with the average user on the grid then the company truly is doomed to fail.

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lol, I haven't been accused of being 'techie' in years.

I have spoken to those mysterious things called customers. I've even been a customer who has been baffled by some feature implemented by a creator. I haven't stood in the shoes of a merchant. I sadly lack the creative talent most of you creators seem to possess, although I've created a bunch of stuff and am painfully aware of most of the 'rough spots' in our build tools and pipelines.

Please continue to publicize mesh adoption, and send me the links - or post them to the forum if you think others may benefit from your methods.

I know what we need, I hear you and I am investigating possibilities to support you.



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Currently I'm working on a large mesh structure with a 64m x 64m footprint (intended for usage as a sky-based build). I'm planning on honing my LOD optimisation skills with it, as well as experimenting with efficient texture usage via repeating UVs etc (and hopefully I'll learn a few new things in the process). My goal is to create a large structure which is visually attractive AND be as efficient as possible in regards to render and Land Impact costs.

Anyways, my plan is to eventually make an extensive post here in the forums of my findings and building / texturing / UV methods, which will hopefully be of use to fellow mesh builders - and mayhaps they will find even more ways to further improve Land Impact costs in general. I will also be posting a LM of the eventual final build, so other residents can check it out for themselves inworld.

This project probably won't be completed for at least a few more weeks yet (RL keeps me away LOL)... but I just thought I'd mention it since this subject has come up.

(I first mentioned my build in THIS THREAD a couple of weeks ago).


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one wide spread rumour (still) is:

Mesh has too many prims, err LI (well, if it's not optimized, it may have, in fact...)

We all know seeing is believing, so I set up a (I think impressive) example of the same item, build with prims, a mix of sculpt and prims and mesh.


would be nice to see more of such direct comparisons, it speaks for itself

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Mikki Miles wrote:

We all know seeing is believing, so I set up a (I think impressive) example of the same item, build with prims, a mix of sculpt and prims and mesh.

would be nice to see more of such direct comparisons, it speaks for itself

I went to see it. It's great comparison. Mesh is the winner with flying colors. Every mesh doubter should go there and see it with their own eyes. Thank you Mikki. Great example in favour of mesh!

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Sorry, I just had to chime in on the user group meeting, held ealier today. I can understand the frustration of residents and mesh clothing, but complaining to LL while the fix is being worked on, is kind of strange. I don't fault LL at all, for pushing mesh out ahead of the clothing fix, as clothing is just a tiny part of mesh. Ok, maybe not tiny to many, but to creators, it surely is a tiny part.

As I said when mesh was released, I would not advise any1 to go gungho into mesh clothing yet. If you are going to make mesh clothing, there is only 1 way to do it. You make the clothing for the default avatar. That's how you do it. You don't randomly make different sizes, hoping it will fit some1. Maybe this is just how I look at it. The deformer will get here soon enough, and when it does, I hope I never have to hear about badly fitting meshes again, lol.

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