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Reality Emulates Second Life

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Driving into town this morning I heard a story on CBS about an unusual concert. A twenty-piece orchestra played on an artificial island in the center of a public indoor swimming pool at Bramley Baths, in Leeds. There was no seating for the audience; they were just swimming around as usual. Listening to audio and some of the comments from people who were there I was struck by what a Second Life-ish experience it was.

I felt that someone should contact everyone who was there personally and explain that we do that sort of thing in Second Life ALL THE TIME. I know there are a lot of Brits here; get to it! And by the way if anyone has a link to a good video I'd love to see it; all I could find was this news article; it does have a vimeo but not an especially good one.

Bramley Baths Article


Does anyone else have stories like this?

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

Having lived about 10 miles from Bramley for almost 20 years when I was younger, I'd never realised that it was a place having any culture. Eee-by-gum, you live and learn.

Oh aye ;-). Apparently the Baths are about to be closed, which seems a shame. I gathered the concert was at least partly in aid of gathering support to keep the place going.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Bizarre.  I bet the acoustics were atrocious though.


I hadn't thought of that but  you're probably  right. 'Course most of the audience had 'water ear' anyway, so maybe it didn't matter. As for bizarre, that was to some extent my point.

Listening to the people who were there and who appeared to be just local people who came for a swim, it was an enchanting experience. And in fact in Second life we do that sort of thing all the time.

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Maybe they don't have as much culture there because it rains a lot?  lol

Anyhow, nice to see English people getting to enjoy a nice swim with an orchestra floating. 

I live in a place where the average rainfall is about 9 inches a year, so I don't know much about rain.  Rain is okay, but I don't like a lot of rain nor humidity.  Yes, I'm American, I don't do centimeters. 

ty for sharing Dillion.


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

I was kidding
But seriously.... reality needs to try harder. Every time I step out of my front door, I'm deeply disappointed. I mean, it sure looks nice enough what with the realistic shadows and all, but there's really nothing to do and the people look plain and boring (not to mention ugly). It smells too.

All that can be true. But the physics are awesome. And even the pickiest must admit the beer is way better. Food tastes better, too. I was going to say it also smells better but having seen Void's comment I was afraid that might spiral outa control ;-).

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Void Singer wrote:

can I just say it's funny that people don't actually notice this in places where it happens on a regular basis and/or is built into the structure... in pool stages and even bars are very popular in several resort areas

Actually you're right. I think people still enjoy the novelty of things like that, but are not as 'enchanted' (for want of a better word) as some of the people I heard interviewed in the news story. I still think the spontaneity of it all and the oddness of having an orchestra in what is usually the public pool had an SL feel.

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Is it just northern towns and cities that have these surreal activities going on?  This week in my home town we have Rotherham-by-the-Sea, an annual event that began eight years ago. I would like to have been a fly on the wall at *that* council meeting! ... but it makes sense. Six long weeks of school holidays in which to entertain the kids, coach trips to local seaside are traumatic for parents, having to bundle up the kids and all their stuff and then when everyone's tired out at the end of the day, having to bundle them all back again.  By bringing the seaside to our little landlocked town, and the bonus of having been blessed with wonderful sunshine, a selection of entertainers, including face painters to turn the kids into "furry" creatures for the day, no wonder I didn't see one kid (or adult come to that) having a tantrum the whole time I was there.

Crappy video here, taken with my little hand held digital camera...

(but you get the idea)

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Nice :-). It certainly looked like everyone was enjoying the 'beach'. Where I live they sometimes will truck in a bunch of snow around the time of the Christmas holidays, so the kids can have fun playing. Same sort of idea but not nearly as original as having a beach appear in the middle of town. Plus you don't have to worry about the sand melting.



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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Nice :-). It certainly looked like everyone was enjoying the 'beach'. Where I live they sometimes will truck in a bunch of snow around the time of the Christmas holidays, so the kids can have fun playing. Same sort of idea but not nearly as original as having a beach appear in the middle of town. Plus you don't have to worry about the sand melting.



We have to wait for real snow here, but sometimes they do put an "ice" rink in the town centre (where the beach is currently). It's that pretend - plastic? - ice, but still a lot of fun.

Hot off the press today, though, is the plan for a China Town theme park to be built on an old mineworking site! This seems very bizarre and totally out of place.


And a link to an exceedingly boring video of the town councillors discussing the whys and wherefores of going ahead with this planned major build.



I'm just disappointed no one has yet found a way of making skyboxes and teleportation devices in real life, but I'll take what's on offer if it gets me out of this basement from time to time :matte-motes-silly:

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