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What is Different About Firestorm as Compared to LL V2?


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Void Singer wrote:

well they do run their own classes on using it inworld... they use voice, so if that's an issue for you, it probably won't help.

You don't need to speak on voice in order to participate in the classes. But you need it to be able to listen to the teacher.

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As far as I know, you can't get rid of the ability to double click on a computer as it is essential to a lot of programs and in fact Windows itself.  What you don't need is a special program to be able to double click... it's a part of the Windows operating system.  I don't know what that program did, but I'm sure you don't need it to be able to double click.

Let me see if I can explain the bridge to you. The bridge is an attachment that you wear that enables you to do certain things that you couldn't do without it.  It enhances some features of the radar (don't ask me what) and allows you to double click teleport in areas where you normally can't (say one with a set landing point), to name only two.

The video Venus sent you was probably about the introduction version of Firestorm, the one I sent was about it's current version. The reason she is hiding things is to show that you can.  Firestorm is very customizable, that is mainly what the video's are meant to show, plus a little about the extra features that are offered.

If you install Firestorm and try it, you might get a better grasp on what it's all about.  And by all means, get help from the support group I sent you, they are better able to answer any questions you may have about it in real time. Then, if you find you just don't like it, uninstall it and don't use it again... no big deal.  


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I meant issues in a very general sense... anything from not being able to run voice, to having objections to it, to having trouble keeping up or processing it.

for instance I find I can work better from text, because I find voice distracting to action, and can scroll back if needed. letting me speed through some things, and take my time on others... but it's all dependant on the person, which is why I suggested it but noted that it might be a problem for some.

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Firestorm for me is less crashy in busy regions with many avatars (clubs, welcome areas and etc) mostly because they have LAA in their code which lets the viewer access more memory than the other viewers. Bu the LL viewer is by far the fastest (based on FPS). The LAA coded into Firestorm cuts down on crashes related to memory leaks (bloat) in the viewer. Aside from the LAA, though, I find the LL viewer to have the fewest "bug related crashes" of the viewers. Also, keep in mind that TPV viewers are always by necessity a couple of viewer releases behind the LL viewer because they have to rework their individual tweaks and add-ons into the latest LL viewer and that takes extra time to do and test for stability.

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I don't know, Dres?  I've already posted I tried to bring up the destination guide with a double click this morning and it would not work.

The only way for me to find out if Firestorm is double click only, is for someone to go into Firestorm viewer and start single clicking on things and let me know if single clicking works in the Firestorm viewer or not, and then post that info here such as Firestorm works both with double click and single click because the woman in the tutorial said to double click and then do such and such. 

In the meanwhile, I will double check if my viewer says allow multiple viewers and then I will try to install Firestorm again.  I'll update on whether my computer will allow two viewers or not. 


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Mayalily, forget the double clicking thing for a moment. 

Let me try to explain the difference between LLV2 and the Firestorm viewer. 

When you login to SL with LLV2, things are grey lets say 1min, in the Firestorm viewer the same things at the same place are grey for only 10sec, everything loads faster. If you are at the crowded place, you won't move slow, you will experience less lag and less crashes. That is the main difference!

Remember search? In the V2, if you are searching something, and teleport to that place, the search window is closed. When you open it again, you need to type keywords. In the Firestorm viewer, you don't need to type same key words, search kept them.

When you try the Firestorm viewer for the first time, you will see that it has more buttons then LLV2. This is because it gives you more options. At the bottom of the viewer you will see many new buttons. If you right click on the bottom near that buttons, it will allow you to turn off some buttons, or to add new ones. ONE click on any button opens it - if you do one click on the button that has a suitcase icon, it will open your inventory. Invenory will open at the right side, same as in LLV2 (inside that window you have a little button to click - one time - and you can move your inventory window across the screen, if you place your inventory window at the top left of your srceen and close it, next time you do one click on the suitcase icon will open your invenory at the top left - same place where you left it).

Firestorm is very similar to LLV2 but it has some features that were great in the Phoenix viewer. 

You can customize it, make it to be like Firestorm, or if you prefer LLV2 you can have that too! 

And for the double clicking thing; Firestorm viewer is not double click only, if you want to open something, one click is enough. But, remember when you wanted to wear something? You needed to right click on that skin for example, scroll down and choose wear. Now you don't need to do that. You can just double click on that skin and your avatar will wear it. Same as with the landmarks, double click and you teleport somewhere:) 

Hope I explained something. 

And yes, there is a group inworld, called Firestorm/phoenix support group, or something like that.. There is always someone asking about something there. You don't even need to ask, enough is to have that group window opened and read - you can learn all like that!

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Okay, I got Firestorm added on my computer along with LL V2, so I have both now.  I think I was blocked access due to that software obsolete issue, as I was blocked access to other downloads when that software on my computer went obsolete.

From what I can tell so far everything works with single click, and yes my double click feature seems to be unworkable.  But in Firestorm, single click is just fine from my first trial here.

The tools don't seem all that difficult; the graphics and loading time was super fantastic!  I've never loaded or been able to teleport that fast before.  The only I got was terrible IM chat lag, perhaps that's why Firestorm has a lot of voice?  Not really sure about the chat prob here with Firestorm but I feel like a chicken pecking at keys.  Chat IM is very slow, local chat much faster. 

My first impression overall is that it is great, with the only exception of IM chat lag. 

ETA:  Tamara, we posted at the same time, so we had a crossover posting, i.e., posting at the same time, so this post might read a little funny.  Now I need to read Tamara's post.  hehehe

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Yes, my first experience with Firestorm is LOVE IT!  It loads so fast, it's unbelievable!  The only prob I had was IM chat lag, not local chat lag.  I IM'd Dres, and he thinks he may have a solution for me about the IM chat lag, so we'll see, as we both had to log off and get back to real life.  So I will wait to see what Dres has up his sleeve for me to try as far as reducing IM chat lag. 

As far as what you described in your post above mine Tamara, is it seems double clicking seems to be some kind of a faster shortcut to do certain things.

I may be able to reinstall double click.  I'll have to check that out at a later time. 


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What I was thinking of for you had nothing to do with the chat lag, since there's nothing that can be done about it... that's on LL. Tomorrow let's get together and I'll try to show you some things that may make Firestorm even faster for you as far as rez time is concerned. See you then sweety.


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Oh, well we were both so busy with RL, I think I said I had IM chat lag, and that you might have a fix for me for that.  However, you may have said you have a fix for me about double click as I had too much RL stuff happening to give you my complete attention in IM yesterday. 

Anyhow, thanks for the help yesterday, Dres.  I think overall the tools are easy to figure out; the IM chat lag, not so much.  However, I don't have IM chat lag on V2, so I don't see how with Firestorm it could be a LL problem?  I'm assuming they have voice on Firestorm due to the IM chat lag... it could be, it could be not, but it is a logical conclusion nontheless as again I have no IM chat lag on LL's V2. 


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Tamara Artis wrote:

Even faster? Can we see it too Dres? Please:)

Well, it really depends on your system. Since Maya's is a bit older, I was going to suggest she turn off "Use HTTP Textures" in the Graphics/Rendering tab... if in fact it's on by default, which I believe it is.  That and the "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" in the Graphics/Hardware tab.  Some people run better with these turned on, some with them turned off... it's system specific.

If you decide to try it you'll have to log off afterward and manually delete your cache before you sign back in (link).




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Chronometria wrote:

My partner has firestorm and has had no end of problems with crashes.


I use viewer 2.....though i have problems with updates that remove crucial elements like the ability to count prims.


Neither of us is having a good time.

Firestorm crashed a lot on my compy too, seems to be an issue if or if not the viewer likes your Hardware :(

And the bug with the Primcounts is fixed in the new version :) 

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Yes the primcount bug is gone, and made place for an alpha texture rendering bug. Not all alpha's but some (maybe only tga or only png, did not checked yet since i just now come up with it).  They only show when full bright is enabled. 

Well for me it is anyway, running on OSX 10.6.8.

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Six Igaly wrote:

[...] (maybe only tga or only png, did not checked yet since i just now come up with it).[...]

there is no difference in texture type after upload... all textures you see in SL are jp2 format (they are converted when uploaded)

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Firestorm has radar.  V2 doesn't. 

Firestorm supports a pie-menu. V2 doesn't (though that's not loss in my view).

Firestorm allows people who swore they would never use V2 a way to not have to eat their words.

Otherwise, Firestorme just uses the V2 code base and stays a few revisions behind V2. 

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I've been able to customize Firestorm so that it looks basically identical to V2 (with the Starlight skins)—no pie menu, no IMs in the local chat, etc; I'm still not sure whether I prefer it to V2 or not, but the customizability has made it easier for me to try it out.


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