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Things That Builders Do Just To Annoy Me

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Just to clarify something really quick, I did not mean to offend anyone with this post. 

I've been in SL since beta broke out many years ago and these are just some of the things I find that can easily be corrected and/or improved upon. I did not meant to "down" anyone's build or say, "Look at me! I'm smarter than you!" This simply is not the case at all. 

Everyone has a personal building style and I respect that, wholeheartedly, but there are some points I've made that I think everyone can learn from. For those just starting out, I would consider this a "be careful in these areas" list and for those who are more advanced, I could consider this a "might want to double check these areas" list.

I do not claim to be a professional builder and never have; these are just my personal observations regarding what can take an amazing looking build down to just a build in my eyes. 

Again, if I've offended anyone with this list, I apologize, as that was never my intention. For those who found this and had a laugh, thank you. While this was just my own personal view regarding builds, I did keep a sense of humor about it when compiling.

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Personally, I loved the post.  Some people will nit pick about the tone, but that's fine...ignore them ;-)

As a long time 'beginning builder' I think I'll keep a copy of this around just to check myself.  I don't agree with every single point (for some reason, I have a fondness for walls that have actual thickness to them), but it's a great checklist of things to watch out for, or in my case, to learn how to do :-)

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Lastarls Ireto wrote:

I don't agree with every single point (for some reason, I have a fondness for walls that have actual thickness to them)

I believe that was the point he was making when he said, "3. Walls and doors aren't paper thin; 'nough said". 

That being said, I believe there are times when it's acceptable here and there. As long as there's no way to tell that it's really that thin, which granted, will not be very often.  It really depends on the lay out.


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to make it short and frank: i liked the post. it hit the nail to the head and didnt just insinuate.

to thise complaining about the 'impolite tone':

fankliness isnt impolite.

politeness is a nice thing, but not useful if you have to say harsh words.

and yeah...i think he listed pretty much all things i noticed for a long time already. overlapping prims are known to cause worst usersided lag issues for a long time. and when i read: high quality build with high quality textures that has 1024x1024 textures even on a doorknob and is z-fighting all over the place. i dont say that i'd be the best creator. what i would like to say is, that hi-res isnt always meaning hi-quality.

and to have no overlapping prims, its simple maths one should have learnt LATEST by the time entering junior high.

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Everest Piek wrote:

to thise complaining about the 'impolite tone':

fankliness isnt impolite.

politeness is a nice thing, but not useful if you have to say harsh words.

No, "fankliness" doesn't have to be impolite, but it can be.  If you're trying to help people learn a better way to do things, or trying to convince them to at least see things your way, using harsh words is counterproductive.  Politeness is rarely a bad idea. I appreciated the OP's recent post, apologizing for the tone of the original.   He seems to have realized that the tone got in the way of the very good recommendations he was making.

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I have to agree with you there is nothing wrong with being "frank" but "frankness" can be couched in terms of tact and politeness.   I agree with many of the suggestions by the OP, but the more I read the more my own pet peeve kicked. I think I read maybe a 1/4 of the post before I got annoyed at what I found arrogant and judgemental and dismissed the rest of it as pettiness.  I could have probably learned something if it had been said in more diplomatic and helpful terms. I am glad there was a later clarification and apology. 

Me, I am an imperfect builder learning all the time. I make mistakes and sometimes make them on purpose.  I have probably made every mistake on that list despite going to many classes and experimentation.  Some of what was written by the OP is not always taught in classes or even found by trial and error.  There is a very steep learning curve in SL and a lot of knowledge is required to achieve even near perfection. My solution is if you don't like what I build and think it crap, don't look at it, buy it or use it.  I build for me and my tastes of perfection at the time...no one else's. 

I think I would like to challenge the  OP to join the ranks of academia and teach others how to build better.  Or, maybe write up a "How To...." or, "What Not to do..." and offer it new builders.

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I really dislike rude posts or 'impolite' behaviour, that said, I really didn't see any of that in the OP. In fact, I was smiling when I read it, it has that typical 'tongue in cheek' style, at least, to me it does...and there is nothing wrong with that.

About the list.....I read some things I never thought of ( Occasionally I build houses and sell them on Marketplace ) and I will definitely take them to heart.

Kudos for starting this thread, Bastian.

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