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Closing down accounts without a givin reason.


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Had an account that i invested in a lot. Bloodlines, wargames , shield and more attack and defence part. Weapons all you could think of.

Then one time, 5months ago they kept my account under adminastrative hold. Several times i asked for an reason an answer with my second account. Three Scouts promissed to help out.... Nothing , no reason givin. Until they closed down my second account also for a week ago... still no answers no reasons.

Start a new account???... hmm I loose everything. All i gained with my first account also my second.

and L$ 6661.00


Is this how very longtime member are being threated??? Is this second world...

Are there more that experienced a threatment this way????

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Unfortunately, you are not the first to have these issues since they are quick to ban and very slow to rectify their errors.  Many are not errors though and there are a few that I am so glad have since been banned however, their system uses IP address blocks that often penalize the wrong people.

My suggestion is to call them.  Call, call and call again until the begin to hate you.  Talk to everyone you can get to and send them anything they want, just don't give up.  The person in charge "customer care" has recently left I understand and their turnover has been huge lately. 

I really think it's just a lack of process and the fact that the person you are talking to is as far down the food chain as they come but don't give up and keep pushing.




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Where do you purchase your Linden Dollar? In most cases (judging from forum threads anyway), it turns out that an account was put on administrative hold because the account holder bought L$ on eBay or from a shady third party site. The L$ that are sold there have sometimes been purchased with stolen credit cards, that's why the SL accounts are put on hold while LL investigate the issue. If you had been reported for a ToS violation, you'd be suspended or banned instead.

PS: It's best to purchase L$ on the LindeX or from the authorized sites listed in the SL Wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace

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OK...hold on here ...a paying customer deserves some type of notification as to the reason the account is suspended or whatever. This shoot first ask questions later is a bunch of BS. I have had a few account issues and went for weeks to months  without any type of communication from LL. We paying customers desever to know instantly the reason for the suspesnsion of the account. This " Well this is typical unfortunate slow  ...blah blah blah" is not an acceptical answer. A ticket should ne opened by LL to the customer. I had gone one month with no email from LL. Then I had to open a ticket to ask what was up with my account ? Thats a load of virtual **bleep**e !.







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No, you can't say that, since that's assuming everything follows a predictable logic at LL.

On my account I purchased no lindens and it was put on administrative hold for a short time.
I asked why this was the case and the support linden could give me no good explanation
as to why it happened and why I was continually being prompted to close my account.

I had left a response in these forums earlier this year to a thread where many others have
had the exact same problem and in some cases, had difficultly contacting LL about it.

I was extrememly lucky that for whatever reason it did not stick long enough to be a problem.
This event did however give me a proper perspective of SL and that trying to make this my world
was probably not the best idea at all, given that it can be lost even without a good reason.


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I myself haven't had this yet, but I know of a few people that have been banned for no reason, whether it being because they're using duplicate IPs as they login to the client, or just technical issues with their account.

I'm not sure what Linden Labs are doing to be banning people with no reason, but the best way to really get their attention on the issue is to contact them via-Support Tickers, although as I've seen, there have been various issues with using the Support Ticket feature and so you just have to take a leap of faith.

However, come to think of it, I do believe that one of my accounts from about 2006-2007 was suddenly disabled and I never received an email about why.

Hopefully they'll get around to sorting out their issues, but I believe there is somewhat of an automated process.

Hope you get your account(s) back.

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There is a poster on this forum who had an issue with LL last year that resulted in them put on administrative hold.  My perception is that this person was persistent yet polite in contacting LL to clear up the situation.  Perhaps this person will read this thread and contact you inworld if for no other reason than to share with you what actions they took.

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meh welcome to the club.

My main got banned for reasons unknown, LL actually never gave me a proper reason as to why they banned my account, even tho i asked still didnlt get a clear word for word answer. My account was farely old as well so yeah to answer ur question it does seem like that's how LL treats it;s long time residents now days. My simpathies to you tho.


ps: sort of w8ing for them to ban this account as well by the rate they going at it...just lame that's all i have to say.

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This account was banned for about 3 months, calling yielded no results and one day on my alt I got fed up waiting so I contacted a few lindens directly, they then told me the reason, which was I was crashing sims, I replied with "I was weapons testing" (I probably overdid it) the linden then told me to wait a few hours and lo and behold my account works.

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See this http://secondlife.com/corporate/billing.php

7. If you choose to reactivate a cancelled account, you may be charged a fee.

At the end of a subscription period or other account cancellation by you, your cancelled account will become dormant for 60 days. If during that time you want to reopen your account, you will be able to return to your My Account page and click the "re-activate" button at which time you will be prompted to review billing details to confirm that the plan you want is selected and that your credit card or other payment method is still valid. Linden Lab may require a reactivation fee in the event Linden Lab determines, in its sole discretion, that activation and reactivation of an account is being conducted in a manner designed to evade compliance with this Agreement or other Linden Lab policies and procedures. If, for any reason, your credit card or other payment method cannot be charged or payment is withheld, your account will become dormant as if you had cancelled it. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Linden Lab is not obligated to reactivate or retain any cancelled account, and any effort to do so is at Linden Lab's sole discretion.

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