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Honorary Rank

Knowl Paine

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I've noticed several Residents here at the Forums who do not have a Rank commensurate to their contributions.

I propose a method be established to immediately acknowledge elected individuals for Honorary Rank.

Residents could select other Residents for a Rank Review by the Community Manager. Or, I could just send the CM my list.

I welcome any insights, comments or opinions on this subject. (no names)



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I like the Green Tea, very creative :smileyhappy:


To: Monti,

Residents would only be able to elect another Resident for review by a Linden Community Manager. The decision for or against would be made by LL.

If there is a way to bring them up, there should be a method to bring them down; for fairness and quality or equality. 


To: amarock,

Some participants here at the forums have provided plenty of data for any reasonably educated reader to draw a few conclusions about another Resident. I would like to see a progression of trust building between LL and Residents. I would entrust several Residents here with the Ability to remove Spam. A Resident could take advantage; I would agree. I hope other Residents will agree that every button you click, was clicked, there is a record.

Money would be better spent by using the talent that is already here. For the PR front Moderators will always be needed and I support those efforts but some of the basics can be handled in house.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

The only sensible change to the rank system is to ditch it altogether.


But...but...what would Keli do with all her avatar rank badges?  

I don't like the ranking system in its current form, but I do like it in Keli's form.  I think we should all get the opportunity to select our ranks based on what 'we' think our rank should be...not what Lithium thinks.

Wouldn't this be great?



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Storm Clarence wrote:




I don't like the ranking system in its current form, but I do like it in Keli's form.  I think we should all get the opportunity to select our ranks based on what 'we' think our rank should be...not what Lithium thinks.

Wouldn't this be great?



Yes it would be great and it is an excellent addition. ty




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Knowl Paine wrote:

 Yes it would be great and it is an excellent addition. ty



Only if I get DW.

ETA Or I want to earn it!  No manual needed.  :matte-motes-bored:

ETA2 Doesn't it suck that we can select our avatar; avatar gender; forum profile pic; profile avatar; profile badge; but we must live within the constraints of lithium software and NOT be allowed to select our 'personality'?


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Phil Deakins wrote:

The only sensible change to the rank system is to ditch it altogether. It's completely pointless and meaningless.


The system is still relatively new and it is far too early to conclude that abandoning Rank would be the best course of action.

I understand that Residents who are very helpful have never asked for anything in return; so I'm asking for them. I frown upon self-election. 

If I was CEO: the highest (sustained) Rank would have use of A Linden Home on a double lot, an expense budget of 1,000L$ a week, limited ability to moderate spam, reduced MP fees, use of Event space Inworld.

The idea goal or reason for the perks, is to encourage the use of SL products and from the knowledge and experience gained those Residents will provide better solutions. 

A service is being performed. For those who take the time to look, the Forum operates 24/7 and some Resident dedicate hours of their time "helping others".

There is nothing wrong with helping them for a change.


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There are some good people on the forums. When somene posts a really helpful comment on one of my topics, i try to send anb IM in world to say thankyou.


What i would love is if the avatar badges were part of the forums themselves and not requiring some bizarre workaround to operate.

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I would guess that the criteria used is confidential or proprietary. I'm certian that there are many factors involved. I believe that additional factors should be included to slow advancement in Rank.

In Membership in SL, as a Resident and guest of a Second Life, I sincerely believe that in that sense all Residents are equal. In accomplishment, I do not believe that all Residents are equal.

The school my Nephew attends presented awards for some students with the words "Second Winner" engraved on the plaque instead of the traditional engraving of 2nd place.

What will be the quality of human produced if they are always sheltered from disappointment?

If your house is on fire a group of Ranked Fire Fighters will try to save your home. If a criminal violates your Rights a Police Officer with Rank will arrest the criminal. If you are sick and visit a Hospital Doctors and Nurses with seniority or Rank will ensure you are cared for properly.

I don't know why some Residents are so helpful. It is their choice, I understand that. They have asked for nothing and LL has obliged with nothing.

A basic review of the questions marked Answered can show a clear pattern of "who" is providing the solutions. Then if you look at the times and hours the questions were asked and the reply response time, it is clear that Resident is not answering when happenstance or mood inclined them to do so. They are actively participating.

My list also includes Residents whose contributions are less visible. Individuals who make Residents smile and add good spirit and cheer to a Forum primarily constructed to work on problems. An occassional break from the "why" is a nice break.   



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Allow me to clarify.  I do not mean that all rank and all status in society is meaningless.  I mean that the rankings assigned in this forum are meaningless.  I believe that the ranks in this forum are meaningless in part because it is unknown exactly how one obtains them.  The fact that we do not know the criteria by which they are assigned does devalue them a bit in my eyes.  Well that and they are forum rankings...(rolls eyes)

To use your RL examples,  people with the "rank" of firefighter, doctor, or police officer meet known criteria of knowledge, skill, and behavior.  When someone says that they "have the rank" of doctor it means something because we all know what obtaining that rank entailed.  We have some sort of reference that we can use to determine its value and relevance to the situation at hand.

Isn't the main thrust of your original post that it seems that some people have rank that is inconsistent with their "accomplishments" here in the forum?  If that is true, then what value do they really have if they ever really had value in the first place?

You say in response to my statements that, "In Membership in SL, as a Resident and guest of a Second Life, I sincerely believe that in that sense all Residents are equal. In accomplishment, I do not believe that all Residents are equal."  Interesting.  Does that imply that you feel that forum rankings are some sort of measurement and acknowledgement of that accomplishment?  If they have any value at all it is only specific to this forum and not SL as a whole.  

Oh, rank in RL society is very important.  There are titles, qualifications, and statuses that I have that I value as much if not more than any of my material possessions.  That is because those "ranks" have real value and clear criteria and are recognized by the society at large.

I just don't feel that LL saying that I am "valued" here in this forum is one of them and any attempt to compare forum rank to the "ranks" of a RL firefighter, police officer, or doctor is even by my admittedly freewheeling standards pushing it a bit.




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Knowl Paine wrote:

The system is still relatively new and it is far too early to conclude that abandoning Rank would be the best course of action.

I understand that Residents who are very helpful have never asked for anything in return; so I'm asking for them. I frown upon self-election.

If I was CEO: the highest (sustained) Rank would have use of A Linden Home on a double lot, an expense budget of 1,000L$ a week, limited ability to moderate spam, reduced MP fees, use of Event space Inworld.

The idea goal or reason for the perks, is to encourage the use of SL products and from the knowledge and experience gained those Residents will provide better solutions.

A service is being performed. For those who take the time to look, the Forum operates 24/7 and some Resident dedicate hours of their time "helping others".

There is nothing wrong with helping them for a change.

The "hours of time heling others" is part of the hobby for those people. It's what they enjoy doing. I do it myself - not for hours every day though. It's sort of socialising and it's what they want to do. I see no reason to be rewarded for it, any more than I see a reason to be rewarded for creating stuff in SL (except in sales, of course), or for creating places for people to be entertained (clubs, etc.). There are different hobby areas in and around SL and trying to answer people's queries in the forum is simply one of them. It doesn't merit a reward, such as free this or reduced that from LL. Being appreciated for the help is reward enough in itself.

I'm not in favour of most kinds of ranks in forums. Such ranks as "administrator" and "moderator" are necessary, of course, but ranks for users, except for special circumstances, are meaningless and add nothing to a forum. One special circumstance is spam. In many forums, it's necessary to have user ranks to avoid spamming. For instance, it's not uncommon that users can't post active links until they've made a certain number of posts, so "member" and "full member" type ranks are often useful for forums. The sort of ranks that are here in this forum are meaningless. They don't exist for any particular purpose other than to make those who are so inclined feel to be a bit better/higher than lesser ranks, which is both meaningless and pointless.

I see no reason at all why a person, who shares knowledge for the enjoyment of it, should be rewarded in any other way than the natural pleasure of being helpful. That's reward enough in itself.

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It's not completely unknown how other Residents have achieved their Rank. Looking at a Residents Forum profile can provide plenty of information.

Without having to name names, I hope I'm not the only Resident here that can see some Residents have hundreds of kudos and solutions provided. That has value, it can be used as a benchmark for performance.

My discussion is about how the current Ranking system is not recognizing some Residents for their contribution, yes. The system is far from ideal.

Yes, I feel that Forums Rankings represent a measure of accomplishment. They have value here at the Forums and Inworld. If a Resident provides 100 successful solutions about scripting, there is a strong likelihood that the same Resident knows a thing or two about scripting Inworld.

All the Ranks in Society were established over time with many policy changes throughout time.

I will admit that comparing the services provided by police, fire and medical to the services provided at the forum is not a fair comparison. I don't expect to support my opinion with emotional sensationalism.

I value your presence here at the Forum. I've read plenty of your past comments. My goal is to help others who are busy helping others. Membership should have it's privileges.

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I agree that "they" appear to enjoy helping. I also enjoy helping and like you, I don't always have a lot of time. I do enjoy the social interaction to but I know that if the "regulars" were not here there would be less traffic. Providing timely responses and interaction is not a random fluke or generated by coincidence; other Residents are holding down the fort whilst I am away.

Those Residents are better at always being here and knowing more information than your average Linden. In that sense I have not contributed the same amount.

Rank does have a purpose and as you stated "some Residents enjoy helping" so I don't believe their desire is to feel like they are superior.

I completely argee that the best personal reward for a job well done is found by doing a good job. The second best reward is found by being Recognized by your peers. 

We have some great people here folks, they deserve our thanks.

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Nice for 6 months, 1 year, how about nice for 8 years? Think they are faking?

For some Rank is or will be ego Food, I agree.

Without knowing the development cost, hosting fees and other support cost I cannot determine what is or isn't being saved.

What I do know is LL sits on a mountian of resources and a small reward system wouldn't hurt anybody. It's a drop in the bucket, hundreds of empty regions and now I am losing my composure, so I will go for now.


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Some people are not 'nice' because they have no ego.

Ranks in the forum are part of the package Lithium sold LL.  Lithium sells it product based on a community model; the policeman, the teacher, etc.  

Like I said above, I would prefer to select my own "personality" rank, and change when the mood strikes me.  Probably the only rank(s) I would not select for myself are the ones provided by Lithium - but I am stuck with them, and I don't care how anybody views *me* with respect to the ranks I have earned.      

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