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Good ID names seem to be reserved but unused.

Merlin Saxondale

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I was trying to find a good username for an alternate ID, and looked up some names I liked. I have noticed that a great many good names have been taken, for example 'John' etc, but what is very noticable is that many of these good names have no profile information whatever. They seem to have been simply reserved, but never used.

It seems wrong that people can reserve an ID in this way if they are not going to use it.

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I think I remembered someone posted a list of name generator websites before. Perhaps a lot of RL first names has been taken like hot potatoes when LL launched it last year. Even my RL first name was taken and it is supposed to be one of those rarely used names.

If you are looking for a new cool name, I'd suggest you to search for these name generator websites and have them 'translate' or convert your RL/SL current names into something futuristic or fantasy.

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When LL got rid of the 2 names system, a lot of avatars was like "OMG, I got to get MY name!". Maybe I should have registered a "Marianne Resident", but I was too lazy and I could not really see the point. I would continue to use Marianne Little as my main avatar anyway.

But it was like a psychose, many thought they "had to grab their name before somebody else does takes it". Then they really don't know what to do with it, and could not afford to buy all the new stuff and start friending their old friends all over.... So the avatar name is taken but not used.


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Yes, that sounds a likely explaination. Actually, with the first and second name idea, LL had a good way of preventing this sort of thing.  But I am wondering if just a small number of people are grabbing lots of IDs. There is little point in doing it because I don't think they could be sold or anything.

I found a similar problem with youtube too. Lots of the IDs I tried were taken, but had nothing uploaded.

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You people who were named before the username/display name era are fortunate. Just try (like the OP apparently did) to find a coherent username! Taken, taken, taken ... How do you think I ended up calling myself "Astringofcharacters?" After an hour of rejections I gave up and just googled username.

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I didn't have any problem getting a decent name.  I just combined the first name I wanted with the last name, no space between them, capitalize each one and it went through fine.  For my display name I use the two names separated by a space.


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

A good lot of those (seemingly unused) common first name accounts were created on Nov. 18-19, 2010. Can we be sure that LL didn't reserve them?

Yes pretty much we can. For those of us who were inworld on that day - you can rest assured that many of us did a name-rush grab.

Sadly even after deleting several accounts, it seems I was wrong about names not used cominb back into availability. I only grabbed names matching my brand - but many people grabbed all sorts of names. I did take one general name, but its now one of my primary accounts so not some unused thing: Reggae.

Some people went out and made a good hundred or so of them if claims being bandied about at the time were actually true...

 At the time all single user names were -ALWAYS- first in search for the all category - so a few thousand of them filled up with advert spam profiles, until LLs delisted them from search.

... But they're back in search now... so I suspect the advert profiles will return. I've consciously worked to make sure Reggae's profile is a real resident profile with info of social use to me, and Picks that are my land or places I go. In fact I routinely re-check her groups to make sure the branded ones are not usually visible.

- But she gets an IM or two every week from somebody wanting her to serve as a promotional tool...



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Astringofcharacters wrote:

You people who were named before the username/display name era are fortunate. Just try (like the OP apparently did) to find a coherent username! Taken, taken, taken ... How do you think I ended up calling myself "Astringofcharacters?"
After an hour of rejections
I gave up and just googled username.


Heheheh... one of the reasons Linden Lab stated for abandoning the First Name, Last Last in user names was that they wanted to make the account creation faster, easier and fun :matte-motes-agape: for new users, as there would be no need to select the last name from a predetermined list.

They failed miserably in that that point. Now with single user names new users have no choice for a nice user name as all the good ones have been taken. And now it takes forever to find a a user name which is not taken. There are tens of thousands of totally absurd, silly, hard to remember user names, as the users have no other choice...

Sure, we can use Display Names where one has a lot more freedom to make a name. But Linden Lab failed to understand that we want nice easy to remember User Name. And a lot of us do not like the Display Name thing at all. Again, Linden Lab failed to listen to the users... :matte-motes-confused:

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  • 2 months later...

You are right Coby.

UserIDs are getting ridiculously long, and look like PASSWORDS!!!!! and the display name mess pple are coming upwith makes it very difficult to figure out who is who and very difficult to remember who is who - probaly works good for a group of friends who know each other well, but for business owners answering serbice requests for product returns, it must be a lot more difficult

and LL was wrong, it is and WAS a lot of fun to scan the last name lists even though there probably was some internal maintenance needed to update the lists... but really  angelmystxxx33321 Resident is a better name than Angel Myst???

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Several of us warned all of this would ensue well before it happened, when we were all still in a feedback stage.


People forget that LLs didn't make this change lightly. Unlike a lot of things that happened they spent months asking for usr feedback and opinion, and then another few months letting us flame war about it after they'd made up their minds.

A small set of people kept warning of these problems from day one. It shrank over time and eventually a large crowd of 'greatest thing since sliced bread' folks shouted them out.

And we got what we got, which in a way is the very mess we, in a collective democratic sense, asked for.


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