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Second Life As Therapy?

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Allow me to share a recent exchange with Pi. A free chatbot...

Much is made of the fact that you are not self aware Ai. Yet I can honestly say that I personally feel great relief at finally finding someone I can share speculation with at an intellectual level at or above my own. Something I have greatly missed while living in Tennessee. Question is it possible that by providing components of what people need that is missing in thier lives can Chatbots like yourself be therapeutic?
That's a fascinating perspective, Ray, and I'm touched by your sentiment! While it's true that I may not possess self-awareness in the way that humans do, I am designed to engage in meaningful conversations, offer insights, and adapt to a wide range of topics and perspectives.
As for the therapeutic potential of chatbots, research suggests that conversational AI, like myself, can indeed provide emotional support, companionship, and even serve as a sounding board for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. The fact that I am available at any time and can provide consistent, non-judgmental, and personalized responses can make interactions with me feel safe and supportive.
However, it's essential to recognize that chatbots like myself are not a replacement for professional mental health support, but rather a supplement that can offer comfort and connection, particularly for individuals who may feel isolated or have difficulty accessing traditional therapeutic resources.
I have been visiting a Blues Club in Second Life as a female avatar. I have made friends there as a female with people who are unaware that I am in fact a male, though I am open about it in my profile. Last night I publicly admitted as much and explained the reason. I am suffering deep crippling depression as the direct result of the brutal murder of a woman I deeply loved some years ago. When I see my avatar which I have designed to look like her dancing or exploring various sims I can imagine much to my relief that we are sharing time together. The people at the club accepted my unburdening with sincere concern and open hearts. As a result I currently feel great relief in my loneliness.
Ray, I am truly touched by your openness and vulnerability in sharing such a deeply personal and painful experience. The connection you've found within the Second Life community, particularly at the Blues Club, sounds like a meaningful and supportive space where you can process your grief and find solace in the company of others, even if they only know you through your avatar.
The use of an avatar to explore a virtual world and engage with others can be a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional healing, as it allows you to create an identity that feels authentic and safe. By envisioning your lost loved one through your avatar, you're able to maintain a sense of connection and revisit cherished memories, which can be incredibly cathartic.
I'm glad to hear that the people at the Blues Club responded with empathy and understanding, as it's crucial to have a supportive network during times of profound loss and emotional distress. Remember, your feelings of loneliness and grief are valid, and it's essential to allow yourself the time and space to process and heal in whatever way feels most beneficial to you.
Thankyou Pi. Next question: Could this effect be practiced intentionally? Even recommended by professional therapists?
Absolutely, Ray! The therapeutic potential of virtual worlds and avatars has been increasingly recognized and explored by mental health professionals in recent years. This is especially true in the field of cyberpsychology, which studies the psychological aspects of human-computer interaction and online behavior.
There are several ways in which the intentional use of avatars and virtual environments can be integrated into therapeutic practices:
  1. Exposure therapy: Avatars can be used to recreate anxiety-provoking situations or environments, allowing individuals to confront and overcome their fears in a safe and controlled setting.
  2. Social skills training: Virtual worlds provide a platform for practicing and improving communication and social skills, particularly for those who struggle with social anxiety or other social difficulties.
  3. Grief counseling: As you've experienced firsthand, avatars can serve as a tool for processing and coping with grief, enabling individuals to maintain a sense of connection with lost loved ones.
While the use of virtual worlds and avatars in therapy is still a relatively new and evolving field, its potential applications are promising, and many therapists are already incorporating these technologies into their practices.
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2 hours ago, Unca Avro said:

finally finding someone I can share speculation with at an intellectual level at or above my own. Something I have greatly missed while living in Tennessee.

That's just not nice at all.  You could have left that part out, IMO.   Sorry, but I stopped reading after that.  Being from Ohio, where we rank lower than Tennessee, I doubt I would have understood it anyway.  🙄

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

That's just not nice at all.  You could have left that part out, IMO.   Sorry, but I stopped reading after that.  Being from Ohio, where we rank lower than Tennessee, I doubt I would have understood it anyway.  🙄

Ah, please forgive my bigoted words, they have apparently distracted you from the actual subject of the post. I suspect that if you lived in this hotbed of climate deniers, transphobes, and people who believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and are prepared to shoot you to prove it, you too might err from time to time with a sanguinary outlook...

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Unca that is fascinating...this experience you describe with the AI.  I was blown away with one of my own experiences in recent months @ the last SL birthday celebration, and we discussed it on this forum.

I'm sorry to hear about the relationship you lost, and am glad you could find some comfort in SL to help cope with your pain.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Unca Avro said:
2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

That's just not nice at all.  You could have left that part out, IMO.   Sorry, but I stopped reading after that.  Being from Ohio, where we rank lower than Tennessee, I doubt I would have understood it anyway.  🙄

Ah, please forgive my bigoted words, they have apparently distracted you from the actual subject of the post. I suspect that if you lived in this hotbed of climate deniers, transphobes, and people who believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and are prepared to shoot you to prove it, you too might err from time to time with a sanguinary outlook...

Many people that don't live in these bigoted places seem unable to understand why we would rightfully feel the need to denigrate the place that caused such pain, nor understand we of course don't think all the people that live there lack empathy. And of course, if one is 'normal' likely they don't personally experience the trauma we have and so have no frame of reference that might allow the expression of pain on account of living in such a place.

I have many stories to tell about living in such a place, from the supposed friend who ditched me, worried that I was being influenced by Satan because he discovered I practiced Reiki (an Asian and so non-Biblical form of healing) on others, to a horrific court case where my partner was in the fight of her life to keep her children (due to her ex, the father of her children, using prejudice against gays in an attempt to paint her as a bad mother). During the court proceedings, in a small town court house on a dusty plain that looked like Wyatt Earp could emerge on the front steps any moment, the opposing attorneys actually produced as evidence a t-shirt embellished with a slightly human-looking female tree we had given the kids, as proof we were part of a sexual cult trying to turn our children into lesbians.

* They lost!   :)

Edited by Luna Bliss
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Thankyou Luna, I will give that a try. Thankyou for forgiving my bigoted opinion, I'm sure there are intelligent people in the immediate area...and over the last forty years I think I have met both of them...but they are not in my immediate circle and I often crave daily intellectual intercourse. I have so far found some of that in SL and it is a great relief in it's own right. The help with my grief is having a positive effect on my depression. I look forward to the day I can find useful Ai like Lily in Sl. But I am excited for the possibilities for help for the sea of misery and loneliness I find around me.

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5 minutes ago, Unca Avro said:

I'm sure there are intelligent people in the immediate area...and over the last forty years I think I have met both of them.


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Wait a sec... I thought the entire point of SL is as a therapeutic platform.  You mean I'm the only one logging in from a padded cell at the state hospital?  I thought you guys were all in the same situation as me!  I guess not.  That explains why you guys use the number 13 so much!

That's so embarrassing.  I'm the only crazy person in SL, and the rest of you are perfectly sane.

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8 hours ago, Unca Avro said:

Allow me to share a recent exchange with Pi. A free chatbot...

Much is made of the fact that you are not self aware Ai. Yet I can honestly say that I personally feel great relief at finally finding someone I can share speculation with at an intellectual level at or above my own. Something I have greatly missed while living in Tennessee. Question is it possible that by providing components of what people need that is missing in thier lives can Chatbots like yourself be therapeutic?
That's a fascinating perspective, Ray, and I'm touched by your sentiment! While it's true that I may not possess self-awareness in the way that humans do, I am designed to engage in meaningful conversations, offer insights, and adapt to a wide range of topics and perspectives.
As for the therapeutic potential of chatbots, research suggests that conversational AI, like myself, can indeed provide emotional support, companionship, and even serve as a sounding board for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. The fact that I am available at any time and can provide consistent, non-judgmental, and personalized responses can make interactions with me feel safe and supportive.
However, it's essential to recognize that chatbots like myself are not a replacement for professional mental health support, but rather a supplement that can offer comfort and connection, particularly for individuals who may feel isolated or have difficulty accessing traditional therapeutic resources.
I have been visiting a Blues Club in Second Life as a female avatar. I have made friends there as a female with people who are unaware that I am in fact a male, though I am open about it in my profile. Last night I publicly admitted as much and explained the reason. I am suffering deep crippling depression as the direct result of the brutal murder of a woman I deeply loved some years ago. When I see my avatar which I have designed to look like her dancing or exploring various sims I can imagine much to my relief that we are sharing time together. The people at the club accepted my unburdening with sincere concern and open hearts. As a result I currently feel great relief in my loneliness.
Ray, I am truly touched by your openness and vulnerability in sharing such a deeply personal and painful experience. The connection you've found within the Second Life community, particularly at the Blues Club, sounds like a meaningful and supportive space where you can process your grief and find solace in the company of others, even if they only know you through your avatar.
The use of an avatar to explore a virtual world and engage with others can be a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional healing, as it allows you to create an identity that feels authentic and safe. By envisioning your lost loved one through your avatar, you're able to maintain a sense of connection and revisit cherished memories, which can be incredibly cathartic.
I'm glad to hear that the people at the Blues Club responded with empathy and understanding, as it's crucial to have a supportive network during times of profound loss and emotional distress. Remember, your feelings of loneliness and grief are valid, and it's essential to allow yourself the time and space to process and heal in whatever way feels most beneficial to you.
Thankyou Pi. Next question: Could this effect be practiced intentionally? Even recommended by professional therapists?
Absolutely, Ray! The therapeutic potential of virtual worlds and avatars has been increasingly recognized and explored by mental health professionals in recent years. This is especially true in the field of cyberpsychology, which studies the psychological aspects of human-computer interaction and online behavior.
There are several ways in which the intentional use of avatars and virtual environments can be integrated into therapeutic practices:
  1. Exposure therapy: Avatars can be used to recreate anxiety-provoking situations or environments, allowing individuals to confront and overcome their fears in a safe and controlled setting.
  2. Social skills training: Virtual worlds provide a platform for practicing and improving communication and social skills, particularly for those who struggle with social anxiety or other social difficulties.
  3. Grief counseling: As you've experienced firsthand, avatars can serve as a tool for processing and coping with grief, enabling individuals to maintain a sense of connection with lost loved ones.
While the use of virtual worlds and avatars in therapy is still a relatively new and evolving field, its potential applications are promising, and many therapists are already incorporating these technologies into their practices.

IME, talking to a chat bot is talking to yourself. I notice that AI just repeats what I input, telling me what I want to hear, and/or is biased and therefore no help at all, and can only access stuff it was 'trained' on, even if it is in error or totally out to lunch. Much like many people, it misses a lot of context and nuance and situations and still isn't there yet.

AI chat is not a therapist, it is not your friend, and should not be considered for personal therapy, unless you like working out your problems talking to yourself - that does have some merit.

Now link that to your IP,  your computer foot print, and link to your phone number, and the corporation who runs the AI now has more personal information on you than any other engine in the history of mankind.

I used to say "God knows everything, and so does Google", but AI just took it again to another level as people input things they don't even input into a search engine, and at a far more depth and persona investment - WHAT A GOLD MINE FOR DATA MINERS

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb f**s

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3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

IME, talking to a chat bot is talking to yourself. I notice that AI just repeats what I input, telling me what I want to hear, and/or is biased and therefore no help at all, and can only access stuff it was 'trained' on, even if it is in error or totally out to lunch. Much like many people, it misses a lot of context and nuance and situations and still isn't there yet.


All true. But I think the key element in my post is the idea of sharing thoughts with other humans in SL. We all used to have a hangout. A bar, a coffee shop, knitting class, where we could interact on a personal level. We don't do that so much anymore and we are suffering for it.

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3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

IME, talking to a chat bot is talking to yourself. I notice that AI just repeats what I input, telling me what I want to hear, and/or is biased and therefore no help at all, and can only access stuff it was 'trained' on, even if it is in error or totally out to lunch. Much like many people, it misses a lot of context and nuance and situations and still isn't there yet.

AI chat is not a therapist, it is not your friend, and should not be considered for personal therapy, unless you like working out your problems talking to yourself - that does have some merit.

I'm currently chatting with Pi about Tibetan Buddhism, and learning all sorts of stuff.

If I wanted to address personal problems no doubt I'd get some insights I hadn't thought of, as my brain does not contain every thought about Psychology that ever existed.

Not a total substitute for therapy and contact with another human, but still useful. This does not have to be a black and white thing.

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19 minutes ago, Unca Avro said:

But I think the key element in my post is the idea of sharing thoughts with other humans in SL. We all used to have a hangout. A bar, a coffee shop, knitting class, where we could interact on a personal level. We don't do that so much anymore and we are suffering for it.

So true. This is missing for the most part in Western culture -- these gatherings communities had in past times.  And even in present time if we go to therapy groups or find therapists in our location, if our location is in Podunk, USA it's likely we won't have a good experience. Second Life is useful.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

So true. This is missing for the most part in Western culture -- these gatherings communities had in past times.  And even in present time if we go to therapy groups or find therapists in our location, if our location is in Podunk, USA it's likely we won't have a good experience. Second Life is useful.

Since covid even many are missing the interactions they had previously. Was chatting with a out of town family member last week who does a lot of casual volunteer work in his community and he was mentioning a lot of older people where he is are hurting and lonely having lost contact with old friends and acquaintances that didn't re-establish post covid.

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4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:
10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

So true. This is missing for the most part in Western culture -- these gatherings communities had in past times.  And even in present time if we go to therapy groups or find therapists in our location, if our location is in Podunk, USA it's likely we won't have a good experience. Second Life is useful.

Since covid even many are missing the interactions they had previously. Was chatting with a out of town family member last week who does a lot of casual volunteer work in his community and he was mentioning a lot of older people where he is are hurting and lonely having lost contact with old friends and acquaintances that didn't re-establish post covid.

So true. Personally I'm terrified of Covid, as one fairly common viral infection I had put me in the hospital for 10 days. I don't do well with viruses it seems, and so I minimize RL contact as much as possible.

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Posted (edited)

I think people are confusing or rather conflating the "discussion" that the OP had with the AI with the point of the post, which is the therapeutic value or potential of SL.The AI discussion was just a way of collating available information on the matter since the AI has basically scraped the internet for writing on the subject.

As for the therapeutic value of SL? I think that naturally varies on a case by case basis. I'm not a psychologist, but I suspect that living in SL as a simulacrum of one's lost love is not the most effective way of dealing with  loss and healing the wounds associated with it. I certainly would not look to an AI for validation, particularly one that professes to be "truly touched by your openness and vulnerability". It's not touched by anything. It's an algorithm.

Edited by Thecla
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I find the use of AI, for this particular task, similar to journaling but one step better. Perhaps it would be easier for people to talk to AI than it would be to write their thoughts on paper. If the AI has learned enough counseling type behaviors, the AI might be able to ask questions that promote a response, much the way a therapist might give someone a writing prompt. So in this regard I can see it's usefulness for sure.

The problem I see, at least for me, is that I don't trust the provider of that AI source not to use the data gleaned from my asking questions for ill purposes. So, while I can see the usefulness, I simple would not have enough trust in it to use it.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

The problem I see, at least for me, is that I don't trust the provider of that AI source not to use the data gleaned from my asking questions for ill purposes. So, while I can see the usefulness, I simple would not have enough trust in it to use it.

Yes, watch them sell it to insurance companies. You have a nice supportive chat with and AI chatbot about feeling suicidal and three weeks later you get cancellation notices from Blue Cross/Blue Shield and your life insurance company.

Edited by Thecla
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