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I mass picked up my MyStory farm towards the middle of December. Majority of it in one group, smaller portion in a second group. I had had some of it locked and some of it unlocked. 


I recently went to rezz it out and only found the smaller portion. For the larger I thought I had selected a chair as the object it would show as the "name" in my invo-however when I went to rezz that portion out to see if I had-it showed it disappearing from my invo as no copy items do-but never rezzed. I didn't get any kind of error message such as "cant rezz" or any kind of error. Nothing, it just didn't rezz. I assumed that SL probably was lagging, relogged-nothing. Tried area search nothing. 


I have cleared my caches, tried basic invo retrieval, tried original SL viewer, tried renaming my file to force Firestorm to create a new bridge, rezzed out every bulk set of objects from lost and found AND object folders, I tried doing a search for within 60 days and 30 and my MyStory items are just gone (majority of them)


Does anyone have any other ideas for what I could try? I invested 20k+ into what I had and with it gone I'm devistated. I know its just pixels but I worked hard for what I had and spent a lot of time in it to build up my farm I lost over 250 items. Any tips of things to try would be appreciated! 

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You appear to be doing all the normal stuff so I will make an atypical suggestion.

In the past, when picking up multiple objects to make a single composite object in inventory, I have accidentally dragged some of the objects into one of the objects (let’s call it X) that was in world. Eventually when I happened to rez X and edit it, I found the missing inventory hiding in X.

I realize this is a long shot but it happened to me once.

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5 minutes ago, diamond Marchant said:

You appear to be doing all the normal stuff so I will make an atypical suggestion.

In the past, when picking up multiple objects to make a single composite object in inventory, I have accidentally dragged some of the objects into one of the objects (let’s call it X) that was in world. Eventually when I happened to rez X and edit it, I found the missing inventory hiding in X.

I realize this is a long shot but it happened to me once.

I instantly did everything I could think of, I've also double checked to make sure I didn't shove it in a box just in case I did because ONE time I did for safe keeping. I'm going on day 3 frantically looking and its honestly heartbreaking!

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Sometimes --- and only SOMETIMES -- the item will return the next day.  It is a holiday weekend with a lot of folks on vacation (at least this has been the norm in the past, don't know about this year) so there could be a chance your item shows up again.  

Anyone reading my posts on inventory loss know how often this has happened to me in oh so many ways.  This last week I just "touched" some items while building and they poofed into the ether -- not the same thing but still strange.  I didn't LOSE anything this time except time.   

I am not a fan of no copy items but this could have happened with all copy things too AND have the same items completely disappear from inventory.  No clue HOW this happens. Asked some RL dev friends that work with databases and they had no clue either.  

Having lots of other people in the same boat does NOT help, but we do feel your pain.   Wish I had some answer but I turned 16 yesterday and this is as much as I know :D.   I hope your stuff comes back to you. It COULD end up anywhere, not just your lost and found. 


As an aside on the inventory bit, the new FS was suppose to "find" some old lost items that weren't really lost but only hidden do to a bug that FS fixed. They were supposed to end up in the Lost and Found.   I didn't have anything end up there  but I did have at least two things (out of thousands but hey it it two) come back IN the folder that they would have been in (so in this case plants in "plants". One was a no copy sunflower field that had been gone for at least eight years I think and the other was a prim plant I made well over a decade ago (so only nostalgic value there but was fun to see).     There MAY be some other things that show up too. Who knows. 



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Sadly i have checked I didn't shove the items in anything. I had checked just in case though I knew better. The day I picked everything up I did an area search selected almost everything, right clicked, selected edit and then picked up the items via the take option on the pie menu. 😧 

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Sooner or later, one way or another, no-copy items disappear. Years ago there was an interval where it happened so often that it changed the entire animation business: before, no-copy animations were common. Now almost all anims have copy permission, all because during that interval AOs would usually disappear when rezzed because they contained no-copy animations.

Wish I knew a trick for you to try but it sure seems you've tried everything. I guess you could try filing a support ticket to see if the Lab can help somehow, but it seems pretty unlikely there'd be anything they could do. (That might be different if the items disappeared from inventory without getting rezzed out. As Chic says, some things have changed recently affecting Inventory, but that doesn't seem relevant here, unfortunately.)

Just to confirm: this happened while simply rezzing the coalesced object on the ground, not Firestorm's "Restore to Last Position" operation, right? Either way, it should all end up in "Lost And Found" but the Restore operation takes a more circuitous path in-world (and I still wouldn't know anything useful to suggest).

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I was rezzing it I had selected what I thought was the bulk pick up of my farm, drug it to the platform to rezz it. There was no partial effects, it did not appear, I did not get any kind of error message and it has not returned to lost and found or any other folder. It doesn't appear in area search me and a friend have tried. So it seems SL just ate it sadly.

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