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What to do with 2048sm


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I am brand new to SL (Just reached my 30day) So excuse me if this question seem ignorant. I have Premium+ so I have 2048sqm allicated to me for land. I have a linden home but that only uses 1024sqm. Does linden have any plans on giving a 2048 option or am I on my own. Buying land seems pretty steep. What's the best way to buy 2048sqm? auction or private sale? I don't have any particular plans but I want an Adult property so my options are open. 


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  • Moles

Hi Sapio. There is a 2048sqm Linden Home option in the works. We just have to complete making and releasing it. 

As far as using the remaining 1024 on Mainland, not all land on mainland is expensive. Sure the really nice ones in desirable locations, but if you look at available properties you can usually find a good deal somewhere. And yes, adult land seems to always be more expensive. Are you planning on opening an adult business or club and that is why you need adult land? If you are not, you don't necessarily need land on an adult region. Land on a Moderate region should do just as well, and will probably cost much less to buy.


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Welcome to SL!

The rumour is that the new 2048 homes vil be shown in the SL Home & Garden Expo that starts early in March. It is just a rumour, Linden Lab has said 0 about it.

But if I were you, I would wait until March, while shopping, decorating and socializing. I would see it as too much hassle, if I decide to abandon the land I buy now. After all, you have a home. I have a home in SL for fun. No cleaning!

As @Abnor Molesaid, for usual resident- to resident adult activity, Moderate land is enough. Keep it where people can't wander in by mistake. Do not have your bed on the lawn, but inside, and pull down the blinds. What people may walk in on... you did not invite them. You are really secure if you set up a security orb to hold out people you didn't invite.

If we really get to see new homes in the Expo, you have 2 options:

Go for one of those when the regions are ready. You have the part of forum called "Linden Homes" it will be announced there.

The other option: You don't like the homes. Then it is time to look into buying. You have perhaps seen how much abandoned land it is on Mainland? You can send a ticket to Linden Lab and request buying it directly from them. That is the cheapest way. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/abandoned-land-r1034/Information about The Home and Garden Expo will be posted in Featured News. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/blog/4-featured-news/



Maybe the new homes is not coming in March, and then you can continue to wait, or look for land.



Edited by Marianne Little
added a bit more info
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You could rent a spot for the interim, hop around all of the continents and estates in SL to begin to get a feel for what appeals to you.  I did that for years and rented skyboxes, small homes near blues clubs, water parcels for boating, mountain and snow parcels to try that out, just whatever struck my fancy for a few weeks or months.  Currently (and I do not recommend this unless you are immune to all SL land addictions!!), I have a Linden Chalet home in a gorgeous location and a water lot from which I can take a boat easily to the Blake Sea and all over.   You are more than welcome to visit my water lot; there are several rezzers there that will let you rez a small boat or a jetski to go exploring with:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Argybargy/234/145/21

Just be extremely careful buying any land as prices vary from modest to really extreme but bargains can be found and the search is 90% of the fun, even if you end up not buying.  Above all:  have fun!

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19 hours ago, Sapio91 said:

I am brand new to SL (Just reached my 30day) So excuse me if this question seem ignorant. I have Premium+ so I have 2048sqm allicated to me for land. I have a linden home but that only uses 1024sqm. Does linden have any plans on giving a 2048 option or am I on my own. Buying land seems pretty steep. What's the best way to buy 2048sqm? auction or private sale? I don't have any particular plans but I want an Adult property so my options are open. 


You could contribute 1024 m2 to a rentals group that takes tier in lieu of cash rent.

You could buy abandoned Mainland for only $1/m which is only $1024 then. Or even just buy a $512 to start and learn the land tools.

You could look on the auctions where there are often bargains that go even for 0.5/m or less but usually those are in G and not in good locations.

The thing is not to fear land. $1024 is about US $4. It's the price of a latte. Rent might be anywhere from $250 to $500, shop around, there are ads on the forums.

The Lindens know they have a population of Premium Plus accounts that are eagerly waiting for the 2048 and they will try to roll that out soon. I won't be getting it as a 1024 Linden home is fine. I just like Mainland better for all kinds of reasons, mainly the flexibility of the build and the prims.

You can also rent an island parcel but then your tier won't be used.

Buy abandoned land and spend the rest on clothes or a body.

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On 2/2/2023 at 2:18 AM, Sapio91 said:

I am brand new to SL (Just reached my 30day) So excuse me if this question seem ignorant. I have Premium+ so I have 2048sqm allicated to me for land. I have a linden home but that only uses 1024sqm. Does linden have any plans on giving a 2048 option or am I on my own. Buying land seems pretty steep. What's the best way to buy 2048sqm? auction or private sale? I don't have any particular plans but I want an Adult property so my options are open. 


Sapio, get some 1024 abandoned land; it is going to be way cheaper than renting.

If you have an alt, create a group for your land, and add your alt to that group; those 1024 would turn into 1120 sqm

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If you are paying monthly, you might downgrade to regular Premium until the 2048 Linden Homes are released. Then upgrade back up to Premium Plus if you decide you like them. If you are happy with your current 1024 sqm tier and you do not use the additional Premium Plus perks, this would make sense financially. Note that the 1024sqm tier included with Premium can be used for either a Linden Home (no addtional purchase required) or any 1024sqm parcel on mainland (which also requires an initial purchase).

One difference between a Linden Home and rolling your own on 1024sqm of mainland is the LI (land impact) allocation. In a Linden Home you get 351 LI to use just for the things you rez. The actual house and any Linden landscaping does not count against the 351. But if you roll your own on mainland, the land starts out empty and everything you rez counts against the 351. When the 2048sqm Linden Home parcels are released, the LI is expected to be 702.

For those that want the convenience of  a Linden Home but desire privacy for a sex bed, you just put a skybox above 2000m, set your privacy setting so that people cannot see your avatar, and use the included Linden Home security system to prevent people from visiting your skybox for more than 15 seconds. Note that people off your parcel can cam in and see your stuff, but that is also the case on mainland. You can also block individuals so they cannot enter your parcel at all.

Edited by diamond Marchant
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