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Who's Playing Whom?

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If I did not have experience reading Scylla since something about mid 2008 and know the "poor me" attitude in most of her posts I, too, would have a more open mind about her motives........that is just not the case.  Take the mention of on of her very own posts being taken down.  Had she not made mention of that, I would have just rolled my eyes once again at the thread knowing it's just another Scylla bitch thread.  It's a common theme with Scylla........."everyone is against her".  That's not true...........I don't even dislike her.  I don't believe her but she's not a bad person.


What's more..............who really cares who this **redacted** is?  Is **redacted** really controlling the mods?   I doubt it.......seriously doubt it.  Scylla cares...........I can only guess why (and since I only have another guess who this **redacted** is I won't tell my guess).

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

<snip>  She knows she skirting the rules by a very narrow margin (not to mention that every mod for LL knows her and most have had to deal with her.....also known as "reputation").  With her experience dealing with LL and LL's moderation practice, surely she's smarter than that!  


My hats off to Scylla for exactly this reason.  And why not?  We are not children and should not be treated as such by moderation in the extreme.  

I like this forum...but we can not and should not be babied; it is counter-productive to EVERYTHING that SL represents. 


Editted for a hyphen!?

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

I want a bouncing F too!!

did you make that? hehehehe


oh wait maybe i don't want one..whats it stand for? hehehehe:matte-motes-evil-invert:


The F stands for female :) Many forums display gender icons, and the blue "M" symbol kind of looks like that. I wanted to have something more feminine in my badge to offset the masculine blue icon (as well as the line "recognized member" below it, which makes it even worse for some reason). I didn't really make it myself though, it's just a modified version of this bouncy smiley: b_pink.gif 

Feel free to use it if you like :) Here's one without elf ears: Bouncy F.gif


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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

I want a bouncing F too!!

did you make that? hehehehe


oh wait maybe i don't want one..whats it stand for? hehehehe:matte-motes-evil-invert:


The F stands for female. Many forums display gender icons, and the blue "M" symbol kind of looks like that. I wanted to have something more feminine in my badge to offset the masculine blue icon (as well as the line "recognized member" below it, which makes it even worse). I didn't really make it myself though, it's just a modified version of this bouncy smiley:

Feel free to use it if you like
 Here's one without elf ears:
Bouncy F.gif


/me wonders if Ishtara can make him a bouncing 'C'?  

Hey Ceka, do you want to ask me what the 'C' stands for? :matte-motes-bored:

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If you don't act like children you won't be treated like children.  You're right, we are adults here.  Adults know what the rules are and follow them or leave.........children know what the rules are a push them to and, sometimes, over the the limits.  That typically happens at the adulescence period in life.

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I haven't lost my mind at all.  I know how to get things done when I don't have control (such as the control any resident has on these forums) and it ain't by pissing off the people who do have control.  Scylla could get lots of things done if she approached things differently........she doesn't so she's always on the outside looking in and feeling resentful.  It's a shame, really.  It's easy..........be an adult about it (not a child).

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"Maybe some 'older' posters, like myself, are the ones that need to change, or forsake the forum."


Storm, I have always considered you one of the main sources of creativity and humor in the fora - especially when you flavor your posts with brandy, cigars and irony. I think the problem we all face is transcending the easy culture of sardonicism. I look back with embarrassment at my early posts in which I too was seduced by the popular dithyramb. For awhile it was fast, easy, fun, but ultimately unproductive. Needless to say, I feel I have become a crashing bore recently and itch for a night of forum Dolce Vita. What we lack now, as Pussycat pointed out, is the lighthearted flirtation and Glass Bead Games that wove themselves into topical threads. You yourself started many such threads, which were a joy to read. Perhaps now that the GD Forum has stabilized, a new culture will arise that embodies Marbella at sunset instead of Vancouver after a hockey game.

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"Have you lost your mind? Why should anyone ever stop pushing boundaries? You must be boring as hell... no offense."



Agrees with This.   When people want change, some have to push the boundaries & risk being punished.  Would you say that every movement for social change was childish?  Whether it's a serious movement such as the Jasmine Revolution or just some folks on an internet forum, we all have the right to protest for change when we don't like the way things are being done.

Whether the forms of protest used are "childish" or "mature" is often a matter of perspective too.  Social and political commentary is often done with humor, sometimes even of an apparently immature sort.  Watch "The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart" or any late-night talk show monologue, as an example.

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I guess I mistook what you said... I do agree, be adult. But please, don't stop pushing boundaries. I want us to have adult conversations here (I don't mean lewd). If no one had ever pushed the mods to let up a little, we'd be living in disney **bleep**ing bleach land. That could be fun, but it could also get old really quick.

Cheers... Dres

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So...........a privately owned forum on the Internet that is owned and maintained by the same privately owned company that developed and distributed a privately owned platform for the use by individuals who voluntarily agree to a written set of rules is now being equated to civil disobedience?


Now it's my turn..........Have you lost your mind?

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

What seems to be going on here is that someone -- the OP -- believes that he is wreaking havoc and manipulating the moderators here in order to deliberately sabotage the SL forum and embarrass the moderators.  The OP in question is a very well known poster here, although he has not posted for some time.

As to whether this actually has any real significance, I don't know.  It may well be that the OP of the excerpt I've pasted here has huge delusions of grandeur.

My response is a big fat giant LOLWUT?

The forums here seem to be moving along very nicely and very well - despite this griefer's attempts at ruination apparantly.

That most of us are clueless about being under attack shows that well, moderation is apparantly working.


My vote goes with delusions of grandeur.

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Deltango Vale wrote:

"Maybe some 'older' posters, like myself, are the ones that need to change, or forsake the forum."


What we lack now, as Pussycat pointed out, is the lighthearted flirtation and Glass Bead Games that wove themselves into topical threads.

Um, what? Did I say that somewhere or something like it? :)

(What's that mean anyway, glass bead games. I don't know if I should agree, laugh, be mad, feel insulted, or just raise a few curious whiskers.)


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Um.. excuse me. I'm here because I love SL and I love the SL forums. Do you honestly think the way the forums were being moderated at the beginning of this new installation was adequate? Sure I refused to accept what was going on... that's not because I was just being arbitrary for the sheer sake of it.

Do you think I should have just left right then? Just run away? No way... I stayed and tried to do my part to make things better. And I think I may have helped in some small way.

If everyone were to ascribe to your philosophy, there would be no progress. Not here nor anywhere else.


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Attack blogs?  I don't understand your point either? 

?  Can't they just put the poster on ignore about the IM's?

I hardly ever read blogs anyways. 

I don't see the forums here wrecked or anything with trouble so I have no idea what u r talking about? 

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