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Mesh sim update and testing request

Charlar Linden

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Hello Beta Testers!

We're pushing forward for our update of the mesh asset format! We could use a hand testing our latest progress, however, before we roll it out to all of the mesh regions.

Please grab a viewer from the link below and start trying to pile on uploading meshes on one of the listed regions.




Mesh Sandbox 20

Mesh Sandbox 21

Mesh Sandbox 27

Mesh Sandbox 28


Upload new mesh assets, verify they can rez, trade them, modify them, etc. We're particularly concerned to make sure that you are able to get collada files onto the grid and rez them properly. If you notice any bugs/failures please file a jira task and attach your secondlife.log from the session where you tried to upload the mesh. Also feel free to post a reply here. We're going to be watching the results of testing closely; if it goes well we'll push out to all the mesh regions by the end of the week. If we encounter problems we may have to push back to next week.

Also, here's a link to the new asset format spec: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Mesh_Asset_Format 

Thanks for your assistance!

-- Your Mesh Development Team


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Uploads work for me. Only MeshImportUseSLM doesn't load the Physics mesh. LODs will be read fine from the .slm file.

I uploaded the models with a decomposed,simplified physics mesh. Physics Shapes 'PRIM' type is missing in the dropdown menu in the edit floater. Just Convex Hull and None is there.

Costs are not shown in the Edit floater, too. Just something like [COUNT] [COSTS]/[PHYSICS] but no numbers.

 Edit: I can only choose Physics Shape type PRIM when I upload a physics mesh without decomposing it. An undecomposed physics mesh will be read from the .slm file, too.

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Location: Mesh Sandbox 28

- Upload of a simple cylinder worked.

- 7300 triangle grand piano worked

- 47,000 triangle full avatar with skin weights silently failed to rez first time.  Went to Sandbox 21 and uploaded again, this time it worked.  When I returned to Sandbox 28 my piano was no longer visible (even with highlight transparent), although I still bumped into it.  It's unselectable in edit mode, but appears to count in about land.  Location Sandbox 28 (221, 121, 23).  Tried third time to upload avatar, in Sandbox 27.  Was able to upload, rez, and wear.  Previous copy left at Sandbox 28 still visible, but piano is invisible. Relogging fixed visibity/select for edit problem with piano.

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Yes. Can't select physics type Prim for mesh with decomposed physics shape. This is complete disaster, of course, for houses, doorways etc. I will do a jira if nobody has already. Not much  point in further experiments while this is there?

If you drop a mesh with undecomposed physics shape on MS 27 with the new format and set it to Prim, then come back with an old-format viewer, then the edit box says it is type None. This is supposed to be impossible (root can't be None). It still behaves as Prim. Prim is now missing from the dropdown. So if you set it to Convex Hull, you can't put uit back to Prim.

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Sandbox 20 is on the "PRIM TEST" viewer (as is Mesh City 2 - presumably on same machine ... there may be 2 more region?). That is not mesh enabled. Don't know what it's for. With the deprecation viewer, you can't see meshes in the neighbouring regoins either! With the regular one you could.


Sorry, it's MS 22 that's on PRIM TEST

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Thanks everyone who's already jumped in to help us.


Please be aware that the viewer and sim builds are both 'experimental', meaning there will be bugs.

Also, and especially, behavior between the experimental regions (Sandboxs 20, 21,27, 28) and all other regions is unknown and not actually important. The same goes for the experiemental viewer on non-experimental regions.


Thanks, and please keep testing/reporting!


- Mesh Dev Team

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I actually think it should be important unless they're running completely different builds each to test for optimal fitness (Mod help us, we're enacting the law of nature with server builds!).  If you upload something in one sim, moving to another sim shouldn't cause it to disappear in the previous.

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That's what I see from  About ...


Second Life 2.7.3 (232300) Jun  7 2011 22:28:54 (Project Viewer - Mesh Asset Deprecation)
Release Notes

You are at 204,923.0, 178,559.0, 23.1 in Mesh Sandbox 20 located at sim7025.aditi.lindenlab.com (
Mesh Experimental

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Oh dear. Upload used to keep the material colors for Blender exports. This was very helpful for subsequently putting the textures on as you couls see the faces. Now it's all white, even if you tell it to include textures (when there aren't any). I'm not going to upload the textures with each piece of my gallery because that would duplicate textures and upload charges which are the same on several pieces. I can't see anywhere where the colour would go in the format. S I suppose That has gone forever.


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  • Lindens

Color not coming in would be a bug -- the color isn't stored in the mesh asset, but in the texture entries that are created at import.  The new viewer uses a new import path to upload to the sim, so you're likely seeing a regression.  It will be fixed.

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All meshes uploaded fine I just had the problem of when I logged off and returned, my uploads were no longer visible or selectable although they are there cause I can bump into them :D Great work so far cant wait for mesh on main grid!!

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guY Ralior wrote:

All meshes uploaded fine
I just had the problem of when I logged off and returned, my uploads were no longer visible or selectable although they are there cause I can bump into them
Great work so far cant wait for mesh on main grid!!

Same here. Can you check if the Upload > Model entry is there for you, when you relog and have the invisible meshes?

For me it is missing from the menu then. The viewer doesn't recognize the mesh enabled sim anymore. I have uninstalled both mesh viewers, and reinstalled just the MAD :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:viewer, cleared chache, reboot etc...

So far I'm not able to upload meshes, can't TP, can't see neighbouring regions...

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I have the same thing with the model upload as well but for me it is coming and going as I walk around the sim. When I first logged back on I didn't have it I walked about 20 meters in same sim and it was available. When switching from sim to sim I have lost it as well, just so you know I am on the mac version of the beta-viewer I don't know if that makes a difference or not :D

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Latest version of this viewer crashes me on login when meshes are in sim.

running windows 7, i7 extreme, and 24gb of ram.

running mesh with a gtx460, with drivers updated as of today... but crashed it even before update with same issue.

If I am outside of mesh sims I am fine, this is a new development for me as of this version of mesh viewer.


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Well I guess that is the reason for beta test to get these kind of bugs worked out :D I found that logging directly to one of the sandboxes helped be to be able to move around and upload models instead of my last location. Don't know if this will help or not :D

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