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I need a job...badly


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Okay I am in desperate need of a job but I seriously don't know how to do a damn thing!

A friend helped me open a little shop but in all honesty I did a very crappy job and the items are so random I guess it just doesnt catch people eye! Its been open for a week and I've made no sells...one week left and I'll be left with nothing.


I've thought of just being like some kind of pro beggar or mooch because it seems like the only option I have left. I can't even get a job as a dancer because my schedule isn't set in stone and I haven't found a single freelance club since I've joined SL...

I also have NO idea how to make clothes, I'm creative and an artist but I'm not so good with technology. Real estate well you gotta have money to get money and in all honesty it seems kind of risky. I don't know how to build. I don't know how to be a dj, like streaming music and whatnot. Linden hunting takes HOURS just to get a couple bucks. Hosting, I dont even know because no one can teach me how to do it and ugh....


I just don't know I'm thinking of just whoring around a little.


If anyone has any advice please share, I really need some.

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If you don't have marketable skills in SL, then earning some extra money in RL to fund your fun in SL seems to be easiest.


Otherwise I guess just be patient and learn more SL skills, why being impatient?  It is not like the virtual world is going away any time soon.  Things like hosting doesn't seem to be very hard, you need some intial investment in outfit and just generally be attentive and nice to people.


Whoring around won't earn you new skills, might hurt your self-esteem, doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

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Hello Tandero. Let's see the cases one by one:

1)Commerce: You don't like or you don't know how to run that buziness (advertisment, increase traffic etc)

2)Dancer: You can't work because your schedule isn't set in stone (as you said)

3)Creation: You don't know to make clothes. (Building i guess the same)

4)Mesh: You aren't good with technology.

5)Real estate: Seems kind of risky.

6)DJ: You dont know to spin.

7)Money hunter: Requires hours for few lindens.

http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life This is the link with the jobs you can do in SL. As i read your post i think that the only job you can do is to work as a dance at a freelance place. How long really you are in world and you haven't found yet a freelance club? There are several arround. Some of them without commissions (you keep the 100% of tips). Use the search and find freelance clubs or ask your friends.

In addition is suggested to read the topics in this category and in "Wanted". Often people are looking for new stuff.

Good luck.

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You can sell stuff on the marketplace for free. Just look up a magic box and throw your stuff in it and maybe you can put it on your friends property (if he has any)

I make custom gestures and I've had my store open in the MP for a few months now and have maybe sold 6 things so don't feel bad lol. It takes time. 

On the other hand I googled for a whole day on how to dj and stream into SL and now it's pretty easy for me.  Got a couple gigs at some newer places so the money isn't rolling in but hey its a start. 


But dancing seems to be the easiest thing to do in SL for a lil extra $L.  And I'm sure there's places out there that don't require a set n stone schedule. I've actually worked for clubs needing dancers and it's more like if your online great come dance, if not then its no biggie.  So I would suggest spending a few dollars to buy some lindens and get to lookin good and then find some places to dance at. Freelance or Clubs.  There's always clubs needing dancers on the forums and there are classifieds actually in the game on your viewer that you can browse through also and see an even bigger list


Hope that helps some

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You're less than 30 days old aren't you? That will limit employment prosects. BTW, that's a pretty scary looking profile photo. For now, hit up money trees. See http://moneytree.wolfhavenproductions.com/wmt/masterlist.php

After you're 30 days old, try and get a job at Sweethearts Jazz Romantic Elegant Ballroom & Dance Club for L$100/hr. They are usually advertising. Alternatively, auction yourself off at SAG.

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I can tell you what I personally hire for.

A lot of designers do hire writers to do their product descriptions.

You see, I design vintage clothing. My major in school was history (that includes history of social customs, home life, fashion, etc). I'm also told I'm an excellent text-based roleplayer. You'd think I'd be the best person to describe what I make, because I know the most about it anyone alive today probably could, and I write well. You'd be wrong. I write product descriptions either like an old lady, or stereo instructions. It is a point against me that I'm also the designer, because I know more about the specific product than most customers care to know. I'm too close to it. I recognize that I'm not objective. Copy writing is actually a specialized skill, and doesn't reflect a person's ability to write in other areas, at all.

So, I hire writers to do the product descriptions for me. I have a few writers I work with (one main one, but I go with alternates when she's on vacation). I send them the finished product, or photos of it if I'm not done with packaging but want the write-up to be ready to go. They send me back a 2-3 paragraph descript. I pay them $500.

One of my writers, I have through a friend, but my main writer, I found by simply placing an advert in the classifieds tab in-world. I interviewed a few, and picked her.

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"I've thought of just being like some kind of pro beggar or mooch"

That is against Second LIfe TOS and will get you banned most places in Second Life as well. 

So will escorting if you use other people's non sex sims to do it in. I don't even allow escort group tags on my property because it's often to get someone to begin sexting them in IM on my land. I don't get a cut and I don't run a brothel.

It's up to you but I hope you can find other ways of making money than the former and if you do the latter, do it 'right.' 

Keep learning and I bet you will make some awesome creations some day. Maybe you will be the next SL millionaire in a year or two time. Who knows.

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It's almost impossible not to make at least some money on SLM if you keep your expenses down.

I mostly make rocks.

They take about 5 minutes to make once I have a proper rock texture.

They sell through SLM while I sleep.

My only in-world costs are the rental spot for my magic box and the loading fees for textures and sculpt maps.

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Most of us started off not able to do a damn thing, too, in SL, of course.    But it takes time to learn to script or animate or make sculpties and so on,  and if you're going into it to make money, that's not going work in the short term.    It does take time to acquire the necessary technical skills and it also takes time to build any sort of reputation -- which is important.     

I'm strongly of the opinion that anyone who goes into content creation in SL primarily to make money is almost certainly in for a disappointment, and that the way to approach it is to make stuff because you enjoy doing it, and treat the money as a bonus.   

That having been said, rather than saying what you can't do, why not concentrate on what you can do and what you like doing?  You say you are creative and an artist -- what sort of art do you make?

And what do you need the money for?  I know plenty of people who have fun in SL for free, pretty much, enjoying themselves on treasure hunts and MM boards and so on.   And you might even try making it yourself, whatever you want the money for, and learn that way -- that's how and why I first started scripting;  I was fed up of paying what then seemed to me a lot of money for scripts that didn't really do what I wanted and which I knew couldn't be too difficult, so I started to learn how to make doors open and close or windows change their texture and so on.   I found I enjoyed doing it, and, rather to my surprise, before too long,  friends started offering to pay me to make their doors and windows and things do tricks, too.

You mention whoring around.   I did that for a bit, and it's certainly fun, but it's another occupation that requires some money to get started, I think -- you need an attractive avatar with a nice skin and outfits, which costs, and also, and more importantly, you need good rp and improvisation skills.   You're playing a role, acting off the customer's cues, to give him the fantasy experience he wants.   And I found the level of concentration and imagination it required to carry that off for thirty minutes or an hour really rather demanding.

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Tandero wrote:

Okay I am in desperate need of a job but I seriously don't know how to do a damn thing!

A friend helped me open a little shop but in all honesty I did a very crappy job and the items are so random I guess it just doesnt catch people eye! Its been open for a week and I've made no sells...one week left and I'll be left with nothing.


I've thought of just being like some kind of pro beggar or mooch because it seems like the only option I have left. I can't even get a job as a dancer because my schedule isn't set in stone and I haven't found a single freelance club since I've joined SL...

I also have NO idea how to make clothes, I'm creative and an artist but I'm not so good with technology. Real estate well you gotta have money to get money and in all honesty it seems kind of risky. I don't know how to build. I don't know how to be a dj, like streaming music and whatnot. Linden hunting takes HOURS just to get a couple bucks. Hosting, I dont even know because no one can teach me how to do it and ugh....


I just don't know I'm thinking of just whoring around a little.


If anyone has any advice please share, I really need some.

Firstly I think you need to think a little bit about marketing yourself, hundreds of residents read these forums, and you just advertised a huge list of stuff you CAN'T do, this is not a great way to get a job. Think about what you CAN do, and as important, what you LIKE doing, if you are enjoying the work you are much more likely to be successful at it, and if you're not successful, well, who cares, at least you had fun - right?.

So concentrating on what you CAN do, you are an artist, and in a much shorter time than most, you have managed to make some items and open a store, this is a great achievement which you should not underestimate. Now you say you did a very crappy job, if you are able to recognise this crappiness, then you should be able to make some improvements to change it, if you need help with your building skills, go to some free classes and improve them, ask questions, learn and develop.

Only a handful of people have come to Second Life and got rich and none of them got rich quick!, to me it seems like you are in a dreadful hurry, it takes time to learn to build here, it takes time to learn how to market what you make, but the thing that takes the most time is learning what works and what doesn't, I am lucky enough to be in a position where I have a good number of items selling well, but I didn't just TP in one day and make best sellers, I also made hundreds of things that barely/never sell at all!.

There is still plenty of money to be made here, but getting your hands on it takes time. dedication and determination, so relax, in a weeks time if you need to pay the rent, sacrifice your next Takeaway Pizza and invest a little real life money and give yourself time to build this business up

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