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Marketplace Release Notes: May 31, 2011

Brooke Linden

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Pamela Galli wrote:

This may confirm what we have heard reported here -- ANY edit pushes a listing to the back of the line.

Which is really really bad for me because I update my stuff constantly. So if true, it never has a chance.

Yes, I filed a ticket about that in xmas. I notice all my updates in xmas items makes them lose their rank, from page 1 they went to last page. Guess marketplace still have the porblem cause they don't relly care about it. And that's why they don't show rank number now ;-)

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We completed the deploy about an hour ago, so in store sort order for relevance should be back to a similar order it was before Tuesday's deploy.

I have heard those of you who were happy about the feature--we just could not leave it out there with such a significant bug. Our goal with this feature was that it not impact existing behavior. Unforunately, it did. We will need to fix the feature so it only affects sort order for merchants who choose to use it before we can re-release it.



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Rya Nitely wrote:

Thanks Brooke,

I'll be looking forward to the re-release.

Mickey, you and I will just have to be patient about utilising this 
Fantastic Tool 

And we'll continue to hope that when next we see this Fantastic Tool, it has the added options and functionality that have been voiced in this thread as well. After all, anything worth doing is worth doing well .. right? *smiles*

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/me waves at Mickey ... "Welcome home!" (Yeah, I know. i've been the one absent for a bit .. but since I probably missed your debut .. I'm saying it now.)

The problem was that while it benefitted some, it drastically hurt many many more. For some reason they did not anticipate, as soon as they released the feature, the default sort order for everyone's items went all wonky. In keeping with their desire to do minimal damage, they rolled it back so they can better understand what they accidentally broke, and how to do it without that damage.

Don't worry, the tool will be back. Next time though it won't smack everyone upside the head when it arrives.

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don't mind getting smacked upside the head, as long as there is an email two days before saying "hey, you're about to get smacked upside the head"....and as long as it is not on the first day of the month.  Sometimes cut things a wee bit close there!

Even in spite of that, was quite enlightening.  Who knew that people would buy poinsettias in June?  People buy what is on the first couple of pages.  Confirmed.

If the rest of the pages go "wonky" what difference does it make?  People don't make it that far anyway, unless they are using the store search feature.

See ya next month, Darrius.

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Hello everybody, I havent been to this new format forum for quite some time now, but here i am because I only found out about the ability for merchants to sort the way they wanted today!

It seems like a great idea, I noticed my relevance was borked recently but I didnt know why. hope to see it worked again soon.

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