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I am a Cloud...Ruthed perhaps...Tried 101 things...doesn't work


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I searched for what to do if one is a cloud and I've tried 101 things and nothing helps.  There is nothing on the grid status I see.   Of note, I am currently NOT a BOM avatar.  I am an onion layer applier skin avatar at present.  

I've changed hair, shape, clothes, changed different settings, clicked lots of stuff, yada, yada...what to do now?  Still a cloud.  

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5 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I searched for what to do if one is a cloud and I've tried 101 things and nothing helps.  There is nothing on the grid status I see.   Of note, I am currently NOT a BOM avatar.  I am an onion layer applier skin avatar at present.  

I've changed hair, shape, clothes, changed different settings, clicked lots of stuff, yada, yada...what to do now?  Still a cloud.  

Is your inventory fully loaded?  If you've tried most things, try clearing inventory cache, log out, reboot your modem and log back in.  Always works for me.

Edited by RowanMinx
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changed eyes and skin as well?

did the character test?

i sometimes find that taking off an item I am apparently wearing on CURRENT OUTFITS pops me into view...

logged off, turned off router, waited 1 minute, restarted router, logged in again?

Good luck!

Edited by Emma Krokus
thinking that my unique spellings may not be appreciated
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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

How did you fix it, just for future reference?

Oh my gosh, after changing tons of things - shape, hairbase, clothes, going into the Second Life viewer too and lots else can't remember...I took Emma's advice above and did a CHARACTER TEST and it worked.  I have not rebooted nor anything like that.  One thing that was weird though when I was a cloud and trying to change, some items would not detach at all.  When I went into the Second Life viewer I was able to detach clothes and change but that didn't work either when I logged back in FS I was still a cloud.  I felt I tried about everything.  I didn't see the CHARACTER TEST right away and then I saw it in parenthesis under AVATAR > Avatar Health > and then there is a place to chose Male or Female Character Test.  Then I just changed with an outfit (outfit feature) back into my avatar I was currently using and all is working well now.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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