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Another newbie with neck texture issues ...

Katherine Heartsong

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I apologize if this has been asked a thousand times, and also for the lack of using the correct terminology in advance, but here goes:

I settled on a really lovely LOGO Willow head and Slink (original) body for my look, and am having neck joining issue where the skin texture on the head and body in no way shape or form match. What am I doing wrong? I've uploaded a picture to show you and welcome any help. Thank you!


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7 minutes ago, TickleKitten said:

I apologize if this has been asked a thousand times, and also for the lack of using the correct terminology in advance, but here goes:

I settled on a really lovely LOGO Willow head and Slink (original) body for my look, and am having neck joining issue where the skin texture on the head and body in no way shape or form match. What am I doing wrong? I've uploaded a picture to show you and welcome any help. Thank you!


Did you buy the head and body textures from the same store?

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30 minutes ago, TickleKitten said:

I apologize if this has been asked a thousand times, and also for the lack of using the correct terminology in advance, but here goes:

I settled on a really lovely LOGO Willow head and Slink (original) body for my look, and am having neck joining issue where the skin texture on the head and body in no way shape or form match. What am I doing wrong? I've uploaded a picture to show you and welcome any help. Thank you!


Your body looks as if it's set to fullbright. Make sure you've not enabled that feature from your HUD or otherwise. What body are you using?

You can easily check for fullbright by setting your time of day to midnight. If your body is still bright, that's your problem.

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Turned off fullbright and yes, much much better. Now only the hint of a seam showing. Body I am using is the Slink Physique Original Redux. Body bought at Slink Mainstore, head at the LOGO mainstore. Thanks for everyone's time helping.

Now to find clothes.

I also get a weird thing where it sometimes takes a long time for the transparency to load on the bangs/fringes of my hair over my eyebrows, and they look weirdly cut off. I'm assuming it's just the file size of the Thrill hair, I guess. But happy with my look at at under 15K complexity, which is good I think based on what I read.

Still working on BOM terminology ... such a noob :)

Edited by TickleKitten
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I think BoM is easier to understand and work with than appliers. It uses the original concepts and basic design of SL from the pre-mesh days. More or less working the way SL avatars were originally designed to work. The entire Applier Era was a work-around for the lack of layers on prims. Eventually, I think, most of the applier tech will disappear.

The basic difference is BoM uses system layers for skin, tats, and clothes... the items that have distinctive inventory icons. It allows us to handle mesh bodies the same way we handle the Classic body.

BoM is an improved second generation Server Side Baking, the process of compositing server side all the textures for skin, tats, underwear, clothes, jacket into a single texture. The idea was to reduce the client side render from a possible 15 or so textures to 3.

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