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What Resident Places Would You Like To See

Layla Claven

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  • Layla Claven changed the title to What Resident Places Would You Like To See

Admittedly, I am the grouchy old get-off-my-lawn lady of my region, but I still have very mixed feelings about residential areas essentially being used as commercial areas without the whole commerce part. 

So I would like to see a commercial area added to Bellisseria... kind of a City Walk sort of thingie, maybe, with shop, restaurant, and bar rentals available only to Bellisseria residents for a nominal fee. 

Oh, and a petting zoo. 

And I haven't seen a really well done brothel yet. 

And no, those two things should NOT be connected. 

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I'm actually going to agree with Beth on this for the most part. I don't really like the idea of resident homes being used for community purposes, but more for the fact it creates a kind of hazy grey area for people to promote their RL stores or to point fingers at someone they're suspecting is while missing the "fake" concept (if indeed it is fake and not shameless promotion as some have apparently been caught doing). But anyway, I digress.

I'd be happier to see an actual purpose built community area or areas (in keeping with this fake commercial theme), whether that was a coffee shop or whatnot I have no idea. What I wouldn't want to see in any shape or form are actual commercial areas. Personally I believe Bellisseria should remain commerce free and remain a residential enclave with the option to utilize mainland for everything else as we have it right now. Everyone has their own opinions on this. There's pros and cons on both sides of the fence no doubt. And from the start of the speculation of the orange squares on SSPE we all thought would likely be an urban area, I was hoping for something like a little town square or two with a small assortment of fake Linden or Mole owned and decorated stores for general ambience so Bellisseria felt like a town more so than a massive gates community. Things are actually starting to feel that way now, so who knows. It would be lovely to go to a restaurant or diner (and that latter idea is certainly doable when the campers are released!) just as we're able to sit beside some rivers and on the beach now with a drink and take in the scenery. Then I start feeling guilty and think maybe we're asking too much.

For all that I'm also wary that there will come a time eventually when the interest will die down and such places will in essence become eyesores (I hope I'm wrong). Again, there's pros and cons there too and heavily reliant on us the Residents to utilize the space we have been given. So to that end the more fake-commercial Resident-owned places the less need for anything else. And I would like to see anything else the Lindens and Moles will create for us because they're creating some amazing environments! That's not to say Residents won't or can't but they also can't provide the same kind of continuity that Linden/Mole build infrastructure can.

So I really don't want to see anything personally beyond interactivity, and that's already taking place. Just hope it continues, that's all I want - that, and I'm still holding out hope for a Linden and Mole themed museum or gallery because I just do dammit, and the exhibitions can change so it doesn't have to stagnate (even though it's likely not going to be everyone's cup of tea). But we could sip tea at the café beside the gallery while patrons dine a la carte a few doors down, and people pose for pics with cardboard moles, or wander around the Bellisseria Tourist center displaying the progressive map of the continent and the history and house the relevant information that people don't need to join any group in world to know! I mean, it's possible... but is it probable? Probably not. I guess we'll see. *shrugs*


Regarding community areas (just in case someone doesn't read the Bellisseria Choo-Choo Train thread or the post gets buried in the meantime, and if speculation is correct) it looks like they could be already under development: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/440334-bellisseria-choo-choo-train-thread/?do=findComment&comment=1956094

Edited by RaeLeeH
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I love the city walk idea with little faux shops and I want to see a Drive-in-movie theater with parked cars that  have good animations for singles and couples that plays REAL movies, classics, like Rocky Horror Picture show, Jaws and things to that nature.  🍿🎥🚗

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2 minutes ago, PrudenceAnton said:

I love the city walk idea with little faux shops and I want to see a Drive-in-movie theater with parked cars that  have good animations for singles and couples that plays REAL movies, classics, like Rocky Horror Picture show, Jaws and things to that nature.  🍿🎥🚗

The problem with a drive-in is that there would be no way for everyone to view the "movie" at the same time. Media players as a rule I think generally start as the avatar arrives on the scene or teleports in (or touches to start, whatever the trigger to initiate the movie to start would be). So for instance if you arrive and sit down and start to watch it and then teleport your friend in 5 minutes later, they will be seeing the movie in a 5 minute delay compared to you. And if you (or they) crash and log back into the theater the movie starts again from the start. It doesn't sound like a big issue but it will be painful in the way that you can't discuss the movie in real time if you are seeing it in essence before they are. As far as I know there is no way around that. There are "fake" screens that could be used as a stand-in (a prim that "plays" or animates a texture) but only for several frames before repeating, and in no means to replicate an entire movie. It's good in theory (and the one staged for the SLB16 area was a great example of how it could look if just for prop purposes) but limited in the ability to execute in the way you describe (in so far as I know, and I could be wrong about that!) :) 

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1 minute ago, RaeLeeH said:

The problem with a drive-in is that there would be no way for everyone to view the "movie" at the same time. Media players as a rule I think generally start as the avatar arrives on the scene or teleports in (or touches to start, whatever the trigger to initiate the movie to start would be). So for instance if you arrive and sit down and start to watch it and then teleport your friend in 5 minutes later, they will be seeing the movie in a 5 minute delay compared to you. And if you (or they) crash and log back into the theater the movie starts again from the start. It doesn't sound like a big issue but it will be painful in the way that you can't discuss the movie in real time if you are seeing it in essence before they are. As far as I know there is no way around that. There are "fake" screens that could be used as a stand-in (a prim that "plays" or animates a texture) but only for several frames before repeating, and in no means to replicate an entire movie. It's good in theory (and the one staged for the SLB16 area was a great example of how it could look if just for prop purposes) but limited in the ability to execute in the way you describe (in so far as I know, and I could be wrong about that!) :) 

I don't mind being 5 minutes ahead on the movie of others. *Spoiler alert!*

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Many of us explore by ourselves it would be nice to have activity areas which cater for that.

What about a fitness trail with animations for equipment, or a golf driving range? Those kind of things would work for singles or groups.

Also feed the ducks!! With duck feed dispenser and rezzing waterfowl.

Maybe photo friendly viewpoints with something touristy, like a signpost with distances to other landmasses.

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