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SL Racing - The fast paced road to thrills, fame, and fortune.

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I'm amazed - so many threads on sports and not a single one on what might be considered the most popular sports division in SL: Racing cars, bikes, and other vehicles.

Since nobody else filled this gap, I'll try to come up with a short introduction. You will see that you maybe not only overlooked a job opportunity up to now, but also a great way to have fun and live a life of excitement.

For those who didn't know (and I met many long time rezidents who were not aware), beyond all the cars you can buy at many shops and drive on mainland roads, there's a huge scene of racers, race equipment builders and racetracks in Second Life. There's been no day that didn't feature a race in SL for years, and most of the time there are even several race events per day, held at different locations. Some of these events are even broadcasted on TreatTV.

The life of a racer is filled with challenges. Say goodbye to boredom when you become a racer. Most likely you'll find yourself in a position very soon where you have to decide where you race and what races might be dropped. Many racers travel from track to track all day long, to practice for races and compete. The very best of them are professionals with awesome skills who earn considerable money. A pro can win several hundred Lindens in a single race, and 10.000 or more in a championship. I'm a professional myself, and even though I'm just a mediocre driver in comparison to the really skilled champions, I still won almost 90.000 Lindens with podium places and 64 victorys in professional races up to now. But aside from monetary benefits, you get to know many interesting and funny rezidents when you become part of the racing scene, and some of them are scripters or builders who really know their business and are willing to share their knowledge with a fellow fan of the sport.

Since I'm a racer myself and don't want to favour some racetracks while ignoring others, I'll refrain from posting a SLURL. Check and join this group for more detailed information about tracks and events: SL Racing Association. 

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Hi Canoro,

I've rarely seen a scripter or builder who was also a racer. Scripters or builders don't join races very often.

Scripts for race cars are usually no mod, but some can be configured within certain limits by notecards.

What makes racers more skilled? That's a miracle of it's own. Some simply have a better Ping and hardware than the rest, others are simply more skilled. A truly skilled racer with a great internet connection (to California) and up to date hardware is likely to win a race, of course. But one of the greatest champions in SL racing is a guy from England, and his Ping is just as bad like you would suppose.

The top speed of a car within a particular class is always limited by a script. Since all racers in a professional race use the same car/script, all of them can drive at top speed for that class. Racetrack owners do what they can to make sure that all racers compete under equal conditions, and that's the reason why you have to purchase special racecars that can only be used in specific races (Of course, you can also drive them in a non competent environment like LL mainland roads).

What you really want to clarify is this: "Are some racers cheating or do some racers benefit from an unfair advantage?"

Here's the answer: Some racers try to cheat, and racetrack owners spend a considerable part of their time on identifying cheaters and make sure that these individuals never get a chance again to spoil a fair race. Ping (location) and hardware are factors that are beyond the control of anybody. If a racer benefits from ping, it's luck (you might call it fate as well). If a racer benefits from hardware, you can at least say he payed for it.

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Hi Canoro,

tweaking is achieved by the notecard setups I mentioned. Cars that can be configured by notecards are mod (in an indirect sense), but only within certain limits, so all in all fairness is preserved. Some cars are configured by menus, and that's just the same, only on a different level. Configuring setups for cars or other vehicles is a skill of it's own. Racers who know what they are doing have an advantage above those who change by trial and error.

I only talked about cars to keep things easy. In fact, all kinds of vehicles are used in races. Boats, bikes, aeroplanes, even snails. Some are more popular and easy to find than others, but the scene is always changing. If you don't find aeroplane races one week, it doesn't mean that they wont be raced again forever. Cars are most popular, of course. And from what I've seen there's hardly anything you could find in 1st Life that doesn't have it's counterpart in Second Life.

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Mod cars? Drag racing has a few sims with classes and these have uper speed limits, body style limits and so on. This is simple enough racing in SL, you wait for the lights and slam the forward button lol. They even use auto align, so no role play in lining up ect. It is a quick few button clicks and the car is aligned and ready to wait for you forward key interaction.

I like road type racing myself, though (as mentioned) I rarely race people (even in a "non official" way) and you will see only a few of these a year. There is No Control Speedway maybe. I think they did one or two. Um, most you use thier car. You have to consider that the buy in goes toward winnings and so on. Plus, there is the cheatfactor. Many methods of cheating can be detected, so it is silly to bother I guess....but you never know what will happen and there might even be ways of cheating that are not script related at all and work with normal racing. I have heard of limits to even things out between the privilaged and not so privilaged...but many dislike this and I bet some even think it is almost like gambling as you have no control over anything and if there is randomness happening with the controls...well, you might feel cheated.


I remember there was drag boat racing, hydro type boat racing and maybe a few others I can't remember...um, I don't know of any at present. Maybe sailing is still going on these days.

Planes...wow, I heard of one and they stopped I think. Um, so not sure.

There is Sim board racing going on...not sure if they have already left ads here.

Um, there was a sci fi gravity hovering type thingy racing...don't know what happened with that though.

Gant Snails race across mainland. Obviously, they need to be snails to get across sim crossings lol!

I do remember there was a joke fun rally...sort of like the Gumball rally deal...kind of fun as you end up crashing at sim crossings. This was a yearly event....don't know if it still occurs.

Um, wow.....you can always race with a buddy and make vehicles for that and buy a race gate and cones ect. lol.

I have researched a few types of racing and even started working up lists, features and game dynamics...but to be honest...it is hard to run a sim and costs a lot! So, if you think about it you can see why many want you to buy thier official cars lol.

BUT, drag racing many times has class races you can buy many cars from the open market or make your own and script it!


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You can get a free racing sailboat in the SL Marketplace: the Elyd 50. Looks like it takes a crew of three. I have solo sailed it a little bit around the Ferry Terminal at Barbarossa. Seems to really move. Might be fun to get a crew together and race around Half Hitch from Barbarossa and back again.

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Hi Lotus,

looks like you became another victim of the Lithium Bug.

In these days, where software developers don't seem to be capable anymore to come up with something that works without user to user shared knowledge, blonde thread starters like me have to tell once in a while how things that used to be simple work in modern times: If you're on the Internet Explorer 9 and want to post, you have to set it to compatibility mode, or else everything you write will be lost, even in previews.

Once you found the right mode, the buttons at the top of the forums, "ANSWERS, FORUMS, BLOGS" etc. will be aligned wrong. Their position will be too low, so they'll hide other options. Since every competent web designer always double checks how a website works under different conditions, we can assume that the "wrong" alignment is actually intended and meant as a "green light - you're ready to go", because once the interface is messed up, you can be sure that you can post a comment.

I know Lotus, so I'll give her proper instructions in world within the next 24 hours as well. The rest of the world shouldn't take this bug for a bug just because I called it a bug. It's actually smart web design. I encountered this "bug" weeks ago, but if it would really be a bug, this issue would have been handled by now. Since it wasn't, you can assume that it's still there for a reason. It's still there to teach you how useful compatibility mode can be.

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Hi SophieLauren,

I know at least one more F1 track, but if Eddie is too lazy to promote his sim, it's not my fault, hehe.

Well, I'm glad that you contributed a first SLURL. That's exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread. It was meant as an invitation to track owners and race directors to promote their tracks and races. In this spirit, I hope we'll see many more SLURLs in this thread in a short while. Thanks to you for making a start! 

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I seem to remember FIA signage up at the last classic car club track...I think that is what she might be saying. Technically, if you have no FIA approval then it is not the "real" F1 racing track? Not sure, not even sure if they are allowed the signage lol. But, anyway...yeah, isn't the season out for RI and they are doing oval track stuff right now? Wow, I dont' really pay enough attention and chicken out on participating :D

Millenium, you are saying they should...but did you tell them of the thread? I think 99% of SL does not at all use the forums on a regular basis. I think there is like 100 or so people who you see post here on amonthly basis..though I am making number up and it is not even a real guestimate. All I know is I see like 20 or 30 names here I have seen before BUT not many more! I also know I don't check every forum each week and also do not look at all names and sort of might have 2 avatars mixed up here and there...so I figure a 100 or so regulars with a whole bunch of one time to 10 posts a month posters that don't use it but for a purpose and will never see this forum lol. You will need to ask them I bet...or simply ignore taht and list it all yourself in the name of journalism and freedom of press!?

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Hi Poenald,

it's not really my task to promote tracks, or racing in general. But I still had the feeling someone should do it here in the forums, so I made a start. I also make race drivers, race directors, and racetrack owners aware of this thread when I see them online on my friends list, or when I meet them. Not all, but at least some. It depends on circumstances. I don't have everybody on my list, and I'm not much hanging around at racetracks when I'm not racing or in practice for a race. Driving races is only a part of my SL.

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I think they sort of like being a sercret or only let die hard fans search them out. I know some people really hate the n00bs and don't have time to clean up and point to rules. So they leave it up to a freind to introduce them, or the ones who really really want to drive and will most likely only rez a vehicle and have something to talk about other than just gamers looking for free cars and leave SL a week later after getting sick of lag. Plus, you can imagine some people don't want compeition lol. But these are all impressions and I sort of look at the stats on this forum and laugh because many will also see it as just a waste of time, which is why they never announce in teh events place? I rarely see anything other than the gaint snail race and chalk it up to them just not wanting to waste time with typing it all up. Who knows, either way....you are right, even if you tell them they will most likely not see an increase in enjoyment, sales or whatever it is they measure an promotion effort "worth it" to engage in. Anyway, have fun...maybe one day I will see you on the track. But for now, I have to slow a network and PC plus other issues effecting my will to participate.

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Hi koto,

I'm not very familiar with 1st Life races, so I can't tell if any race series in SL could be compared to the race you mentioned.

The last air races I've seen in SL were discontinued more than a year ago. They were scheduled at Wilder Skys, but the place changed into a beautiful beach before I made up my mind and joined the races, and even that beach is gone now.

Every once in a while I go to an airport to start an expedition with a balloon or another aircraft. I've seen posters there from several pilot groups, and maybe some of these groups organize races. It's just a guess, but it's the only clue I could give you if you're looking for races with airplanes.

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Hi Millennium,

Thought I'd let you know what folks have been up to the past couple months in Bay City.

Hey all you rebel rousers…Thursdays are race night in Bay City! Races to start 7pm ish (SLT) and a slurl will be posted sometime in advance and just prior to the race. Courses will change ‘a course…and each week will be a different theme… i.e. boat, plane, car, etc. …Ok we’ll try to mix it up a bit that is. Plans are also in the works for a “Wild Card” week. So…come one, come all…come as you are and show off your need for speed. Prizes: winners….well all racers are winners of course…so let’s say …”survivors” to get well deserved bragging rights. Stay tuned for more info and get your best vehicles in gear.

It’s Unofficial! It's the Bay City Rumble!

Look for Wednesday posts in the Forums >Second Life> Mainland > Bay City

And if you'd like to come Visit the City, I'd suggest starting at the Bay City Community Center Here. As you will learn we have an airport, several rez zones, a marina, wide open water sims, and a stretch of roadway"route 66, now spanning 12 sims, not to mention beaches, parks, and a new aquarium and boarwark amusement park now being built. It's definately worth a look :)

Rumor has it this week will be "Wildcard Week".

malts_003.jpgHaving Malts at the Hau Koda airport after last week's race

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