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Dance clubs for SL-Nudists (who might not always be human)

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Seeking SL nudist dance clubs;

Looking for places where I can take my avatar and be undressed, and not be the only one.

A place where its mandatory or heavily encouraged to be undressed. But -not- an escort joint / A-entertainment place.

A place where I can come in neko form, or on some other non-human AV (Though my furries tend to be PG, I would prefer a place that let furries in as well). But where humans are still allowed.

IE: If it bans -any of- humans, nekos, or furries its not the place I'm looking for.

And preferrably one that either bans gestures (especially sound gestures) or heavily discourages them - especially when they come from the DJ and play over the darn music).

With dance music, hip hop, reggae, salsa - or something one can more than head bang at. :)


Posting the actual places may or may not be allowed under the current forum rules... not sure. If so, just send me someinworld info (in a form that doesn't look like spam - I tend to block all those random spammy invite notecards) :)



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Here's typical of the problem I'm facing finding some spots:

Seeking SL-nudist hangouts that actually require nudity that do -NOT- have something like the two examples below in their rules...

Both of those places would be problems for nekos that wore leg/arm paws, or a hybrid like a Faun or mermaid or fairy. And they're rules obviously would get furries.

Its a problem of extremes... the only places that seem to allow for furries tend to ban humans, and vice versa... not much middle ground that says everybody come on over and hangout? Where's the place a neko or hybrid would feel comfortable?

And if you're a neko who sometimes goes furry...

Considering putting together a blog on this if I can find at least 3 to 5 examples of mixed scenes.


Here are my two examples of what seems typical from using Search. Looking for nudist places gives me these, and porn-clubs... (which is frustrating).

*****Resort #1***********

            6)  ONLY HUMAN AVATARS. No animals, cyborgs or other creature avatars or appendages. Skin and shape must be human -   
                    NO NON-HUMAN AVATARS.   Head, Body, Skin and shape must be fully human
                    The line is drawn as follows - If a body part is an "ADDITION" it is allowed, if it is "REPLACING" any visible human body part
                    it is NOT allowed. If we allow so much as one body part that is not human, we open the door to every possible
                    shape or form in second life, the beach will then become a circus. We want to keep it simple. (see "Allowed stuff" above)

Allowed: Skin Tattoos, and markings, as long is its an attached layer on top of a normal skin


(What do they mean by that? I can have spots if its in the tattor layer, but not baked into the skin?)

*****resort #2***********

- Human avatars only. No werewolves, cyborgs, animals or other creature avatars, no furries or tinies and no other non-human forms or appendages.


(So I think #2 would even ban neko tails and ears.)



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The Wet Kitty comes to mind, a dance club owned by the illustrious Friggin Kitty (I love that name). Partial or complete nudity is strongly encouraged, and the only rule is "no male avatars". Feminine looking furries are very welcome. As are transgenders with a feminine or androgyne appearance, which is why I used to hang out there. I haven't been there for a while though, so I hope the place still exists.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Wet Kitty
comes to mind, a dance club owned by the illustrious Friggin Kitty (I love that name). Partial or complete nudity is strongly encouraged, and the only rule is "no male avatars".


But the Wet Kitty has images of nude men with breasts on the walls, and has a chair on the dance floor that runs a 'self pleasuring' animation...

So its a bit of an X-rated place and not exactly a nudist place.

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Marlette Malachite wrote:

It would be great if it was just a matter of finding a place with the right maturity rating; the problem we are having is finding any nudist places at all that are non-human friendly


Yes what Marlette said.

The two examples I gave above are on M land. It seems nudist clubs are the last places in SL that won't even allow nekos, let alone furries. Or if they do allow furries, won't allow nekos and humans...

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Yeah IYC has long been in my LMs list - and is great for furries, but when I'm not on my furries not as much so. They unfortunately don't play music I like (they play mostly some version of heavy metal) - but I've gone there and just kept the sound off simply for the hangout.

Fur Pleasure I'm not sure. I originally thought it was a place I knew of, but on second thought it might be a new name for me, so I'll go check at some point.



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@ Ian

Wings are ok and (i think) tails at Wild Coast.   Non-human avies are not allowed.  I believe there is -- or was -- a sign in the welcome area to that effect.

Eta:  I also witnessed a blue skinned chap being ejected.  Whether this was on account of his blueness or because he was behaving like a 'jackass' in the pejorative sense, i couldn't say.

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@ Marlette

There's a need for it, undoubtedly.  In fact, speaking as a human avie, it'd be great to find a naturist sim that (a) welcomed all, and (b) was devoid of the "free sex can be got here" tarnish that spoils so many of the human naturist sims.

Hey, I may even have seen you at WC!  :smileytongue:

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Wild Coast is one of the places I quoted above. Most definately not welcoming by their policy.

I'd say every 6 months I forget this fact and try to go there... Not as the furry you see in my AV pic, but in my neko form you can see in the avatar forum under the Vanity thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/The-VaNiTy-ThReAd/m-p/835607#M4278



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I've thought about investing into a DJing setup, though not seriously. Though my style would be Roots Reggae (spiritual side of reggae) - and definately not Dancehall or Dub. ;)


IYC can be ok to hang out in, but they only allow nudity - they don't require it or even 'highly encourage' it.

Much like 'Sexy Nude Beach' - I'd be likely to be the only nude person there.

And I'd feel uncomfortable being nude if I was not in furry outfit just because while there's no Furry only policy the scene is definately mostly furry. I do have my own G-rated furry-hangout spot, albeit an inactive due to lack of promoting; as furry is what I go to when in a 'G-rated-SL' mood. :)

I end up in IYC on days when I'm looking to dance or hangout - though usually only pass through once I hear the stream, but not on my 'nudist' days.

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