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Should commercial ventures and estates in SL be allowed to discriminate?

Hunter Stern

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1 minute ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

yes its true i believe that the government probably do a better job of providing cakes to everyone.

i think cake baking should be made a government service then everyone could have equil access to cakes

You make relating to someone in a loving way so very hard...

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10 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

i never said that. i was just offering an example of wacked out thinking by some wacked out antiracists.

i read a line on an antiracism web site once 

"treason against the white race is loyality to the human race"

so yes eliminating whites thru preferential breeding is an acceptable strategy to some in the grand struggle to end racism

funny thing though it seems like racism against whites

So, what I'm gathering, is that you read a lot of far spectrum stuff. Far faaaaaar right stuff and far, faaaaar left stuff. Maybe you should recognise that those make up the minority of opinion and stick out for their exceptionally sensational attitude. Most people do not stand on the complete far right or left. 

Preferential breeding? By who? Who do you think is preferentially breeding out the white race? Because it sure isn't white people. I don't have the statistics in front of me, but I'm fairly certain it is very common to marry within your own ethnicity. 

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6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

So you speculate the reason people believe in God is so they can feel better, feel secure.

Actually, no, the main reasons for believing on Gods are...

1. Your parents told you to because the child molesting parasite in the funny hat and the expensive robes, told them to tell you on pain of Everlasting Pain in the Skydaddy's Everlasting Pain Pit!

2. It's easy, no more need to think, slice your head open with a shovel, and replace your brain with a velvet lined dish antenna tuned to Radio Stupid. Why does it rain, Skydaddy Magic, why did the harvest fail, Skydaddy is angry, why are you dying of cancer, Skydaddy knows you were a bad person in a previous life, etc.

3. Justification... It's OFFICIALLY OK to hate the people on the other side of the river because they don't pray the way you say. Kill them, kill them all, Skydaddyless heathen offspring of dogs of a female nature!

4. Special Snowflake - "It's not my fault! The Skydaddy hasn't answered my prayers" - "I'm SPECIAL! The Skydaddy will protect me and love me and hug me and give me cake for ever and ever and ever. I just have to believe until I die in abject poverty like all the other mindless underclass proles"

Theism isn't about feeling good, it's about making sure everyone else feels AT LEAST as bad as you and preferably a lot worse, while gloatingthat somehow, eventually, you'll be rewarded for doing nothing.

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Just now, BilliJo Aldrin said:

okey i see they have changed the location of the thread again now its located in merchants.

why dont the mods just delete this thread if the topics being discussed are so distasteful?

Because moving doesn't imply they are distasteful.... it means they are in the wrong category. 

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You are just so darned ignorant! Place two toddlers, or even pre-school or kindergarten children of different races together, and they play as equals. 

It is only once their parents, and society, have introduced prejudice do these same children exhibit prejudice.

yes thats why its so important to get children into government funded daycare as early as possible to negate the effects of their evil racist parents

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Just now, Klytyna said:

Actually, no, the main reasons for believing on Gods are...

1. Your parents told you to because the child molesting parasite in the funny hat and the expensive robes, told them to tell you on pain of Everlasting Pain in the Skydaddy's Everlasting Pain Pit!

2. It's easy, no more need to think, slice your head open with a shovel, and replace your brain with a velvet lined dish antenna tuned to Radio Stupid. Why does it rain, Skydaddy Magic, why did the harvest fail, Skydaddy is angry, why are you dying of cancer, Skydaddy knows you were a bad person in a previous life, etc.

3. Justification... It's OFFICIALLY OK to hate the people on the other side of the river because they don't pray the way you say. Kill them, kill them all, Skydaddyless heathen offspring of dogs of a female nature!

4. Special Snowflake - "It's not my fault! The Skydaddy hasn't answered my prayers" - "I'm SPECIAL! The Skydaddy will protect me and love me and hug me and give me cake for ever and ever and ever. I just have to believe until I die in abject poverty like all the other mindless underclass proles"

Theism isn't about feeling good, it's about making sure everyone else feels AT LEAST as bad as you and preferably a lot worse, while gloatingthat somehow, eventually, you'll be rewarded for doing nothing.

So... yeah... I moved to the South and felt really alone as an Atheist, so I help create an Atheist meetup that now has almost 200 members and has been around for six years. So, I see a lot of different types of nonbelievers. 

I just want to say to believers here to please not let the speak for all nonbelievers. This just makes me /smh. 

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3 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Theism isn't about feeling good, it's about making sure everyone else feels AT LEAST as bad as you and preferably a lot worse, while gloatingthat somehow, eventually, you'll be rewarded for doing nothing.

This is how religion is MISused. Not how religion is SUPPOSED to be used. (Except for the places where you are right, like in the ancient scriptures where God told people to KILL KILL KILL THEM ALL!)

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7 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

Who do you think is preferentially breeding out the white race? Because it sure isn't white people. I don't have the statistics in front of me, but I'm fairly certain it is very common to marry within your own ethnicity. 

One day very very soon, whites will be in the minority in the US. And not through inter-breeding, either! And it will be interesting to see if the tables turn then, or not!

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2 minutes ago, Nalytha said:
3 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

its like they are trying to hide it

I guess it depends on how people use the forums. I use the 'unread' posts link and it pops up there just fine every time there is a reply. 

The title does say "commercial ventures and estates" which is kind like um, "merchants".

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:
15 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

yes its true i believe that the government probably do a better job of providing cakes to everyone.

i think cake baking should be made a government service then everyone could have equil access to cakes

You make relating to someone in a loving way so very hard...

"I baked your cake with HATE instead of LOVE, is that still OK?"

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

One day very very soon, whites will be in the minority in the US. And not through inter-breeding, either! And it will be interesting to see if the tables turn then, or not!

The tables won't 'turn' until they are a minority in Government. Even if the mass majority of citizens were non white, you'd still have to consider the power positions. My city is predominantly black and yet whites still make up most of the government positions and make more money than African Americans in general here. 

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15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:
17 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

yes its true i believe that the government probably do a better job of providing cakes to everyone.

i think cake baking should be made a government service then everyone could have equil access to cakes

You make relating to someone in a loving way so very hard...

Luna, you will notice that when BilliJo's spelling and capitalization suffer, she is apparently being sarcastic. It's hard to tell, I know..

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2 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

If you have too many preorders to bake my cake then no problem. But if you tell me you aren't baking me a cake because I am gay then yes you are choosing to treat me as second class. Not only are you treating me as second class you are telling me you are, insulting me. 

well strictly speaking it wasnt because they were gay im sure they made many many cakes for gay customers.

the issue was that they wanted a gay wedding cake and the bake shop owner believed that marriage was a union between a man and a woman so he refused because he felt he'd be contributing towards something he was morally opposed to.


Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Luna, you will notice that when BilliJo's spelling and capitalization suffer, she is apparently being sarcastic. It's hard to tell, I know..

actually when my spelling and capitalization suffer its because im posting on my cell phone

is it time to start the insults yet?

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3 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

well strictly speaking it wasnt because they were gay im sure they made many many cakes for gay customers.

the issue was that they wanted a gay wedding cake and the bake shop owner believed that marriage was a union between a man and a woman so he refused because he felt contributing towards something he was morally opposed to.

But the argument they used in court was that they are an ARTIST and they cannot be forced to create their ART for someone against their principles. Redonkulous.

Next, Kentucky court Clerks will refuse to issue gay marriage licenses based on their religious beliefs! Art, I tell you! Art!!! ART!!!!

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