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Perplexed About the Announcement


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Is anyone else confused? 

"Premium members are entitled to a Linden Home and can own parcels on the Mainland." 
So, I can have a Linden home AND own mainland tier free? 

"Now, we're raising the limit on the number of prims you can use in those spaces" 
Okay, I'm not completely perplexed by this. I just don't think it should be under the Premium Announcement heading. Because one might infer that one of the perks of Premium is you get to use more prims than non Premium members. I know all of us who have been here understand what's happeneing, but think of the confusion a new member might have reading this. I mean, it's actually under the heading of a NEW PERK. 

" select monthly (every one month) billing for your SL account. The fifty percent (50%) discount will be applied to your first month's bill and future months will be billed at the standard Premium Membership price (currently US$9.50 per month)."
As someone who pays yearly for premium, this just sounds absurd. Wow. We can save $5 total only if we choose the most expensive pricing option. 

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No need to be confused, they explain each point clearly.

"Premium members are entitled to a Linden Home and can own parcels on the Mainland."

As a Premium Member you have the ability to purchase and own Mainleand parcels. A freemium member cannot. As far as I know this is not any different. Read their policies for more details. You get  Linden Home for free, but you must purchase/pay monthly rent/tier on a mainland parcel.

"Now, we're raising the limit on the number of prims you can use in those spaces"

As far as I understand, Li counts go up across the board. The only difference is that freemium members cannot own land nor get a free Linden Home, so are subject to whatever landowners want to do - how many prims they get. I would assume they would stick to simliar counts as always eg. 175 (instead of 117) for a starter parcel.

What really counts is something to celebrate is having more Li/Prims available to build with. Linden Homes and small mainland parcels were very hard to do anything with because the LI was so low. This, along with optimized mesh models, should open up some options for even small parcel owners.

" select monthly (every one month) billing for your SL account. The fifty percent (50%) discount will be applied to your first month's bill and future months will be billed at the standard Premium Membership price (currently US$9.50 per month)."

You forgot that you may recieve a $300L or up stipend, which effectively is cash back (in USD dollars) to your account each month.

So eg. Pay $72 for 12 months, but recieve 12 X 1200L(permonth) back (approx $24). So your monthly cost is more like $48, divide that by 12, and you're really only paying $4 a month.

If you can generate Linden $ inworld, you can reduce, even eliminate that cost - and in many cases make a profit.

Just do the math, read the details.

If anything, Premium needs MORE benefits, for long time users such as myself in some ways its not really a benefit (other than a Linden Home base) and weekly stipend back.

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I completely agree about the first point. After rereading it, it struck me that I completely forgot non premium members were unable to buy mainland. I was thinking at it from the perspective of having the choice of a linden home OR the 512 sq meter plot tier free. Thanks for reminding me of this. I don't buy mainland and it just completely skipped my mind.


I still contend that the wording is poor on the second point, especially for new members.


As for the third:


Premium for one year: $72

Premium for one year paying monthly WITH the $5 discount: $109.25


Both methods get you a weekly stipend plus the 45 day bonus (for new memberships) but one costs significantly more.

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Nalytha wrote:


Premium for one year: $72

Premium for one year paying monthly WITH the $5 discount: $109.25


Both methods get you a weekly stipend plus the 45 day bonus (for new memberships) but one costs significantly more.

For reference: Premium Account Plans


Premium Account Paid Monthly:

$109.25 ( $4.75 first month only + ( $9.50 monthly x 11) ) - $4 (Bonus stipend) - $57.60 (monthly stipend) =  $48(rounded  annual) / 12 =  $4 / mnth.

Special Note: You do not recieve the $1000L bonus stipend until you have been a member for 45 days.


Premium Account Annual:

$72 (annual) - $4 (Bonus stipend) - $57.60 (monthly stipend) = $10.40 (annual) / 12 = $0.87 / mnth.


My Current Premium Annual Account: (no bonus stipend for returning members)

$72 (annual) - (bonus n/a) - $57.60 ( monthly stipend) = $14.40 (annual) / 12 = $1.20 / mnth

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Did you just confirm what I said? That paying monthly is more expensiveregardless of this big new promotion? I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. I'm having a rough day irl, so it's very possible that something is going over my head.

My only point is that this new and great promotion appears to be lackluster. Because in the end, I'd pay more in a year with this promotion than if I just did the yearly subscription instead.   

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Callum Meriman wrote:

It was clunky wording - I have been here for a decade and needed to stop, blink and think - what the hell? Premium members only get the increase? What about people who just rent?

I guess whoever was writing the blog post went to the same school of English as me, and can't do it well.

Thank you so much for saying this. I was feeling like I must be the idiot in the room with no reading comprehension. 


I agree. It was poor writing. Also, I don't think this should have been published until after the video which is expected to explain more details. One post fully explaining everything would have been better than this confusing tease. 

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Callum Meriman wrote:

It was clunky wording - I have been here for a decade and needed to stop, blink and think - what the hell? Premium members only get the increase? What about people who just rent? [...]

Funny, it tripped me up, too, which is very weird because all of us posting in this thread knew what was really happening. Yet I caught myself wondering "now how do they apply different LI limits depending on whether the prims are owned by a Premium or a Basic member?" -- which obviously doesn't even make sense!

As to the half-price offer: it's not completely crazy, in that they're hoping to tempt new Premium users into trying it out, so for that purpose the first month at half off is a lower barrier than half off a quarter or a year, even though the short interval clearly doesn't save much. So anyway, if the new Premium tries it and likes it and stays on the monthly plan, hey, more margin, and if instead they convert to quarterly or annual, hey, more prepaid stickiness.

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That definitely makes sense -- the idea of trying it for one month free and then changing subscription methods. I guess I also need to consider that not everyone can afford a one month subscription right now. Perhaps after trying it for a month they can. So, yes. In that sense it does help.

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Posting numbers is generally always helpful. I like looking at that sort of stuff. I was just trying to figure out how I was wrong because I just assumed anyone taking the time to post that awesome stuff must be proving me wrong. Then I wondered if I should consider taking a college math class to brush up on things...

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I would expect that a new premium member could still choose quarterly or yearly, but if they wanted the first month half-off, they would need to choose monthly, and that makes sense to me.  That part of it looks like a promotion to get new premium members to give it a try without a long-term committment.

I've known people with both a LInden home and owning mainland.  From the tier billing perspective, the linden home shows up as 512 sqm owned, so basically at whatever tier level you're paying for, you get an extra 512 - whether it be the linden home or using it as part of your mainland holding sqm's.

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