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Deploy plans for the week of 2016-10-31

Caleb Linden

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If you have been to InWorldz and experienced some of the very high land impact regions that are located adjacent to each other, you will find that even with a high end computer, you need to keep your draw distance way down to avoid overloading your viewer.  On Mainland in SL, this was a huge problem when it was well populated.  Now that you have vast areas of low prims, the problem isn't as critical except in some dense areas.

On private sims, those that have experienced these issues know that you need to separate the high land impact regions with homesteads to keep the land impact tolerable within draw distance. Making this situation worse, many "quality" mesh developers insist that you should keep your LOD at 4, which causes your graphics card to have to handle detail in complex builds at a much higher distance than you would see with the default settings. Adding more land impact to high density adjacent regions will drastically limit those machines that can handle these builds.

Regardless of which regions (there was a report of homesteads...  mainland has homesteads?) actually get this increase, developers need to use care to keep the extra land impact out of direct view.  Otherwise, you will be further increasing client side lag for your audience.


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Bedrich Panacek wrote:

(there was a report of homesteads...  mainland has homesteads?) 

This threw me for a minute, too, but yeah: some Linden water sims are Homesteads. A number was also cited for OpenSpaces, so there must be some of those on Mainland, too, I guess.

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yay! Thank you :)

[...] In addition to this, we will further carry the prim limit increases to the private estate regions shortly.  Keep your eye on our blogs for more information! [...]

Thats exactly the info i needed... why is LL always so vague about their updates and news? When will it apply? What will the limit be on estates? bleh.


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Well I think "vague" is pretty applicable to LL's schedule for rolling out the prim increase to private regions.  When all's said and done the main thrust of this move was to get folk back onto Mainland.  Currently it's a mass of yellow "Land for Sale" notices if you look on the World Map.  Giving the bonus to private regions any time soon would be commercially inept to say the least.

More prims would be nice, and no doubt it WILL happen for Private regions, but I'm not holding my breath.  :smileytongue:

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I don't want to rant here, but i have the feeling, that LL hasn't realized yet, that they have paying customers.

I think we deserve to get informed about changes of products we actually purchased (some of us spend lots of money every month for SL), in a clear and informative way (what, when, how).

Just my 2 cents.

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I used to think like that.  LL realise quite well that they have paying customers, it's just that they have become used to us ranting a bit and then backing down and using the system on THEIR TERMS.  That's the crux...it is THEIR creation and we pay to use it on THEIR terms.

Now many don't think that's right and now it is quite possible that a good many will vote with their feet and leave SL, so LL are grudgingly offereing a small sweetener to persuade folk to stay.  Those who have tried the alternatives have, on the whole, been thoroughly underwhelmed.

Just don't ever lose sight of the fact that we're playing with THEIR ball.  They haven't.

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Of course, i totally agree. Nothing to add.

I only still believe that a serviceprovider should give out a bit more clear info to their paying customers - and not roll out a big update before informing their customers even - as we can see, that only leads to confusion ;)

I admit, in the country where i live we have high customer support standards - i am probably used to this and spoiled ;)

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Amelie Sawson wrote:

i see you dont get my point.

nvm, you probably dont spend about 4000 USD every year for land.

anyway, i got my infos, i am out.

have a nice day

What does tier amount have to do with keeping up with developments in SL? 

I am here every day because it is my business to keep informed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is Primsmas coming yet for us not living on mainland?

It's not that I'm impatient or anything but... erm never mind, I AM impatient.

A little bird told me that the goal was to get the prim limits raised gridwide before Thanksgiving, is that true?

Any idea of an ETA?


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