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How to get a hold of LL


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So I was logged in this morning on my private land and was booted off I went to see what was going on on the SL website and I was shocked to see my account was on hold

I emediatley called LL support but they keep telling me that they cant tell me why on the phone and it can only be apealed via a ticket or case so i submitted a case only to have them say i broke the tos and they would close all associated accounts. I have been panicking since this morning and I just have to get to the bottom of this Iv been in sl for 6 years and have invested so much tiem and money and love into this world and love it so much I just want to get through this and be able to say its because LL staff are great. But how can I apeal something they wont tell me about? below is  what they sent me the second time around.

Thank you for contacting us regarding this issue. Linden Lab has reviewed your appeal of our decision to permanently terminate your Second Life access.

The original decision to terminate your Second Life access was reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. Upon further examination of your case, we have determined that the permanent closure of your accounts was justified and correctly applied.

The evidence shows that you have severely or repeatedly violated the Second Life Terms of Service or Community Standards, and therefore your account and any alternate Second Life accounts are now permanently inaccessible.

This concludes our investigation of your appeal. Please consider the matter resolved, as no further communications on this matter will be sent.


Kristin Linden
Fraud Specialist
Linden Lab

what worries me is she is a fraud specialist and 

I think it could have something to do with the fact that 

my mom made an account on her pc logged in on my pc at a point ((wich is why they think its an alt)) 

in the beginning she was paying her accounts premium and our private land with her money then when she fell out of love with the game and came on less I began using my payment info on her account and she would get on to transfer me  the monthly premium money because I was paying for it.

But I have been doing that for so many years with no issue I dont knwo whats going on and it scares me last time i had a case agaisnt me i was abel to apeal it just fien because support actually told me what was going on and the claim against me was false .

So im jsut wandering who can i call or what can I do? Iv faxed them twixe yesterday and im waiting for news during openign hours and will call alll day if i have to 


I just reviewed the community standards that LL said I have broken and I will address every rule in the below post.

I love everyone and I even have a private owned place for me and my friends to be safe in

Im not a fan of bullies and never want to be one

I do not really care for combat

I have no trouble keeping sl in sl

Adult Regions, Groups, and Listings
I limit adult activity were it belongs
this one i am especialy cautious about because though my avi is not a child people often confuse it for one when in reality my avi is about as tall as me in RL and im 22 yrs old

Disturbing the Peace
I dont care for griefing
I already have to deal with them enough coming to my hangout and harassing my friends


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I'm a SL resident, so I have no more insight into the inner workings of Linden Lab than you do when it comes to matters like this. However, the TOS (Sect 5.3) makes it clear that

We may terminate your Account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of Linden Lab, the Service community or any third party.

Service providers like Linden Lab always have the Feds and state authorities looking over their shoulder for suggestions that people are using the service for illegal activities like money laundering.  To protect themselves legally, they need to show that they have ongoing measures in place to block activities that may be illegal or may harm their credibility with the authorities.  I have absolutely no way of knowing what led them to focus on your account, or to decide to terminate it, but I am confident that they are never eager to lose a good customer.  Whatever their reasons, they have used their discretion and made a final decision.

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I don't quite understand this business about your mother opening an account, and then you using your payment info on her account and her logging in to pay you the premium L$.

If your mother didn't want to carry on paying for premium membership, when didn't she simply downgrade her membership?   If she owned the land you were using, she could simply have sold the land to you for L$0 before doing that.   Or you could have created an alt, given it a premium account using your payment details and your mother could have sold the land to the alt.

Anyway, whatever your and her reasoning, as Rolig said, LL are rightly concerned about money laundering and, as a result, do get suspicious of accounts that are never used other than to log in briefly in order to pay money to someone else, unless they are alt accounts all belonging to the same RL individual.  

I suspect LL's fraud prevention software picked up what it considers suspicious behaviour by your mother's account, and then whoever looked more closely at the account noticed that the payment info for the account in question had changed from one individual to another.   Transferring the ownership of  account from one person to another in this way is  certainly against the ToS (4.1).    The whole point of  Payment Info On File/Used is so LL know who the individual behind the account is.   

Anyway, while I'm sure your and your mother's behaviour was perfectly innocent, though ill-judged, I can quite see why LL were very suspicious, not least because they have to comply with a very strict US regulatory regime intended to combat fraud and money laundering (they are in a world of trouble if they don't).     

You and your mother both might write to them/fax them at the address here, explaining that your motives were innocent, and see what happens.   I think they need to hear from your mother as well as you, so they have her side of the story (I think she's really the one who first created the problem, at least in LL's eyes, by allowing you to substitute your payment details for hers on the account that belonged to her).    

It can't do any harm for you both to write, but I am sorry to say I don't hold out much hope for your case at this point.

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I suspect the problems is because you were using your mothers account.  It is illegal for anyone to transfer an account to someone else or someone else to use it without LL's permission.  See Roligs answer too for why this is considered a serious violation.  It may have taken them a while to catch on to what you were doing so that's why you were able to do it so long. 

You should have had your mother sell you the land if she owned it and put your payment info on your account.  

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