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Daft folk you know


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I know a bloke who's 38 years old. He still lives with his parents, is fat as hell (imagine a walking pear), has a Hitler haircut and glasses and dresses like an old-aged man.

He has lots of money cos he lives rent-free. But it seems the only interesting thing that's happened in his life is he had heart bypass surgery when he was 36 (he practically lives on McDonalds and KFC, even after his surgery).

His breath smells, and when 21-year old girls reject his advances, he calls them lesbians or worse. He spends a lot of time in GTA 5 strip clubs (he brags about this at work) and how he used to be a 'sandbox terrorist' on SL before he got banned. When he's not online, he watches 80s pop videos with his (retired) dad.

Does anyone know anyone dafter?

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Sometimes it's not about being daft at all. Sometimes that person is found to be quite narcissistic - he/she literally believes he is attractive, successful and 'the shyte", and so acts in accordance with that.

Their self-esteem is so falsely high, they don't see themselves in any other way - even if in reality they are a fat, lazy greasy slob with nothing to show or any real success at anything  to prove it.

If he is rejected, its the other person's fault, never his own.

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We were doing a 'pile on' in the office one day when a friend stopped us short by saying "I try to see people as God intended them to be".*

That's what I like about Second Life, I can be who I wanted to be in RL..

Try to cut the daft people in RL a little slack - one of them might be me.

*Looking up the quote, I see it is from Dostoevsky

"To love someone means to see him as God intended him." - Fyodor Dostoevsky

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I can't think of anyone I actually know who is more daft than I am.

When the inmates are running the asylum, it helps to be the the most bat guano nut job in your therapy group.

Rick knows.  The colors are all on the inside.  Be free.  Let them out. Colors.  Everywhere.   The screams will let you know you are there.

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BarryPickle wrote:



Does anyone know anyone dafter?

There are plenty of people  SL and RL with more RL problems than this.  I also wouldn't be surprised to know that most griefers and trolls have some similar problems.  They have such low self esteem in RL that they have to get their ego boost from cheap thrills harassing and hurting others on the internet where they can hide behind their anonymous avatars.

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