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Project Sansar to be Delivered by the End of the Year?

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wherorangi wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

wherorangi wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I'm sure I've heard that story before, or one pretty much the same.

The waiter could have taken the napkin for free, anyway, as it belonged to the cafe and not to Salvador Dali

yes lol (:

the waiter could have tried. But the artist could have then set fire to the napkin destroying their work, and then settled with the cafe owner for the price of a napkin

the other person could then of bought their napkin from the cafe owner, and then tried selling it for a profit on ebay, with a sign saying: "Salvador Dali was nearly here"

never know. They might of doubled their money

jejejjeje (:


Salvador would need to be very quick if he wanted to set fire to the napkin. Maybe there was a candle on the table, but that's unlikely as it was only a cafe, not a restaurant. I think the waiter would have succeeded in grabbing the napkin because Salvador wouldn't be expecting it.

But then, of course, the waiter would have to pay taxes on that receipt of value, and he'd probably have been ruined unless he could sell it quickly. A better way would have been to just ask for an autograph on the napkin, and then draw a picture on it later, to pass it off as a signed work by Salvador Dali

but then the waiter would of ended up in jail, for theft as a servant. He pinched a napkin that never belonged to him



i think the person what asked him to draw something was maybe a bit greedy. I wouldve just asked for a autograph like you say. But not like you say then stuck my own drawing on it. I dont want to go to jail either

and also I dont think anybody will believe my drawing of a plywood box was a Dali work anyways (:


You could claim that Dali was dabbling a bit in 'cubism' when he drew the box :)

The waiter wouldn't have ended up in jail because he'd have asked the manager/owner if s/he could have a napkin - please. That would have covered it.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

You could claim that Dali was dabbling a bit in 'cubism' when he drew the box

The waiter wouldn't have ended up in jail because he'd have asked the manager/owner if s/he could have a napkin - please. That would have covered it.

like he was in his primitive period.  jejjeje (:


it might of covered it but I think that Mr Dali and his friend be standing there also. The cafe owner would then have to weigh up what is more important to them. The continued custom of Mr Dali and his circle of his friends, and the subsequent attraction of others to their cafe as a consequence of Mr Dali's continued custom, or the venality of their waiter staff member

if the owner of the cafe chose the venality, then am pretty sure the publicity would be such that people would stop coming to their cafe, and the livelihood of the cafe owner would then be at risk


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on the contrary contrary

if the friend of Mr Dali is wealthy then he will feel bad for his friend, and he will open a cafe across the road. And he will put a ginornous sign which nobody will miss, which says: "Salvador Dali is here, and not over there. So come over here ok". And all the people will go: ok. and they come over here and not over there

and the venal cafe owner and the even more venal waiter will be all by themselves and get no customers, except for griefers who will just go over there and not over here, and order heaps of free water and drink them really fast, and then complain loudly about the service bc the venal waiter won't be able to keep up

and if the cafe owner then goes: ok no more free water, you has to pay now. The griefers will go ok thats fair. Can we have a menu please. And then they will ask the venal waiter all about every dish on the menu, and what they recommend and then umm! ahh! ummm! dunno, can you tell us about the first one on the menu again please. And the waiter will end up go mental

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The problem with that is that Salvador Dali will quickly get fed up of being harrassed by people in the cafe over there and, seeing that the cafe over here is usually empty and peaceful, he will go back to the cafe over here again and sit in a corner where he can't be seen through the window. People will realise that he's never over there, and they'll know that he doesn't go over here any more, so they'll move to another town where they might catch a glimpse of some famous person or other. Then the town will go to ruin and be deserted, save for one flea-bitten old cat that's losing it's eyesight but manages to survive on what mice it can catch - once in a while. It doesn't have long left in this world, but it frequently dreams of days gone by, when scraps from the cafes were abundant.

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but if the cat lady comes searching for her lost 746th cat which went out one day and got distracted by a butterfly and not been seen since. Then the cat lady will see the flea-bitten cat and she will go: oh! you poor wee thing, you better come home with me. And the cat will go miau miau like really happy, and so will be all good

except for the venal cafe owner who is not happy at all. Like they dont have even any waiter anymore bc he went mental (the waiter) and ran away to the forest and doesnt do anything anymore hardly ever. Except just runs round and round this tree going dali dali dali. Which sounds a bit like he wants his fav curry when you squint your ears. Which some people maybe think he is meaning bc they dunno the back story, and dunno that he is actual gone mental. bc when he do stopping running round and round the tree to catch his breath, then he seems pretty normal to look at

and will be really bad for the venal cafe owner when the cat lady takes the flea-bitten cat bc he (the cafe owner) wont have anything to eat. bc all he had left to eat was the fleas on the cat. And now with no cat to catch fleas for him to eat, then he most likely have to eat the waiter, if he can find him. Which will be really bad for the waiter, and he wont be happy either if the cafe owner catches him

and Mr Dali wont know anything about this at all. Like what is happen to the cafe owner, and the cats, and what is maybe going to happen to the waiter. bc like you say Mr Dali left that town ages and ages ago with his friends, and they now having lunch every day in this other cafe in this other town

and the only thing that will be different (apart from the mental waiter maybe getting eaten by the venal cafe owner, and also apart from the now happy not flea-bitten anymore cat living with the cat lady, and also apart from the cat which got distracted by the butterfly and is still lost which is quite pretty sad) So like apart from all that, the only thing different will be that Mr Dali now brings his own napkins to the cafe

just so that nobody can trick him ever again. But also as well by bring his own napkins, even tho he doesnt know it, he will have saved the new town he is now in, from getting like total destroyed and ruined like the other town. Assuming that the waiter in the new cafe in the new town, is maybe the twin of the now mental waiter from the other town, and just as venal. Or worse even

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

I missed a few posts and tried to catch up but things are looking rather surreal.  I'll just show myself out again.

/me slowly walks backwards towards the door.. 

come back !! (:

i hadnt finished telling about the cat what was distracted by the butterfly. Not about the butterfly what apparently got a bit traumatised being the attention of the distracted cat, but did managed to overcome the trauma by doing some yoga after the cat just like fell over and went to sleep. One minute the cat was try to bat the butterfly with their little paws and next minute just like fell over and zzzzzz! So that worked out ok for the butterfly. So not about the butterfly, about the distracted cat

the distracted cat never got lost at all, which I never knew before until now, bc I never finished reading the story myself either until now

the distracted cat was just having a really long nap apparently. bc they are a long cat, not like a short cat which has short naps. Sometimes apparently the long cat head wakes up first and by the time their tail wakes up then their head has gone back to sleep again. So end asleep for ages and ages. Which anybody what has a long cat can tell you all about. Like they just stretch out on the floor anywheres they like most of the time, with one end in one room and the other nearly in the next room. And their eyes open for a bit and then close again and then their tail wiggles a bit and zzzzzz!! again


seems the distracted cat managed to stop their head from fall asleep while waiting for their tail to wake up. So they just went home by themself. And the cat lady wasnt sad anymore. And the distracted cat saw the now not flea-bitten anymore cat and went. o.m.g !! is you ! my sister. oh! wow! this is so wonderful. And they both start to hug and go miau miau all happy as. Then they snuggle up all purring and that, and have another sleep. Turns out that the venal cafe owner separated them at birth, bc they just a horrible person, as we know already !!

so was a really happy ending for everybody, except for the venal people. And is all bc of Mr Dali, who once drew some simple lines on a napkin in a cafe, and this whole story was told in the lines




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mikka Luik wrote:

You have my vote on the strength of I want a Potato Dali plus use of the word venal.

Where do I put my X to ensure you are running the place =^^=

is that X for yes, or X for no ?? jejejeje (:


either way am not sure would be a good idea if was the boss of SL at this time. The stockholders wouldnt like it at all. I spend all the revenues on the residents and staff, and the stockholders end up with nothing, except come to the meetings where I bestow my best smile on them like a blessing, and they will just have to be happy with that (:

so i think will be best if one day when I got like a spare 600 million dollars, I will buy SL off them. They can keep all the other stuff. And then I will be the Governor Linden (altho I probably change the name to Elizabeth, Princess of Linden, Queen of SL, Empress of Everything. Some name like that I think, a little bit less grand sounding than Governor. bc I think is best to be modest)

and each year I will have a Grand Progress inworld which goes on for like months each year. And all my subjects will like come and go oh! wow! you so amazing good for us your loyal subjects, bc I will give them like pretty much whatever their heart desire, so they will be happy as. And I will be pretty modest about that as well. Not like get all stuck up or anything like that (:


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it comes out sometimes, usually when the other person kinda gets it and knows how the what if this and that storytells games go. I do it sometimes inworld as well with people who get it. Can end up be a bit silly sometimes but is quite fun to do (: Have to be careful tho with who you do storytells with, bc sometimes some people dont get it


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