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Marketplace mass redelivery to customers


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That WOULD be a nice feature for the future.  I am not sure how the sender script thing would be terribly helpful though as you would still need to FIND all the folks that bought that particular product. If it is a lot and / or the product is older  - that could be a monumental task.

Also note that some of the updaters have been broken with new codes so relying on those isn't the best plan either.


If you have a group, perhaps the best method was to make an announcement that there is an update and to contact you if folks want it.


Good luck.




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Actually some such as Sassy have a thingy they use, or used, to keep track of MP sales and I think could be used for updates. Not sure about that. 

Before I started using the update script I just used a sender thing with buyer names on a notecard.

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You can use Caspervend to do this. Set it up and download your marketplace store transactions as a csv or compatible format and upload it into caspervend, and then set up ANS so that all future MP sales will also be recorded on the casper site. You can mass update after that.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Actually some such as Sassy have a thingy they use, or used, to keep track of MP sales and I think could be used for updates. Not sure about that. 

Before I started using the update script I just used a sender thing with buyer names on a notecard.

Not quite but as others have stated, Caspervend as a whole vending system or iGlom as a redelivery product only do offer this with the requirement that you had previously set up to process ANS transactions from MP.

If you haven't, then the simplest way is to download the CSV of sales data, mush it around in your favourite spreadsheet manipulating thingy and spit out the column of names (or better, the UUID of the avatar) for the product that wants an update sending.

Feed that into something like Postmaster (available on MP)

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AdamZadig wrote:

Sounds complicated but I will look in to that. Thinking about it now I'm surprised the marketpalce doesnt give this option. But then I guess there is the risk of merchants spamming people with too many updates. 

You must be new! :)

Imagine a bright sunny day, you're strolling along and encounter a tree.  On that tree you see a bunch of low hanging fruit.  You have a choice, you could either pick some of this low hanging fruit, or you could leave it to drop on the ground and go rotten.

There are many quick, high value (measured in terms of benefit) pieces of low hanging fruit that could have been picked off.  Instead, there's a brewery somewhere making cider from all the fermenting fruit picked from the ground.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

AdamZadig wrote:

Sounds complicated but I will look in to that. Thinking about it now I'm surprised the marketpalce doesnt give this option. But then I guess there is the risk of merchants spamming people with too many updates. 

You must be new!

Imagine a bright sunny day, you're strolling along and encounter a tree.  On that tree you see a bunch of low hanging fruit.  You have a choice, you could either pick some of this low hanging fruit, or you could leave it to drop on the ground and go rotten.

There are many quick, high value (measured in terms of benefit) pieces of low hanging fruit that could have been picked off.  Instead, there's a brewery somewhere making cider from all the fermenting fruit picked from the ground.

Haha was thinking the same thing!  Like LL withholds functionality because they are so thoughful.

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AdamZadig wrote:

I'm glad you said that cause I had no idea what she meant! 

Don't listen to Sassy and Pamela. They've been around for a long time and tend to believe everybody know the background story. ;)

You'll find out what they meant soon enough but in the meantime: if you already have experience selling through other similar-looking internet sales channels, you should expect that adding and maintaining a listing on MP require somewhere between five and ten times as much time and effort as you're used to.

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AdamZadig wrote:

haha, oh I just cant wait for all this frustration, disapointment and generally being let down by Linden Labs!



Linden Lab without an s please - there's just one in the whole wide world!

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AdamZadig wrote:

haha, oh I just cant wait for all this frustration, disapointment and generally being let down by Linden Labs!


So far its all been pretty good through. 



Despite ChinRey calling me "old" ;)  I was making a gentle dig at LL for failing to implement a number of very easy things that would have high usability value, the low hanging fruit I referred to.

I'm too weary and disengaged now though to care but I wish you luck with your shiny enthusiasm, long may it last. :matte-motes-smile:


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Sassy Romano wrote:

Despite ChinRey calling me "old"

You're more than twice as old as me in SL and I don't think I can call msyelf a newbie anymore either. :P


Sassy Romano wrote:

I was making a gentle dig at LL for failing to implement a number of very easy things that would have high usability value, the low hanging fruit I referred to.

They did actually pick up one of the lowest hanging fruits last week: the SKUID field on the listing edit page is now big enough you can actually see the whole SKUID at a single glance. Yes, that change hardly counts as "high usability value" but usability value it has and considering that it was a two-minute-or-so job to fix, I think it was a job well worth doing.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

I think you were crossbreeding a SKU with a UUID

Yes probably. Fortunately it seems the offspring is infertile.

(Edit: Why hasn't anybody tried to market breedable words in SL yet? Could be the next big fad)

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Sassy Romano wrote:

There are many quick, high value (measured in terms of benefit) pieces of low hanging fruit that could have been picked off.  Instead, there's a brewery somewhere making cider from all the fermenting fruit picked from the ground.

Pamela's comment about LL 'withholding functionality because they are so thoughful' might not be far from the truth.

I remember a small beta testing group where a particular low hanging fruit was raised and discussed. At the time, I was very aware of a well known 'brewer' being present (and silent) during that discussion. There was definitely the feeling of a stumbling block.

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