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Land Owning Etiquette

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Nalytha wrote:

Well, this is what my neighbors did.

Awww! Yes, that's bad!


Nalytha wrote:

Lesson learned. I don't think I will ever live on mainland again.

It's not really about mainland or islands. A covenant only means something if it's actually enforced and although you can't have covenants written into the sim descriptions on mainland, there certainly are lots of places where they exist, either by agreement between the residents or set by one landowner who controls a big enough area.

But I think I know exactly where to find what you want and that is on a private continent. Do a search inworld for Fruit Islands. I don't know if they have anything available and rent there is rather expensive but as far as I know, nobody does well controlled "standard tropical island paradise" better than Fruit Islands (except Eden of course but that's the same owner.)


(Edit: I should mention I have no connection to or personal interest in the continents I recommended here, except one of the supervisors there happens to be a good friend of mine.)

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Nalytha wrote:

Well, this is what my neighbors did. As you can see, I'm selling the land. I tried to make it obvious to let him know if it means that much, he can buy it. 


Lesson learned. I don't think I will ever live on mainland again. I'll pay the extra price for private with a covenant. 


what the neighbour is doing is the beginning of a beachhouse seaside community

i can see that you worked out how to manipulate the terrain, thats a good thing. Raising the terrain to max height then smoothing the parcel edges to fit with the neighbours can work. Instead of a island then you get a sandhill depending on how high the max terrain level is. On top of which you can build the zen spot you were wanting

just so that you can get a idea of how zen spots and beach can work together, search the inworld map for Chi. Is a old school zen sim that can give you ideas in how to go about this. It has a orient/eastern flavour to it, but is not necessary for you to exactly follow the orient theme. Just more look at the placement of the objects in relation to the shape of the land

is also quite a lot of prim work on that sim to give you an idea of what is possible given the present level of your building skills, which I am sure you will get better at as you go

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jejejejje (:

when I saw your pic of what you did to the parcel, sunk the terrain, jacked the price, and put that particular for sale sign on it then I went oh! man lol. I am glad for your sake that werent around at the height of the landwars back in the day

but nvm. Is done and you can move on

my last advice to you on this is:

a) you are already paying 1024m tiers for at least the next year

b) you mentioned that you are now renting a skybox to give you the kinda space you actual want

therefore, buy the cheapest 1120m (to get the extra free LI) for your group as you can. Dont worry about what it looks like on the ground or what the neighbours are doing. Make your own skybox in the sky above the parcel however you want. Just be mindful of who else is up there. And dont go on the same level as anyone near you


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I fully admit how I went about it wasn't the most elegant. But I knew if he wanted it bad enough, he'd buy it. And of he didnt, eventually I would have lowered the price. But because of him, I would have lost money if I put it up for the general public

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I advise not to sell your land, especially if you think renting estate land is a better deal.  It's going to be cheaper to pay tier to Linden Lab than it will be to pay to an estate owner. Then you also don't have to worry about your landlord disappearing with your money.

1. Send IM notes to your neighbors to say hello & remind them that if they have any concerns to contact you. This shows them you care about their comfort, but if they don't complain, you don't have to worry about upsetting them. Many people won't stay on their land very long, so don't worry too much about what they think. They might be gone in a few months.

2. If you worry about how your property fits into the rest of the neighborhood, landscape so it fits, then have a nice sky platform that looks however you like. You might also like a rezzer system skybox, so you can change your setting easily. A 1024 m parcel will fit a Grim Death Co. rezzer, which is very inexpensive. A 58m x 58m parcel will fit a Garden of Dreams Dream Scenes or an Atomosphere Magic Couch rezzer, both of which have free demos, nice beach & cottage scenes, & various styles of homes.You can also use a cheap, mesh box for a skybox & decorate it however you want. Having your home in the sky provides more privacy than having it on ground level mainland. Then you can let the ground level be open for avatars to pass through it.

3. Screens are ok, as long as they're phantom & the side that your neighbors see is either invisible or textured to what they want to see. When I had a RP vampire behind my large water-view property, she was happy to have her side of my screen textured as a dark, spooky forest.

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I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly, but it sounds to me like you saw that your neighbor wanted to make a nice seaside area there so you purposely made your parcel look as bad as possible and jacked up the price? That's deplorable behavior...

It sounds similar to what someone is doing near my city. He bought a 512 parcel at auction right next door to someone's house then immediately put the ugliest for sale sign ever on it (looks a lot like yours) and set it for sale for a ludicrous amount. I think he thought one of us others who have land nearby would buy it at his crazy price just to get rid of him. Ain't gonna happen.

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Ilithios Liebknecht wrote:

I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly, but it sounds to me like you saw that your neighbor wanted to make a nice seaside area there so you purposely made your parcel look as bad as possible and jacked up the price? That's deplorable behavior...

I can't agree with you. The OP didn't make the land look "as bad as possible". Unnatural, yes, but not ugly. And the 'For Sale' sign is a typical one. I don't consider a prominent For Sale sign to be "as bad as possible". Also, "jacked up the price" isn't strictly correct, because that phrase implies profiteering, like the experience you're having. The price was increased, of course, but it was bought at a very low, as stated in the original post, and there was no reason to sell at that very low price.

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The price it sold at wasn't so high. However, the OP themselves said they sold it for an "inflated price." By definition, an "inflated price" is a price that is higher than it should be. And I would bet money that the surrounding land owner bought the land to get rid of that ugly parcel more than because they actually wanted the land. If the OP really wanted to sell the land to someone who wanted it, they would have made a nice island there that fit in with the surroundings then maybe the owner of the surrounding land would have bought it or maybe someone else who liked it would, but as it was, the OP made the land a really unattractive flat square with nothing but an ugly for sale sign on it trying to induce the owner of the surrounding land to buy in order to get rid of that ugly parcel. So yes, it was a sort of blackmail even if the OP didn't charge all that much for it.

But you are right. There are worse people out there.

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Ilithios Liebknecht wrote:

The price it sold at wasn't
high. However, the OP themselves said they sold it for an "inflated price." By definition, an "inflated price" is a price that is higher than it should be. And I would bet money that the surrounding land owner bought the land to get rid of that ugly parcel more than because they actually wanted the land. If the OP really wanted to sell the land to someone who wanted it, they would have made a nice island there that fit in with the surroundings then maybe the owner of the surrounding land would have bought it or maybe someone else who liked it would, but as it was, the OP made the land a really unattractive flat square with nothing but an ugly for sale sign on it trying to induce the owner of the surrounding land to buy in order to get rid of that ugly parcel. So yes, it was a sort of blackmail even if the OP didn't charge all
much for it.

But you are right. There are worse people out there.

I know. You and I have just seen one in another thread, so bearing that in mind, you'll understand that I don't have any respect for your posts, including the one that I've quoted.

But, to finish with, the OP did everything right. She didn't make the land ugly, and she didn't put anything ugly on it. Not only that, but there was no reason in the world for her to tart the land up in the way you described. No reason at all.

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Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts. I do appreciate them.

I understand that you believed my lot was a blight to HIS land. I'd like to point out that the whole reason I created this thread was because I was concerned about this and after listening to everyone's suggestions, I took everything down and put the land up for sale (at what I bought it with no irritating sign). A day later, he changed everything in such a way that my land was no longer desirable and I would be forced to lower the price less than what I bought it for.

The whole point of my irritation is that I was so concerned about him, someone I do not know, enough to make a post, listen to advice, ultimately tear down everything I made (yes. I made noob mistakes. Guess what? I'm new.) and sell the property I had previously been so excited about.

Edit: I revise this. I looked back on my comments. It looks like I did put it up for a small profit. But to make something else clear, another glimpse of how new I am, I thought I bought this at a good price (the title said abandoned), but it really was not so great after further looking at sales. It was worth it to me because of the view. I bought it for 10L/sqm and origionally listed it at 11L/sqm. He bought it for L$13/SQM but I do think this was a bargain for him. Since it's kind of a corner lot now that he completely owns. Mine was the last puzzle piece. 

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is ok Nalytha. If anyone is at fault for derailing this thread is me. I was the one who said "jack" which started a pile on seems like. A pile on of one anyways

it was more that particular for sale sign that made me go oh! lol. Is some long history with that sign which you are unaware of and is no reason for you to be aware of


the other thing that anyone looking at this whole thread will see (without even reading) is the pic of the house you made. Next to it are/were 2 other parcels for sale

in terms of that small strip of prime coastline, you were there first. Nevermind that the neighbour behind has since decided to expand their landholdings [further], after you moved in. Being near the coast as in the neighbour's case is not on the coast

they might have had designs on that prime real estate, but so what. I have designs on 100s of sims worth of prime real estate. All I have to do is buy them, before somebody else does 

eta: [further]

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Note that I was here earlier in this thread and said that you had done nothing wrong by having that parcel and that is true. There is also, of course, nothing wrong with you selling it.

But let's cut the crap shall we? You were perfectly happy putting the parcel up for only a little more than you paid until your neighbor made the surrounding area look far better than it looked before. You realized at that point that you could ruin the look of the region and force him to buy at an inflated price to get rid of you. There is no other reason that you would have increased the price.

You saw an opportunity to take advantage of someone and you took it.

Listen I'm not saying you are an inherently terrible person or anything, but this was a shady deal and you know it.

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I'm not sure you have closely looked at the before and after photos.


SL is a game consisting of an economy. There is absolutely no reason I should be bound to sell my land at the same price or a loss when there is a HUGE market of people buying and selling land at a profit. My alternative was to sell at a loss or break even IF he and only he would have bought it at the devalued price.


I think I mentioned I used two premium accounts to acquire this land. After the stipend, I pay around an extra $12 or so a year (per account). Please explain to me how in a game built on buying and selling, I did something wrong by taking the opportunity to recoup some of the rl money I spent for the accounts.


I looked at the situation and figured he MIGHT want something I have. He has something I want. I didn't double or triple the price to extort him. He MISSED the price I got. I didn't do anything extreme in my opinion. So I took the opportunity to recoup a small portion of my premium price IF and only IF he agreed that that was something worth it to him.


Sorry, I agree with a lot of what has been said here, but this is not something I agree with at all. Maybe I'm being blind or maybe this is just one more noob mistake.

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You did not do anything "wrong" in the sense that it is illegal, against TOS or anything like that. I have already noted before as well that the price you sold it for was not even ludicrously high. (This is actually a point I'm confused about but not really relevant. You said you sold it for 13L/sqm and that you sold it for 3,000L... so the land is only 230 sqms? I find that hard to believe. but anyway,)

You know what you did. You purposely took advantage of someone because you could. End of story. Could you have done worse? Absolutely. In the end, it's only 3,000L and the whole thing will soon be forgotten. But don't sit here trying to make excuses for yourself. You know exactly what you did.

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I didn't say that your lot was a blight. I haven't criticised anything you did. The person who criticised you wrote the post immediately above this one. That's not the first post of his that criticises you in this thread. He's the one who explained, in another thread earlier today, how to get an ageplay group going and keep it under LL's radar, so you can safely ignore that sort of mind.

As far as I am concerned, you did everything right, including making a profit, and not uglifying your parcel in an attempt to force a sale. Ignore anyone who says different. The For Sale sign was fine. They weren't good when the land was covered in them, and even stacked up, but one on its own, like yours was, is perfectly fine.

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I said I made a 3k profit... the land was 1024 and I bought it at 10k/sqm and sold it at 13k/sqm.


Okay. You think I took advantage of someone for selling at a price they were willing to pay. They didn't have to pay it. No one forced them. If they didn't pay it, I could have posted at whatever price floated my boat and risked it sitting there forever. I priced it at a price I felt we both might benefit from. I could have priced it a crazy price. I wouldn't have got the money and he would not have got the land.

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Phil, I'm sorry. I am still new to the forums a bit. I pressed reply, forgetting that this forum replies to particular people depending on which reply button you click. My apologies for the confusion.


Yes. I too recognized this person from that thread. However, I'm not taking into account his opinion on that thread as it has nothing to do with this topic. I could. But I'm not. I'm trying to give him or her a fair chance to speak their mind. Even if I don't agree right now, I'm happy to hear contrary opinions. Who knows. I may come around to his opinion later. That's how we learn.

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I wasn't going to keep the sign up forever. I actually posted it in an attempt to get his attention to the fact that I was selling. He may have not realized otherwise that the land was available for him to buy. If after a week or so I thought he wasn't interested, I would have removed the sign because I too think they are ugly. Him not buying it after a week would have told me he wasn't interested and that would have been perfectly fine too. If it was a noob mistake, I'm sorry. It was my way of communicating with him. I don't particularly like to talk to people in private about such matters if I don't have to. If he wanted to talk, he could have.

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Oh sorry, I misunderstood that the 3,000L was profit. Yeah making 3,000L profit on a parcel that shouldn't even have cost 3,000L is pretty bad. I take back the part about you not pricing it very high. That means you forced a 1024 parcel on someone for like 13,000L?

Ok yeah. That's deplorable. There's no excuse for that.

P.S. There's a green reply button on the bottom of the page that you can use to reply in general and not any specific post.

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I'm not sure if you noticed, but I used the general reply in my last post. 

Depolorable? I bought the land at 10k (per sqm). Are you saying I'm the only person in SL who would have made the decision that it was worth 10k? Did the person who sold it at 10k act deplorable? Was I taken advantage of? Was it really so deplorable that someone got land they wanted for $12 more than I paid? I spend around the same for a 2 hour movie. Is the film industry taking advantage of me too? 

What you don't seem to understand is that if that person felt I was taking advantage of him, he would NOT have bought the land OR he could have contacted me to open up negotiations. I look at beach land prices a lot lately. I see land over 10k. I don't know how much of it sells, but I do know one thing -- it sells if someone wants it. This had a pretty sunset view, was on a corner piece (though it's hard to see. The back was protected I believe (behind his parcel), the front was protected, and our neighbors to the right were for the most part in theme (except the large box, which was only a problem when zoomed out. 


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And we have no idea what he paid for all of his parcels (which he bought at different times). We have no idea if he paid 5k or 10k or 20k (Per sqm). The fact of the matter is, he paid what he thought it was worth in all of those situations. He weighed the cost against his enjoyment in SL. 

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Ilithios, I thank you for your feedback in this thread. Being newer to Second Life, the nuances are still unknown in many situations. I will take your words to heart and consider my actions in the future. At this point, I still disagree with you, but I find I can add nothing more to our discussion and it would appear that you are at the same place, resorting to personal attacks.


I hope you have a pleasant day.

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