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Hello Second Life residents! I have a couple of friends from SmallWorlds & IMVU that are residents of Second Life so I thought I would try it for a month and see what it's like. I love meeting new people and making new friends. I'm struggling with the navigation a bit so if you see me running into walls and stuff don't worry, I tend to do that in real life a lot too! Any advice, pointers, tips, tricks or cool info you may have would be greatly appreciated! Y'all have a fabulous day!

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Hello Coppurr...

Welcome to Second Life ...!! :)

First off... Please feel free to ask anyone at the rezzing area depending on where you've been thrown into after your initial orientation. Most will be happy to help you to play around with your Viewer and getting started.

Second... Freebies!!! Plenty of them in Second Life and you've got some in your Viewer too.

Third.. You will meet plenty of residents that comes in multiple shapes of avatar, age and mental condition. Like Wasted above me.. he, I will put him in to the Butt Hurt category and he is prolific spammer of the forums. You will encounter people like him and more as you go along.

Fourth... people are strange by default, don't get intimidated by those appears to be agressive.. they CANT HURT you.. :))

Fifth.. ENJOY.. :)

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Some advice would be to keep the total number of Items in your Inventory Low.

I would point at the top of this page to the link for the World Map, spend a little time reviewing the Map to gain perspective and orientation.

A tip would be to let you know there is a 0.0005 meter movement when positioning prims. Copy in place means roughly in place:smileyindifferent:

I know a trick but I can't tell anyone because everyone would be doing it and it wouldn't be a trick anymore. :smileywink: 

Some cool info, land is currently a buyer's market, most items can be found for free. Irene has done more to help Second Life Residents than I have. Emulate good people to find goodness.:smileyhappy:  

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While you're still young, use Search to find Amacci's and teleport there. Then go to the Poses & AOs building and look on the right wall for a sign that says something like Free AO for Under 14 Days. Click on the female one, the male one or both, as appropriate. Then find a place like a sandbox to open the box and wear the AO.

You'll still be walking into walls, but you'll look far less clumsy as you do. :-)


(AO is an 'animation over-rider'. It's how people get their different walks and standing around animations/poses. If you stay in SL for long, you'll probably want to upgrade but the free Amacci one (for avatars less than two weeks old) is an excellent starter.)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome and information. It's all still very confusing, I'm trying to weed through all of the information in order to figure out things like how to change my clothes! lol .... Whew! very time consuming so it might take me the whole month I've paid for just to figure that out. This is quite a complicated affair! Thanks again for all of your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and welcome to SL Coppurr!  I hope you meet a lot of nice people.  As for the navigation, I still run into walls too.  LOL!  I am the oldest noob around!  Take a look at the destination guild on the Dashboard.  Click on World Map.  Then on the left bottom you will see the link for the destination guide.   Send me a note card or IM if you wish!  Have loads of fun!



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  • 3 years later...
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