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Second Life Is Now Banned From Twitch TV


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I wouldn't be surprised if a full half of revenue generated in SL is sex related stuff. So if that goes poof, does anyone actually believe that it could be replaced by religious fundamentalist stuff to any significant degree?

Also it is my belief that uptight control freaks and @nal retents sent far more peeps running for the hills than griefers and trolls ever did.


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"feh,secondlife is quite tame compared to alot of the stuff on twitch,including warframe,which merrily has enemy bits raining everywhere"

That's usually par for that hypocritical double thinking duck speaking course. Slaughtering 'Commies' and Muslims on the Malabar fronts are to be encouraged, but nudity and sex of course along with thinking for oneself is right out! Very Orwellian, very 1984.


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i quite frankly dont see how the two can be seperated honestly.the extremities of human nature is an all in one package

secondlife does get alot of revenue from sex related things of course.but i will quote a favorite show of mine:

"my advise is that you focus on the sex,because a libido only lasts for a certain amount of time,while the urge to kill someone goes right to the grave"

also,funny you should mention "commies"

im a communist ^-^,though RL i like to keep to myself,so every election year i get alot of entertainment

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1999?  I think I spent most of that year playing Quake 3 at LAN parties or online... and hanging out on IRC.

I'm surprised it took several pages before someone actually came out and said it--Second Life isn't a game.  That should've been the first response.  Second Life isn't sold in stores, it's not sold on Steam, it's not sold on Origin or any other gaming service.  You can't play it on your PS4.  You can't play it on XBox (without jumping through some serious hoops).

Second Life is a virtual world with limitless possiblities.  Content is created by the users themselves.  It is a constantly changing world containing real people living virtual lives. It's meant to be experienced, not played.  Creativity, exploration, leisure, socializing... these are some of the things that you should be enjoying in real time instead of trying to stream your uber "gaming experience" in SL on social media sites. lol

The fact that Twitch TV has banned SL is a good thing; SL has no place on Twitch TV.  Maybe the reason they banned it is because they, unlike you, understand what Second Life is and why it shouldn't be streamed.

My guess is it has something to do with privacy concerns vs virtual worlds... and the fact that (again) IT'S NOT A GAME.

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It's funny. You can show raining body parts and even in RL movies, you might get a PG13 rating. But drop an F-Bomb or show male genitalia and it's an instant R rating.

In SL, yes you have a lot of sex play. It's always been an adult place for over 18. 

Twitch doesn't allow the explicit sex images. Twitch, for those that don't know, lets you broadcast what you're doing in real time in a number of games. It's too bad too. The service allowed showing fighting techniques for our RP sim. 

As for You Tube. Look a little deeper. There's a video of one artist that built a 3D version of Van Gogh's Starry night on a sim. You also have walk-throughs of some of Bryn Oh's interactive art work. In fact, Bryn uses her work at various art expositions through SL. 

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Shannon Danick wrote:

Why, oh why hasn't someone just shouted the obvious reply to this fool? (OP)....

SecondLife is
a game! Go away Troll!

There, I feel a little better.

Carry on.

Because it IS a game.

***Call me when you have worked out that about half SL's inhabitants treat it as a game

[And the other half whinge in these forums about what swines men are.]

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Shannon Danick wrote:

Then you "Sir", know nothing of SecondLife. Just like the OP.

And you, sweetheart, are just as naive as the succession of dumb broads who have believed every lie I have ever told them in SL.

***Call me if you really don't believe that you can be gamed in SL - and if you are absolutely sure that you haven't been . . .

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Condescending much?

The fact I have survived and been VERY successful in SL since 2009, speaks for its self. And yes, in that timeframe, I have bumped in to pigs like you....that's why my Mute list is so full. I can see people like you coming. And I have an itchy clicking finger.

Looks like you get added to my list as soon as I log inworld.

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Shannon Danick wrote:

Condescending much?

The fact I have survived and been VERY successful in SL since 2009, speaks for its self. And yes, in that timeframe, I have bumped in to pigs like you....that's why my Mute list is so full. I can see people like you coming. And I have an itchy clicking finger.

Looks like you get added to my list as soon as I log inworld.

Condescending AND accurate. Thank you for confirming my viewpoint.

***Call me if you want the names of my other 100 or so alts; you can waste your time adding those to your list too

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Shannon Danick wrote:

Pffft, you're pathetic. Probably angry because you're most likely one of the many I have turned down over the years. Happy "gaming".

I have never been turned down in SL or RL. I guess it's the silver tongue, or maybe that I am fantastically attractive and extremely rich.

Or maybe that I have very low standards.

Although I would not stoop so far as you.

***Call me in private . . . oh, you did already

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SirLeighBastard wrote:

Shannon Danick wrote:

Pffft, you're pathetic. Probably angry because you're most likely one of the many I have turned down over the years. Happy "gaming".

I have never been turned down in SL or RL. I guess it's the silver tongue, or maybe that I am fantastically attractive and extremely rich.

Or maybe that I have very low standards.

Although I would not stoop so far as you.

***Call me in private . . . oh, you did already

Would you two please go get a room!!!!


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I find it extremely odd that people question WHY Second Life is banned.  I've always explained this game as an extremely creative canvas that a bunch of.. people.. keep jizzing all over.  

Every time I've played it was nigh impossible to find something other than a furry sex dungeon strip club or a dance party.  The whole schedule thing was just covered in that **bleep**.. and you had to scour for SOMETHING interesting.  The whole time you're standing in a club because some place advertised itself as something interesting and it turned out to be a club full of people spamming WOOOOO emotes.

I'd love to have streamed some of the cry inducing laughter moments i had in the game.. but the rare ghetto roleplay sims, wrestling matches with heckling audiences, or karaoke bars were too few and far between.

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