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Hello everyone,

Sorry for my English,

Following several tickets that my partner SL sent LindenLab, it does not act. These are tickets for death threats, screenshot in support, threats that are happening both on SL and RL in her life because that person took the personal data of my partner. This person acted as his true account that in many alts. And that, for 6 months now.

It still receives, to date, of the threats. Notecards are sent to hundreds of people in SL that indicate the personal data of my partner, they attack our sim, people passing through them, they make sure that the sim eventually close. It holds up, but until when? It mutates, it banished, we do it, because I also now receiving threats ...

When LindenLab will it be? What should be more to all this end?

This gives what to make regulations if LindeLab violating? https://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php?lang=fr-FR

Thank you for your help and tell us what to do, because there, all this becomes intolerable. And thank you to avoid telling us to create another account, this is not the solution

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we can do totally nothing.

But one thing wonders me, they only can get the RL information and email when it's voluntarely given by one of you. It's been not a very wise thing to do as you see now. There is NO other way they are able to get the information.

If LL doesn't act on your tickets it could be they see no reason ór ability to do something against it.

The only thing you really can do is ban/mute ....

If it's as desparate as you state, you could both consider leaving your account and start a new as only left option, even you don't like to get that answer

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They make death threats, he asks others to bring my boyfriend to suicide, my boyfriend all the screenshots and nothing is done by LindenLab?

And yes, my boyfriend was here 5 years with a woman SL and RL, so it is she who disclosed his information to others, including his new partner, who is the one who made the threats ...
We spent a fortune on this account, to start from scratch when there has regulations SL


Harassment Given the myriad capabilities of Second Life, harassment can take many forms. Communicating or behaving in a manner which is offensively coarse, intimidating or threatening, constitutes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or is otherwise likely to cause annoyance or alarm is Harassment.


Assault Most areas in Second Life are identified as Safe. Assault in Second Life means: shooting, pushing, or shoving another Resident in a Safe Area (see Global Standards below); creating or using scripted objects which singularly or persistently target another Resident in a manner which prevents their enjoyment of Second Life.

Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited.

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you can write 25 pages here or more, but as long LL doesn't act on your tickets you can do nothing against it.

There are always two sides to stories like this, we only hear yours. Not that i say what you write isn't as you experience it, but ther might be things you or your bf says/does you don't mention here, or he even not tells you.

as last..... even you spend thousends and hate to do it, if it's the only way to get peace in your sl, start new accounts and move on.

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RL threats should be taken to RL authorities that CAN (and likely will) actually do something about them. Barring that, you have very little options, and so does LL. IN fact, even if they were to ban an account, it is ALWAYS possible for someone to create a new account, or find a way around bans. LL is not the police, nor the FBI, and there is very little they can actually do to help you with RL issues stemming from problems in SL. I know it seems like they should be able to do more, but honestly, there is little they can do aside from ban as best as possible and *hope* the culprit doesn't find a way around a ban.

One of the absolute best attacks against people like this, is to do nothing at all. Ban, mute, ignore, and move on. Don't create a new account, don't give the person any attention...just don't, on all fronts. The more this kind of person believes he or she is getting under your skin, annoying you, disturbing your RL and SL, the more he or she will keep doing it. Show this person that whatever power he or she believes he or she has over you(your friend in this instance) is non-existent, and this person is more likely to simply go away. Attention seekers simply want attention and will do anything, though usually negative, to get it. Don't feed that kind of troll, don't give it that kind of satisfaction, and show the world you're the bigger, and better, person. It's hard, but not impossible. Although I do feel for everyone(minus this moron causing trouble) in the situation, you make it much worse by making a huge deal out of it.

Although, as someone already stated, you might not even have the entire story, and only have pieces parts of it. I am not saying I doubt the story, but there very well could be two very different sides. Hence why the best option is to mute/ban/ignore and move on, paying this attention seeker absolutely no mind at all. It will give you the best results, assuming you don't want to start all over again with a new account(I *never* recommend that option, to be honest, as it really does only fuel the fire for trolls and attention seeking weirdos).

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Hello and thank you to the ones who gave intelligent answers.

So yes, we respond by ignorance, we do not answer at all. They come crashing our sims, attack us, attack people of our sims, but we do not respond. Last night I blew the graphics card on my laptop but we still do not respond. What to do now? We can not change the account. It becomes difficult, tiring, boring. We can not even call it the game. We have plenty of threat of screenshots. I do not even know these people and they are attacking me, my friends, to strangers who come to our sims. We can not even have peace of mind, we are constantly on guard. They have alts not to know what to do, must do now? Pay people for our protection? Close our sims? To defend oneself?

Tell me that there is something to do please ...

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The only solution may be to move your sims, rename them, so that those griefing you cannot find you.  I assume you have already decided that you cannot limit access to group members only.  I know of one popular blues club that had to do that for awhile because they were being griefed all the time.  It worked.

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  • 2 weeks later...


thank you for your answers We chose to close the sim visitors following the attacks. For three days, no one has access. The threats have doubled since it can not access it, this time to attack the DDOS. Threats as in French, English, Arabic too. Constantly, every time, screenshots, AR's, but still nothing from LL. We will definitely close and exit the sim or we will eventually see the end? Or will we find a solution? For there, I admit not knowing what to do ...

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The original post mentioned death threats. It's now a full two weeks later and still the complaint is about what Linden Lab should do. Linden Lab cannot protect anybody from death threats -- so why are we now hearing about such trivia as closing a sim or a possible DDOS? It's up to real world authorities to tell you what to do, and for them to enlist Linden Lab's assistance as appropriat; you should not be taking actions on your own, nor do you want the Lab to act except on the instruction of law enforcement.

I am a little surprised the Lab didn't tell you the same thing when you first contacted them about death threats.

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The authorities are not able to do anything regarding the RL threats, it is for them as threats ... in a game, even if the person knows the personal information. Now we are trying to keep their heads above water in SL, why people threats, graphics card attacks, crash sims have the right to play while we, we must flee into a corner? While we, we are here to play, we pay a sim ... In my 7 years of existence SL, this is the first time I find myself in a situation like this. AR's repeated no use, we have nothing to follow ...

I await ransom from one moment to the other

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