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Is there something wrong with me?

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Nice troll post. It's refreshing. I don't find people who are less intelligent than me or more not worth my time. Intelligence has nothing to do with whether a person is compatible with you. I find joy in learning new things and new people. I am positive my post is a waste but I wanted to put my 2 cents in.  I am curious as to the reason you are in sl if no one measures up to your standards. Find other outlets perhaps then. 

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No.  Outside of an occasional group related activity, while I love SL I prefer my own company, to do my own thing, or leave, as I see fit.  Very short 'Friend' list.   Been here a long time, and it's always been that way.  Often uncheck everyone, so I can go about my business, or entertainment,  without being IM'd.   I'm an isolationist in RL too, so, *shrug*.   I'm good with it.  The few that have remained 'Friends' with me for 8 years in SL, know and understand this quirk, and apparantly they're good with it too.  Easy peasy.

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ZoeTick wrote:

I don't want to make friends in SL.

Very few participants meet my high standards, and the small numbers who do do not seem to share the same interests..

Why should I drop those standards in SL when I refuse to do so in rl?

I have wasted considerable amounts of time finding out that people who say they would like to be friends with me are lying about their educational prowess, their competence in supposed areas of expertise, their morals and ethics, and worst of all, their ability to communicate.

Do you forumites find that you have to revise your expectations downwards to find people to talk to?


There is absolutely nothing wrong, with having standards for whom you want to socialize with as friends, neither is there something wrong, in feeling (or really being) superior in many ways. (Nobody can be superior in all ways, after all)....

When a person, however, feels oneself or really is superior, there could be something wrong in the way, this person uses these superior skills.

To use one's skills, to taunt or mock other people, because they are not as skilled, as one self, is really not very intelligent or to act wisely. - But to use one's skills, to in a kind and polite way, to lead other people on the right track, is a sign of really superiority and wisdom....

All other bad manners, are just a sign of an empty and puffed-up ego, in my opinion, and certainly not a sign of genuine superiority.

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ZoeTick wrote:

Do you forumites find that you have to revise your expectations downwards to find people to talk to?


I never think of it, in that way you put the question. Instead I think of friendship as chemistry between the other person and me.

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ZoeTick wrote:

I don't want to make friends in SL.

Very few participants meet my high standards, and the small numbers who do do not seem to share the same interests..

Why should I drop those standards in SL when I refuse to do so in rl?

I have wasted considerable amounts of time finding out that people who say they would like to be friends with me are lying about their educational prowess, their competence in supposed areas of expertise, their morals and ethics, and worst of all, their ability to communicate.

Do you forumites find that you have to revise your expectations downwards to find people to talk to?

When you are talking about  'participants' are you referring to the personas created in Second Life, or the person who created the persona? 

When I was in the Society for Creative Anachronism we called the 'backstory' to our characters our 'persona'. When you put on your garb you also put on your persona. I think some do that in Second Life as well. When I'm communicating with someone in Second Life, I always take what they are telling me "with a grain of salt."  While I don't tell lies in chat or im's in Second Life, I feel that having an avatar that looks nothing like the real life 'me' is in itself a form of deceit.

I am not looking for friends in Second Life, either. All of the 'sociability' this aspie can muster is used to try to keep the real life friends I have.

Perhaps in Second Life, if you cannot find someone who meets ALL of your expectations, you could find different participants who might be able to fulfill a few of your expectations - for example, you could have an Educated Friend, a Friend with High Morals, and so on...

Hope this helps.

I am not a 'forumite'.




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What is probably most amusing about this thread is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie, but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer.  

Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is.

We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people.

There's nothing else to see here . . . move along!

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

What is probably most amusing about this thread is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie, but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer.  

Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is.

We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people.

There's nothing else to see here . . . move along!

It was Friday when I started the thread . . .

. . . and there was no sign of a thread about a Canadian female reporter who got annoyed about sexist sports fans and got them fired.

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Rufferto wrote:

 When you are talking about  'participants' are you referring to the personas created in Second Life, or the person who created the persona?

It HAS to be the persona; WYSIWYG is the principle almost everybody insists should be used here, and it is apparently rude and inappropriate to treat, say, a male using a female persona here, as a deceitful liar.

Rufferto wrote:

I feel that having an avatar that looks nothing like the real life 'me' is in itself a form of deceit.


Yeah, like that.

Rufferto wrote:

 I am not a 'forumite'.


You are now.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

For some reason, Zoe makes me think of this cartoon:

little cthuhu and hello kitty.gif

Is that because I am also too much of a gentleman to exact physical retribution upon a trivially vindictive person of the weaker sex who shamelessly takes advantage?

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Muletta wrote:

To use one's skills, to taunt or mock other people, because they are not as skilled, as one self, is really not very intelligent or to act wisely. - But to use one's skills, to in a kind and polite way, to lead other people on the right track, is a sign of really superiority and wisdom....

Only the weak believe that.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Based on your forum posts, I see no evidence of it.

You might have similar problems with the cosmological explanation of quantum entanglement . . .

. . . but it doesn't make it any less true.

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ZoeTick wrote:

Muletta wrote:

To use one's skills, to taunt or mock other people, because they are not as skilled, as one self, is really not very intelligent or to act wisely. - But to use one's skills, to in a kind and polite way, to lead other people on the right track, is a sign of really superiority and wisdom....

Only the weak believe that.

No, not only the weak.  The less insecure wise believe it too.

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ZoeTick wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

What is probably most amusing about this thread is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie, but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer.  

Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is.

We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people.

There's nothing else to see here . . . move along!

It was Friday when I started the thread . . .

. . . and there was no sign of a thread about a Canadian female reporter who got annoyed about sexist sports fans and got them fired.

Is there one now? Have I missed it?

In fact, your comment is a characteristic distortion of the facts. She did nothing to get the one (1) fan fired. The company employing him, unhappy to discover that  their employee was actually a crass, drunken, misogynist moron, did that. 

I've not seen anything anywhere to suggest that Hunt even lodged a complaint about him. All she did was accommodate the evident desire of said moron for a national audience by airing the segment.

Rather obliging of her, I'd have said, wouldn't you?

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ZoeTick wrote:

Muletta wrote:

To use one's skills, to taunt or mock other people, because they are not as skilled, as one self, is really not very intelligent or to act wisely. - But to use one's skills, to in a kind and polite way, to lead other people on the right track, is a sign of really superiority and wisdom....

Only the weak believe that.

In that case, I am happy to be weak...don't you know, that to dare to show one's weakness, can also be a strength? 

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Oh; I hadn't realized that, because, I don't know him.  He's not on my friends list.  So, if what you said is true, then, I amend my answer to........  "I don't care'?  :matte-motes-bored:   If what you say is not true, then.....I still don't care?  LOL  

By his works you shall know him, Treasure. If you don't know already.

And not caring is probably exactly the right response. :-)

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Oh; I hadn't realized that, because, I don't know him.  He's not on my friends list.  So, if what you said is true, then, I amend my answer to........  "I don't care'?  :matte-motes-bored:   If what you say is not true, then.....I still don't care?  LOL  

By his works you shall know him, Treasure. If you don't know already.

And not caring is probably exactly the right response. :-)

Of course Treasure knows me.

Her pet name for me is Spiderman...

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ZoeTick wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

For some reason, Zoe makes me think of this cartoon:

little cthuhu and hello kitty.gif

Is that because I am also too much of a gentleman to exact physical retribution upon a trivially vindictive person of the weaker sex who shamelessly takes advantage?


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