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'Monkey moms'

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Just seen a documentary on these so-called 'monkey moms'. These irresponsible, silly women decide to adopt a monkey instead of having/adopting a child, and treat it as 'one of the family' - despite the fact that it's a wild animal.

In my view, adopting a monkey and putting it in a diaper is obscene and cruel. Monkeys should live with their own kind in the wild, not be kept captive as part of some madwoman's bizarre social experiment. Not to mention the fact that the monkey could easily attack other humans in the house, particularly children. Children put at risk for a woman's desire to swoon over a monkey in a diaper!

Even SL furries don't endorse this kind of madness. So why do we allow it? Can't the government arrest these people for animal cruelty and child neglect?

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QuestProbe wrote:


In my view, adopting a monkey and putting it in a diaper is obscene and cruel.

Monkeys should live with their own kind in the wild and on their own sim.

Even SL furries don't endorse this kind of madness

This happens every day in SL.  In SL some adopt human adult avatars and put them in a diaper.

The second line above was a FIFY.

And lastly, seriously?  They're SL furries for crying out loud; the absolute definition of madness, imho.   

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Most of the mothers who drive their kids to school where my daughter is mistaught by a bunch of timeserving teachers behave as if they have simian brains.

I do wonder whether they wear sunglasses for effect (it is certainly not so they can remain incognito; nobody would be interested in them other than the fashion police) or to hide their cosmetic surgery, or so they can state truthfully to officers of the law that they didn't see the other car when the reapplication of their makeup causes them to initiate a traffic accident.

The odd time I have seen them get out of their cars (presumably to check whether they still have four working wheels, having forgotten to release the handbrake, or perhaps to find first gear) I would find comparisons with monkey troupes in the way that they scratch each others backs, or perhaps eyes, and strut and preen in front of competing primates.

It's not surprising that their kids behave like animals; less surprising that the mothers should feel the need to acquire additional parental burdens.

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To be fair to the teachers, if you are in the US, blame Common Core, not the teachers. The idiocy that is Common Core has removed the ability of teachers to actually teach. Instead, they have to teach how to take a test and the answers that are usually found on the test so we are graduating a generation that is great at taking tests but have very little real education.

Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine. The government sponsors a program for "temporary" teachers that are there for 3 years, if they survive. Veteran teachers will tell you that it takes 3 years for a starting teacher to learn classroom teaching. Teachers are doing the best they can with the chains they are wrapped up in. Even their raises are tied to how well the children in their classes do on those idiotic tests.

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ZoeTick wrote:

What sort of a world is it where you have to have a licence for a lower primate, but can be (ir)responsible for multiple higher primates unrestrictedly.

If people required a licence to reproduce, Darwinian evolution would select for genes that help to fill out licence applications and the world would be filled with useless bureaucrats.

So no change there.

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the sybmbiosis between species is perfectly natural, if both species (in this case, a human and a monkey) can benefit each other, let them live together, as long as they are not affecting in a negative way the lifestyle of others, people should be allowed to have pets, many have dogs, cats, fish and turtles as pets, that is perfectly legal, doesnt affect society dramatically, and doesnt seem to be a significant danger to society.

now, if the monkey accepts the affection of the woman, and the woman wants to love the monkey, i dont see anything wrong with it, we should be free to love anything we want, there should not be restrictions to love.

i understand that it is an instinct to support whatever is more similar to us, we support people with our same ideologies, some tend more to support people who look more like them, or have a similar background, it is instinctive to try to unite with our similars, thats why i understand that you would find reprobable that a woman would care of a monkey as if it was her child, because the monkey is not from our specie, and we must support our specie first, in order to survive, while that is true, i dont see our specie as being in a disadvantage in comparison to other species on the planet, we are mostly dominant, more capable than what all the other species can do, if the woman wants to love a monkey, in no way that would be a threat to the suvival of humanity, we can allow them to feel love that both approve.

while thats true that there are many human children who would need a mother and could have benefit from the care that that woman is giving to the monkey, if she is not willing to love in that way a human child, a child should not be given to her to be raised, fortunately, there are many people who are willing to give that love to a human child, the children in need should be given to them, the woman can live loving her monkey if she wants.

is true that monkeys natural design is to be between nature, that is true also for every specie on the planet, we humans are designed to be in natural places, yet we modified nature to adapt to us, and it end up being a good thing, we end up being the most powerful specie on the planet, being in a place that is not naural can benefit other species too, cats doesnt seem to mind living together with humans and enjoying the benefits of their modified nature, maybe the monkey can benefit from it too.

its true that a monkey is more difficult to educate than another human, it could do some unexpected things, it seems to me that having a cat or a dog is the same risk, if for any reason they decide to attack a child, or another one of our specie, they can do it anytime if their personality is dangerous and the pet has not been trained, some pets can be trustable that they would not attack other humans unless they are under a threat, if the monkey is trained and has a trustable personality, the care it should be taken with it should be the same as the care given to cats and dogs in relation to interaction with other humans.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the sybmbiosis between species is perfectly natural, if both species (in this case, a human and a monkey) can benefit each other, let them live together, as long as they are not affecting in a negative way the lifestyle of others, people should be allowed to have pets, many have dogs, cats, fish and turtles as pets, that is perfectly legal, doesnt affect society dramatically, and doesnt seem to be a significant danger to society.

now, if the monkey accepts the affection of the woman, and the woman wants to love the monkey, i dont see anything wrong with it, we should be free to love anything we want, there should not be restrictions to love.


You reminded me of an article I read several years ago:  Feathered Friends (AKA, Parakeet Love).

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

we should be free to love anything we want, there should not be restrictions to love.

I understand that unlike SL, most civilised nations have enacted laws against bestiality.

I also understand that this is to protect the animals, not the supposed humans.

How wrong can you get.

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