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FFS Now we aren't even ALLOWED to sort Answers!

PeterCanessa Oh

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LOTS of complaints about Answers being sorted in 'newest first' order.  EVERYONE who commented saying they want to see them in 'oldest first' order - the way they were posted.  MANY complaints about stupid ranks and kudos.

RESULT: Now there isn't even an option to sort in 'oldest first' order - all I get is f***ing 'newest first' or 'most kudos'.  How the FFFF is anyone going to follow even a short discussion if there is no logical order to the posts? ESPECIALLY when the sodding things don't even say to whom they are a reply.

This is unusable.  I'll look at answers every few days to see if it's changed but otherwise I'm not using the thing any more.

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

LOTS of complaints about Answers being sorted in 'newest first' order.  EVERYONE who commented saying they want to see them in 'oldest first' order - the way they were posted.  MANY complaints about stupid ranks and kudos.

RESULT: Now there isn't even an option to sort in 'oldest first' order - all I get is f***ing 'newest first' or 'most kudos'.  How the FFFF is anyone going to follow even a short discussion if there is no logical order to the posts? ESPECIALLY when the sodding things don't even say to whom they are a reply.

This is unusable.  I'll look at answers every few days to see if it's changed but otherwise I'm not using the thing any more.



Thanks for the feedback.  See the image for how to sort by oldest.  :smileyhappy:

sort by oldest.png

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Actually, it looks to me as though it is now sorted by "oldest first" in Answers automatically, which is a good thing :) (it only shows "newest first" as an option because it is already sorted by oldest first!)

However, it is also sorted by "most kudos" as a sub-sorting of oldest first. So you will get oldest first but if one newer one has more kudos then it will come higher, if that maakes sense!

I like the fact that its sorted by oldest first, but personally I turn off the kudos sorting and just let someone sort it by kudos if they wish.

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Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Yes, on the Answers pages, we first have to change the sort order to Newest First and wait for a reload before we can access Oldest First. It would be a big help if all the orderings were on the menu on the first try!

You are fast Cerise :)


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Lexie Linden wrote:


Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

Lexie, although it allows those options in the topics, it doesn't show that option in "Answers"...at least, not to me, unless I'm missing it :smileysurprised:

I think you are right!  Let me dig into this more. 

Update:  Cerise explains it


Thanks :smileyhappy:

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Just to confirm how It appears to now be working for me:

It automatically sorts by oldest first (this is good a it allows the natural flow - in other words its sorted just as the forums are - question, then person A's answer who answered first, then person B's answer who answered second, then person C's answer who answered third etc)

However if, say, person B had the most kudos they would get bumped to the top. So it would be Question, person B's answer (who answered second but has more kudos), then person A's answer (who answered first), then person C's answer (who answered third).

I'm all for the oldest first to get the natural flow, but I think also automatically sorting by most kudos as a sub-sorting of that breaks up that natural flow again. By all means have kudos as a sorting order for people to choose from if they want, but don't have it sorting by kudos automatically. To me the default should be oldest to newest and nothing else, but give people the choice of other sorting options. (Although if we are having other options I'd argue that perhaps most correct 'solutions' might make more sense that 'most kudos' as a sort order?)

Also, I do thing that once a question has been marked as answered by the OP, that 'correct' answer should then be bumped to the top to make it easier for subsequent viewers to quickly see the 'correct' answer.

Hope that makes sense :)

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Suella Ember wrote:

Just to confirm how It appears to now be working for me:

It automatically sorts by oldest first (this is good a it allows the natural flow - in other words its sorted just as the forums are - question, then person A's answer who answered first, then person B's answer who answered second, then person C's answer who answered third etc)

However if, say, person B had the most kudos they would get bumped to the top. So it would be Question, person B's answer (who answered second but has more kudos), then person A's answer (who answered first), then person C's answer (who answered third).

I'm all for the oldest first to get the natural flow, but I think it also automatically sorting my most kudos as a sub-sorting of that breaks up that natural flow again. By all means have kudos as a sorting order for people to choose from if they want, but don't have it sorting by kudos automatically. To me the default should be oldest to newest and nothing else, but give people the choice of other sorting options. (Although if we are having other options I'd argue that perhaps most correct 'solutions' might make more sense that 'most kudos' as a sort order?)

Also, I do thing that once a question has been marked as answered by the OP, that 'correct' answer should then be bumped to the top to make it easier for subsequent viewers to quickly see the 'correct' answer.

Hope that makes sense

I'm sorry, but what an a**backwards way to follow a conversation...come on, admit it  :smileysurprised:  :smileytongue:

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

I'm sorry, but what an a**backwards way to follow a conversation...come on, admit it  :smileysurprised:  :smileytongue:

Well yes, it is, but only because of the sub-sorting by kudos that I think should be turned off.

Take a look at a couple of threads in Answers with a few respondents and look at the times. It's actually doing things correctly now (oldest to newest) The first person who replies is at the top, the next person who replies is next etc. This is the natural flow of a conversation of 'answers' and is as it should be (the same as the forums).  It just looks confusing becuase you don't see 'oldest first' on the sort dropdown, but the reason you don't se it is becuase it's already sorted that way :) If you turn it back to 'newest first' you then see the option to turn it back to 'oldest first' - but you don't need to do that as Cerise says because it's already that way! (I'm confusing myself now but I hope that makes sense! lol)

Basically - it's doing things right now as I see it, but the kudos sorting needs to be turned off and just available as a sort order if the person wants to sort it that way. :)

ETA: Take a look at this for example:


Peter asked the question an hour ago.

(Skip Cerise's reply for a second)

Then Peewee answered 52 mins ago

Then I answered 30 mins ago

Thats the right order for Peewee and me (oldest to newest - the natural flow). Cerise's has got bumped to the top though because she has 2 kudo whereas Peewee and I have none. Cerise's should be between the two of us to keep the natural flow. In other words - 52 mins, 35 mins, 30 mins etc

(Obviously those times and kudos might change depending on when you look, but the principle stands :) )


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Suella - this is not "Oldest to Newest" with "Most to least kudos" as sub-sorting.  It kudos first, then age.  So, yes, it's fine right up until someone with higher kudos posts and throws the whole logic of the comments out.  You and Peewee were only coincidentally shown in the right order.

@ Lexie - thanks for the try.  It's nice to see you are looking at the feedback.  Just a pity that 'inconsistent' is yet another thing wrong with the way Answers is set up at the moment.  Really, you must have seen the volume of people complaining about silly ordering and now it's worse.  Click thread - wait for load - click menu - click newest first - wait for load - click menu - click oldest first - wait for load.  Repeat for every thread ^^.  Nah, uh uh, ain't gonna happen.  See ya when it works.

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