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Membership VS Regular Users? Also Hello World of Second Life!

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So I got paid I seem to like Second Life because it has descent avatars I am a furry but what ever the hell I wanna be as long as it's appropriate and I like the sonic avatars on here as well rofl. So the paid thing my paycheck came in I only got $54 because of 3 days and it was a job training thing to develop work and a resume but as long as I'm in the program I still get paid. So far half of my dreams have been coming true lately because I've accomplished most of my goals but I wanna see how far down the rabbit hole I can go. Now here's my question to you users out there what's better a regular user or a premium member I wish there was a permanent member option like $100 to be a member for the rest of your life or something I mean you earned it so why not? I know membership you get a free house and everything but how far is Second Life and Playstation Home does anyone know the security on that I know I might be redirected to a page but can you IP Ban someone or just ban them from your land if someone sneaks into your house sorry I am also a noob to the forums I never use them because mostly filled with trolls but don't feed the trolls right?

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Shadowfox394 wrote:

So I got paid I seem to like Second Life because it has descent avatars I am a furry but what ever the hell I wanna be as long as it's appropriate and I like the sonic avatars on here as well rofl. So the paid thing my paycheck came in I only got $54 because of 3 days and it was a job training thing to develop work and a resume but as long as I'm in the program I still get paid. So far half of my dreams have been coming true lately because I've accomplished most of my goals but I wanna see how far down the rabbit hole I can go. Now here's my question to you users out there what's better a regular user or a premium member I wish there was a permanent member option like $100 to be a member for the rest of your life or something I mean you earned it so why not? I know membership you get a free house and everything but how far is Second Life and Playstation Home does anyone know the security on that I know I might be redirected to a page but can you IP Ban someone or just ban them from your land if someone sneaks into your house sorry I am also a noob to the forums I never use them because mostly filled with trolls but don't feed the trolls right?


WHAT?   If you had a specific question can you actually break it out for us regular SL Answers Volunteers to give us 1/2 a chance to answer that properly for you?

Looking through your single run on paragraph rant and in no particular order:

a) No there is no lifetime Premium Membership option.

b) You can manage your own parcels security up to and including banning individual avatar accounts.

c) If you just want everyone banned then you do that by allowing only group access to your parcel.

Sorry you feel most of us are trolls :(


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Shadowfox394 wrote:

...Now here's my question to you users out there what's better a regular user or a premium member ...

Premium Membership isn't for everybody.  A Linden House doesn't appeal to me.  The house I have is larger and well furnished as well as being right on a sailing sea.  I have never needed tech support.  Anytime I've had a problem I've been able to figure out how to fix it myself by doing a bit of research.  I already have everything I need or want because I can make it myself or buy it easily enough so premium member gifts don't do anything for me.  I also have a private area to build in so I don't need premium sandboxes

Premium Membership is of course required if you want to own mainland and good for people that want/need the tech support.  It is also good for people that don't mind a small house in a dense neighborhood with a low prim allowance and appreciate the premium gifts because they don't know how to make stuff themselves and don't want to spend much money.

Premium members are no better than basic members.  I've been a basic member since 2006 and have probably paid LL more money in tiers for private islands and fees than most premium members will pay in a lifetime.

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The main reason I have a premium account is I buld and have access to premium only sandboxes that I don't have to worry too much about griefers on. Mainland is cheaper for me as well since I have my land deeded to group so get the 10% boost in meters before the tier goes up. I don't use tech support often but it has come in handy a time or two when dealing with griefers.

Like you said, not for everyone.

As for banning...well, group only, though then you get the ugly ban lines. There are also security orbs you can get that will kick people out of your home wihout having to resort to the ban lines. Just be sure to set your autoreturn to 0 and don't allow object entry from out side the parcel and limit building and scripts to your group and you're safe enough. It's not like anything in SL can really hurt you...it's just pixels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like having Premium membership for multiple reasons.

I actually like the Linden house system. They are communities where no one can put up stores all around you. When I first joined I bought a piece of nice waterfront property, designed it nicely, and then the stores came in. Next was the nightclub, and then another, and another. I ended up having to sell. Then I moved and got another nice property, then expanded to two, and three, and then... yes... the stores sprouted up, nightclubs, the ban lines, and the huge rotating "for sale" signs. I finally just gave up, sold up, and stopped my premium membership in disgust. Now I've got membership back and have a Linden Home.

Sure, the Linden home system is not perfect. The houses are too close together, you cannot simply claim the one you want, and you still run into ban lines - that, despite the ability to lock the houses. But I like having a Linden house, It's a place I can go to be alone or with a friend or two, and I managed to design it nicely enough with prims to spare. Most of my time in SL is spent out and about, not staying at my home looking at it. I did that last time. I won't this time.

If I want a store, or another house for whatever reason, I'll buy it and do whatever I want to do there. I will still keep the Linden home as a fall-back. We all need a safe fallback place. ;)

Everyone is different. Some people need a lot a land, some don't. Some like to explore, others like to build and stay home. I am not a homebody in SL. Perhaps you are. You figure that out, find out what you want and can to do financially, and then go for it.

The thing is, premium membership or not, just enjoy yourself. :)




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One thing that I think needs mentioning ...

I've worked with a fairly large number of Land Owners over the years. In almost every case they have been phenomenally helpful, courteous and professional. But more to the point, they have let me know up front .. and in all their information as well .. what sort of neighbors were going to be moving in.

When I wanted commercial space, I found Land Owners that had Parcels for rent on commercial Sims. When I was looking for a place to hang my home, I found Land Owners that were able to show me residential-only Parcels.

The takeaway lesson? Always express up-front what you intend to do with the land, and find out what the Land Owner intends. When the two of you find mutual agreement, the experience can be much more pleasuable for you both.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

One thing that I think needs mentioning ...

.... the experience can be much more pleasuable for you both.

Thank you for that. I appreciate it. :)

I neglected to mention that my first land experience that I referenced was years ago, starting in 2007 and I divested myself of everything in late 2009 or early 10. Things have changed a lot since then. I should have mentioned that because it doesn't really reflect on current conditions in SL. At least I hope it doesn't. *chuckle*


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