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Tipping etiquette


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I've only recently begun frequenting areas where there are live performances or live customer services.  I want to tip appropriately, but dont have wads of extra Linden either.  I'm wondering if ppl can help me build my understanding of how much is an acceptable or usual tip for ppl such as

store models and greeters

hosts at clubs

hosts at other events

discussion leaders


others - suggest please!


just to mention - i'm  looking for a general range, as I'm firmly of the school of thought that great service deserves a great tip.  I just don't really know what constitutes a great tip in terms of L$.


thanks for all suggestions.

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My opinion may not go over so very well with some folks, but, I have experience in some of these areas, quite a bit of it actually, so I am basing my answers on both experience as a recipient of tips as well as someone who does tip.


Store models and greeters-I never tip models, ever, I don't see what they are doing as a service for me, but rather their employer, and their employer pays them(be it lindens, clothes, whatever have you). Greeters, I have only tipped once since the day I joined. Again, this is a job that the employer typically pays. I have had a store before that required a greeter. I paid my employee and strictly forbid asking customers for tips, because I find it distasteful. This applies for models as well(though I do not make clothes, I have used models before for things). I would never expect customers to tip my models or greeters.

Hosts at club-Totally dependent upon their work, how involved they are, whether they turn themselves into gesturbators, or actually interact with the crowd properly(my opinion of properly=not using lots of gestures-they annoy the crap out of me, or really any at all, NOT using a hud or gestures to do host-ly duties, actually greeting people that come in, not simply talking with friends but engaging the whole crowd, not frequently afk-ing, etc..). I tip no less than $L150, and rarely tip more than $L500, unless someone is doing an amazing job, in which case, I'd tip more-but these kinds of hosts are very hard to come by these days.

Hosts at other events-I have never been to an event with a host that required or even requested tipping, however, it would be dependent upon what they were hosting, why, and if they were a salaried person, imo.

Discussion leaders-never. I have never encoutered discussion leaders that asked for, or even wanted tips. There are some building classes, wherein tips are graciously accepted, but never requested. In those instances, I would tip depending upon what the class was, how well the instructor did the job, if I had to provide my own materials, etc... I would never tip less than $L150

DJ-This is highly dependent upon the performance. I'm a rather critical person when it comes to dj-ing. I have worked online, in sl, and even rl as a dj. I know what it takes to do a good job. That said, I don't always expect people to follow my expectations, because for most folks in sl, it really is just a hobby. Still, I don't reward for folks simply que-ing up tracks and playing them. My pc does a fine job of that, and he just enjoys a nice compliment and a good cleaning now and again. If a Dj is interacting with the crowd, talking in local, NOT talking over the music(I will never tip someone who does this..EVER!!) talking now and then throughout the set-between songs, NOT over them, doesn't use gestures in local(including huds) and doesn't beg for tips constantly....I will gladly tip $L200+. I have been known to tip easily $L1,000 and more for a great performance.

Dancers-In the places I have been that have them, I only tip for a prime perfornance and NO premade responses to folks in the crowd(if it sounds canned, I won't tip you anything, period), no use of gestures, actually interacts with the crowd and makes the performance a pleasant experience. I typically begin the tipping at $50, however I tip multiple times during a performance, and I rarely tip over an amount of $300 total, assuming I am even there long enough for that.

I do not buy into the "tip equally" crap, because frankly, most folks don't work equally, nor are the performances worth equal pay. In the few times I have paid equally, it was because the job performance was actually equal. That rarely happens though.

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I tip what I can. I rarely go to clubs or concerts. I use my alts as models so don't need or want tipping. When I teach a class though, i do put a tip jar out. I'm not getting paid by the hosting site or school. I don't ask for pay. I provide any materials and notes. Tip what you can. When I take classes I try to tip at least 25L, more if I have it or the class in interesting or materials are provided.

When I do go to clubs, did the DJ play my request...and I only request songs that are in theme with a venue. I've DJ'd before and cringe when I'm doing a techno set and someone asks for country or oldie...Oldie I might be able to find a techno version and play that, though. One big no-no that will bring the tip down fast is if the DJ talked over the beginning or ending of the song. The canned gestures and constant "Remember your hostess and DJ" will make me nuts and I'll usually leave...without tipping.

So..it's an it depends thing.

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As for how much to tip: there's no standard percentage or anything even remotely like a standard. Tip what you want.

Who to tip: I'd leave out all four of the categories you suggested with the occasional exception of hosts at clubs. The great majority of the musical events I visit are hosted either by the DJ or by an owner of the venue (and sometimes those are one and the same person). In those cases my tips go to the DJ or the venue itself, since the owner will need all the help she or he can get to cover tier and keep providing me fun places to hear music and meet friends.

I will tip a host too, as long as he or she is doing a good job of it. I just don't see too many shows with hosts not already connected to the show in some other capacity except when I go to see live performances. In those cases I tip the performers, the venue, and maybe the hosts.


ETA the part I'd left out about live performers.

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Well - the important thing is thatyou at least consider it - since so many people do not tip at all. Being someone that owned their own venue and knows the live music 'scene' fairly well - I can at least give you advice on this:

First - usually (not always) the artist performing is paid by the venue to perform. Sometimes they pay for tips. It's not horrible to ask someone (preferrably the host) if they are paying the artist. If they are paying the artist, I usually tip the venue more than I tip the artist. What that amount is - is up to you. I think artists and venues alike know that not everyone can afford to bring money into SL. Gina Stella always tells the story of the 17L tip...that she figured that was all anyone had to give her (since it was such an odd amount) - and she was OK with it. We call it the love tip now :D Not all hosts accept tips (like at Key West) - although if you want to tip them...that's up to you...but if you don't see a tip jar...then that means you are not obliged to tip (they most like earn an hourly wage/salary).For me...someone that DOES bring a great deal of money into SL...I will tip the venue around 100L and the artist, the same. Hosts, depending on if they greet me...if they are chatty, etc. in local...I'll go for around 50L.

Sometimes we have to put our own value on it...venues usually don't make money - because tips to the house don't generally pay for their artists (hence why a lot have shops or other businesses on the land, etc.). So...they appreciate what you are willing to give.

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

Don't tip anybody ever - it's insulting.

If you tip anybody in Iceland in real life they will throw the money back at you!

(That's Iceland the country, not the frozen foods retailer; although I am not sure why you would want to tip anyone in the latter.)

I'd tip Peter André into one of their freezers regardless of his past its sell by date and shelf life.

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