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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Val, it's my bedtime, so over there in France you'll be fast asleep. Just wanted to say that, what seems awful today changes as time goes by.

I, not that long ago, came within hours of losing a son when he was a young adult. The lad's now stuck with a bag on his tum, but he's married with a lovely daughter. Things do get better.

Be strong val. Especially give your mere and pere your love. They need their daughter, believe me.

More HUGE hugs for my amie.

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Hugs to all this morning. The day here is dark and foreboding, I expect the odd zombie to stroll by the window, but what zombie isn't odd?

/peeks around the corner at France and waves to Val<3

This popped into mind, I guess it's how one day more can mean many different things, I will share

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DQ Darwin wrote:

Hugs to all this morning. The day here is dark and foreboding, I expect the odd zombie to stroll by the window, but what zombie isn't odd?

/peeks around the corner at France and waves to Val<3

This popped into mind, I guess it's how one day more can mean many different things, I will share

*sighs* I love that!  I would so love to go see that again.  :)

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Lia Abbot wrote:

I LOVE that show. Seen it twice. The only one to compare is Miss Saigon, which I've seen three times.

Thanks for the good wishes Llllie and Dee. New Jersey here I come!

I've always wanted to see Miss Saigon!  South Pacific as well!  I must say Le Mis, the Phantom of the Opera, and The Man of La Mancha are my top three (of the shows I've seen).  :)

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Oh Lia thank you!   I did that musical when I was in theatre.  Some of my fondest memories are of working on the set with the crew and helping my dear friends who played Don Quixote and Sancho practice their lines.  I had multiple parts in that musical.  I was a dancing gypsy, a prisoner, an inquisitioner, and a prostitute. I so loved the music.  I used to sing the songs to my sister.  I actually have a video somewhere of one of our performances.  It's actually a very beautiful and touching story as well! 

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