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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good Morning all:)

Hugs Lia, Val and Hippie. As one strives to find an answer behind the cause of this senseless act we are faced with the fact that there really isn't one. This warped individual may claim any reason they wish but what I see is someone who is enjoying their 15 mins of fame.

My heart grieves for all the victims and those left to feel their lose.

Did this fool's act rob society of the worlds next great statesman/woman, musician, artist, scientist, inventor, mother or father? We will never know the cost of such acts, but only imagine what could have been.

Such waste and so sad.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I would rather say hello to you here than there.  I am sure you understand.  I was seeking to 'play' with Nina because of her post here yesterday.  Good morning Hippie.  Peace. 

LOL Storm!  Yes.  I understand completely!  HEHE!  Good morning to ya my friend!



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Lia Abbot wrote:

Hey Hippie, I was on your site tonight. I must have missed you but a lovely guy called Chazlo took me up in his spaceship and we danced together in th space station. Cool evening, but I missed you.

Oh you meet Chaz!  Great!  HEHE!  He is my right hand man at the spaceport.  I hope he was a gentleman, and behaved himself!  LOL!  Sorry I missed you.  And oh yeah!  Good morning! 



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Hippie Bowman wrote:

Lia Abbot wrote:

Breakfast? Whoopee!

Hugggggs all!

Good morning Lia!  Sorry I missed you at the spaceport last night!  I hope Chaz was a gentleman, and he behaved himself!  LOL!  Hugs Lia!



He was very sweet, and very friendly and behaved impeccably. Gave me my first spaceship ride and my first space station dance.

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Lia Abbot wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Lia Abbot wrote:

Breakfast? Whoopee!

Hugggggs all!

Good morning Lia!  Sorry I missed you at the spaceport last night!  I hope Chaz was a gentleman, and he behaved himself!  LOL!  Hugs Lia!



He was very sweet, and very friendly and behaved impeccably. Gave me my first spaceship ride and my first space station dance.

Oh good Lia!  Chaz is a very good friend, and my right hand man at the spaceport!  I am glad he gave you the nickel tour!  Far out!



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Good morning all!  I bit of sad news here at the bowman household.  My partner, LadySue Kuhn's brother passed away last night.  She is traveling across the state (Florida) to attend to funeral details.  She is devastated, as she was very close to her brother Steve.  Please, keep us in your thoughts and prayers, as we deal with this.



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