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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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valerie Inshan wrote:

Good morning Hippie, Dee and Lia! /me hugs you. Awwww, awful weather here in Paris today... Feels like we are in November. Set up the fire Hippie, it's f...g cold out here! :smileymad:


Morning Val!  Hippie sends his friend some Florida Sunshine!  Hippie trudges off into the woods in search of firewood for his friend Val!  Hippie returns with firewood, places it in the fire pit, and gets the fire to roar!  There you go Val!  Get comfy by the fire!  Groovy!



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LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Hello to all after  a long time. Just a quick post for now. I will  be back home, so normally again online, arround 15th of September.  Till then have a great time all and enjoy the summer.  Hippie,  Valerie, Lia, Dee and others...  Hugs...

Hi LoveAngel!  Woot!  Thanks for stopping by!  You are welcome anytime ya know!



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Storm Clarence wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Morning Storm!



Hey Hippie, good morning.  I don't post in this thread often, but I do lurk.  I love the 'bomb' that was dropped by Dee.  How interesting the things we learn on the forum.  

HEHE Storm!  My Dad said to me long ago, "Keep your ears, and eyes open, and your mouth shut, and you will be surprised what you learn!"  LOL!  Not sure what Dee meant by TC.  Could it be take care?  I am bad with puzzles, and reading between the lines!  LOL!



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@Hippie nice work TC = Take Care, well to you and I at least. I just looked on the urban dictionary which defines TC as "Trojan Latex condoms" or "topic creator".

It should have been "tc" (non-caps) "take care"

@Storm: I am a little perplexed as to why this would be considered a bomb, other than the fact one tends to related things based on their environment. Do please enlighten me?


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