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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning Everyone!   Feeling a bit under the weather today.  Head cold.  Oh well.  Better days ahead huh?!  I think I will just sit here by the fire today and take it easy!  <sneeze>  Oh pardon me!  Whew and sigh!


Ahhcoo!  Oh pardon me!



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valerie Inshan wrote:

Awww, poor Hippie! /me hugs my friend hoping he'll feel better soon! Was that the baby panda who gave you his cold? See, he's sneezing too... :smileysurprised:

Ahh thank you my friend!  Hugs to you Val (not to close).  Thanks for the video.  It made my day!



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Lia Abbot wrote:

/me makes Hippie a steaming mug of lemonade (with a dash of whiskey)

Get well soon!


Thank you Lia!  Hippie sips, then chugs the lemonade!  Ahh!  That is good!  More?  But hold the lemonade please!  HEHE!







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valerie Inshan wrote:

Good morning everybody! Hugs to ya all! Say, Hippie, are you feeling better today or should I send you the nurse?:matte-motes-evil::smileyvery-happy:






Good morning Val!  Feeling much better today!  Hippie eyes the nurse with the long needle!  Whew  Yes!  I feel great today.  Thank you for taking good care of me!  Hugs!



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Lia Abbot wrote:

Morning Hippie. So glad to hear you're feeling better. There's plenty of hot lemon and whisky left if you need it...

Oh no! Dee's scoffed it all :>)

She did?  Oh Gawd!  I bet she has one hell of a hangover huh?  We will have to see when she gets here.



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