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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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valerie Inshan wrote:

Hello Hippie and Lia! Good morning everybody! Yay, I'm ready for a swim!


Good morning Val!  Hippie helps Val into the boat!  HEHE!  Love the baby duck.  I stole it!  Oh yeah, forgot!  Hippie runs back to the cabin for his swim trunks!  Woot!





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Good morning Dee!  Okay we will take off and collect Wildcat later!  Okay everyone here we go.  Woot!  Hippie casts off the bow line and a stern line, and starts up the motor.  Hippie backs the boat away from the dock, and turns her towards  open water.  Hippie throtles up the the boat.  Hold on!  Away we go.  The boat speeds away, pulling Dee behind, on her parasail!



 Dee in the air.jpeg

The sun peeks over the tree line, as we clear the point.  Heading out to the island for a day of sun and fun!
Life is good no?



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DQ Darwin wrote:

Weeeeeeeeee!! /Dee waves to everyone. OMG just remembered I'm scared of heights "WHAT AM I DOING UP HERE"


Oh oh!  Coming Dee!  Hippie throttles the boat down.  Dee lands with a splash in the water.  Hippie turns the boat around and collects Dee, and her parasail, wet, but unharmed!

parasail landing.jpg

There you do Dee.  Hippie help his friend into the boat, and points to a seat next to Val!  Okay?  Far out!  Hippie throttles boat up and resumes course towards island.



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valerie Inshan wrote:

Hey Dee, hugs! I am on a diet today. Sushis anybody? :smileytongue:


Yum Val!  Hippie drives the boat up on the shore until if grounds.  We are here!  Hippie helps everyone out, and spreads a blanket on the sand!


Hippie sits down and munches on Vals Sushis!   Nom Nom!  So good!



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DQ Darwin wrote:

/Dee searches for pancakes

HEHE!  Oh yeah!  Forgot.  Hippie walks back to boat and grabs the picnic basket.  Hippie spreads out the food on the blanket.  We have left over pancakes, kippers, fried potatoes, and Tabasco!  HEHE!  Makings of a feast!




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Hey Wildcat!  Stay right there!  I am coming for ya!  Woot!  Hey everyone!  Chill for a bit while I go get Wildcat!  Save me some kippers okay?  BRB!  Hippie leaps into boat, starts the motor, and speeds over to the cabin to pick up his friend Wildcat!


Hippie pulls up to dock and waves!  Hey Wildcat!  Hop aboard!  Woot.  Hippie helps Wildcat aboard, turns the boat around and speeds back to the island, and grounds the boat.  Here we are!  Hippie helps Wildcat out of the boat.  Watch your step!  Woot!  Far out!



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