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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning all. The Bowman family is keeping a close watch on hurricane Mathew as it closes in on the Florida east coast. I live on the west coast and I suspect there will be tropical force winds here, but not as much rain as hurricane Hermine brought us. I will keep you up to date! Have a fantastic day all!



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Hippie Bowman wrote:



Good morning all. The Bowman family is keeping a close watch on hurricane Mathew as it closes in on the Florida east coast. I live on the west coast and I suspect there will be tropical force winds here, but not as much rain as hurricane Hermine brought us. I will keep you up to date! Have a fantastic day all!



I'm glad to see you and Ladysue are prepared, Hippie...

Stay safe, Kids!!!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:



Good morning all. The Bowman family is keeping a close watch on hurricane Mathew as it closes in on the Florida east coast. I live on the west coast and I suspect there will be tropical force winds here, but not as much rain as hurricane Hermine brought us. I will keep you up to date! Have a fantastic day all!



I'm glad to see you and Ladysue are prepared, Hippie...

Stay safe, Kids!!!

Thanks Maddy! We did okay. It was very mild where we are on the west coast of Florida. However it does help to have the proper gear, and a flashlight! Happy Friday everyone!



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Hippie Bowman wrote:


Ugh! Monday again already! I just want to sleep! Thank you Jo. We made out well with the hurricane. Just some wind and very little rain! Have a great day all!




Monday can never come too soon. You simply came too late, and I got your acorns...

Happy Peak of the Week, Kids!!!

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